Complete GUIDE to Making Money Taking Online Paid Surveys!
This guide will help you to get started on the path to making $thousands per month taking online paid surveys.
(PRWEB) July 18, 2004
Global marketing is big business - every year companies spend billions of dollars on market research (a. k.a. paid surveys) and advertising. For this reason your opinions are extremely valuable, with companies willing to pay top dollar for your opinions on a wide range of goods and services by offering paid online surveys.
Whether you are male or female, employed or look after the family home, student, grandparent...etc. There are paid surveys available for everyone - after all we are all consumers of one product or another. The only restriction that applies is that you usually to be over 18.
Market research companies are specialists in conducting studies and paid surveys and are commissioned by large corporations to find out consumer opinions on their products and services.
The Process
Market research companies collect personal profile data from people like you and me and then try to match with the profile required for a particular paid online survey, for example women over 40 that use a particular dieting product. When a request is received for a study, and you match the profile, then you are invited to take the survey.
Very often when selecting people for a paid online survey, the first stage is a screening questionnaire which ensures you fit the bill. So please be honest with your profile, you will be found out and may be excluded from future invitations.
After registering with a market research company, and entering your profile data you will either be given a user name and password that you need to use on the paid survey website to check for invitations to take part in paid online surveys, or you will be emailed with invitations.
There are a number of ways in which your participation in paid surveys will be rewarded. Each market research company is slightly different, but typically offer a mixture of:
Cash, either by check or Paypal, Entry into sweepstake for cash and other prizes, Points which can be turned into cash or products and services, Vouchers (e. g. Amazon and phone cards).
The website of the market research company will provide more details, and typically the exact reward is notified to you with the invitation to participate.
The reward value also varies and usually is based upon the duration and type of paid survey. Focus groups pay more than paid online surveys, and the more time spent equals a greater reward. Cash rewards for paid surveys range from about $5 up to as high as $99, and rewards for focus groups range from about $25 up to as much as $250. Sweepstake entries can go as high as $50,000!
What I would point out is that one market research company may invite you to participate in (from my experience) 1-10 paid online surveys per month. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that if you want a large monthly paycheck, you need to register with lots of companies issuing paid surveys. I personally have registered with over 200 companies and receive more invitations than I have time to complete. I set aside about 3 hours per day between school runs, and cherry pick the ones with the biggest rewards.
So how big is my monthly paycheck going to be?
First of all let me start off by telling you that you are not going to become a millionaire overnight! \ This opportunity represents steady, regular income that is influenced by:
How much time you are willing to set aside to complete paid online surveys and participate in focus groups, How many market research companies you are registered with, Your personal profile (paid surveys are directed at people who are likely to have an opinion about a product or service), How lucky you are with sweepstakes.
There are people who have this as their main source of income and regularly get $thousand's per month, and others that supplement their household income by spending a couple of hours week completing paid online surveys.
Quite simply the choice is yours.
Lets do a quick calculation as a way of illustration:
If you register with 10 companies, and each on average sends you 5 invitations per month, for a modest $5 per paid survey. 10 x 5 x $5 = $250 per month.
If each paid online survey takes on average 10 mins to complete - that about 1 days work per month for $250. Not too bad.
If on the other hand you register with 100 companies, and each on average sends you 5 invitations per month, for $5 per paid survey. 100 x 5 x $5 = $2500 per month.
In this case it would be about 3 hours / day throughout the month.
$2500 for 3 hours a day....I think you get the picture.
Create a Question and Answer Sheet
As I started the registration process for paid surveys I found that (not surprisingly) the same questions came up time and time again. In fact I lost count of the number of times I asked my husband "so what's our internet connection speed again?". To save time, I eventually created a question sheet with answers to the popular questions that I could easily refer to. My advice to you is to create a similar question and answer sheet before you start registering for paid online surveys, that covers the following questions:
Household annual income Bank accounts Credit cards Store cards Operating system (e. g. Windows ME) Internet connection speed (e. g. broadband or dial-up 56kbps) Internet service provider Time spent online per week Search engines used
Setup a New Email Address for Paid Online Surveys
Most market research companies contact you via email. I would strongly advise you to setup a separate email address specifically to receive notification of paid surveys. This keeps it separate from your personal mail, but more importantly helps you become disciplined at checking for new paid online surveys because they won't be mixed in with other stuff.
Decide in advance what time you are going to set aside, and produce a timetable for completing the registration process. It can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to complete the registration process for 1 company. So if you set aside 2 hours a day, I would expect that you could register with 60-80 paid surveys market research companies in a week. Keep a detailed record of whom you have registered with so you don't waste time repeating yourself.
Finally, don't let yourself become distracted from registering with new market research companies as you start to receive paid surveys. You may not have yet found all the market research companies that are perfect for you, so keep going!
Prepare a Registration Log
Each market research company will work in a slightly different way. Some will create a user name and password for you; others will allow you to specify one. Some will issue your details during registration; others will email you with the details. In some cases you will need to reply to an email from the market research company before your account is activated and you start receiving paid online surveys.
My advice to you is that you need to keep a log of the process you follow, noting down pertinent information like user names and password, and most importantly how you will be notified of invitations to take part in paid online surveys.
Plan to Register with as Many Paid Survey Companies as Possible
If your aim is to generate a high return in cash and rewards, then sign up with as many or all the companies in the Database at http://Survey-Pay. com (http://Survey-Pay. com).
Use Roboform
You should download the software called Roboform. Its a great form filling tool which integrates into your browser and automates a lot of the form filling by auto completing most of the details you need to enter online - name, address..... It even remembers all the user names and passwords that you end up creating! I can personally testify to how useful it is. Best of all its available for free download, directly from their website, www. roboform. com.
Make a Timetable
And stick to it. As discussed in Page 2, market research companies work in different ways. Using the log created during the registration process you will be able to create a timetable for logging into your accounts to check for availability of paid surveys and paid online surveys, e. g. Monday check companies A, B & C, Tuesday check companies D, E & F etc.
Try to make sure you login at least once a week to those companies that don't notify you by email about paid surveys to make sure you don't miss out - remember all opportunities have an expiry date!
This also goes for email, market research companies tend to send out more invitations to take part in paid online surveys than they actually need. This is because they expect a certain percentage of invitees not to respond. When the company has received enough responses then the paid survey will close and they won't accept any more. So check your email regularly.
Get the Balance Right
As paid online surveys and invitations to focus groups arrive, you will begin to have the luxury of choosing those companies that best suit your individual circumstances. For example you may prefer the reward schemes that offer more sweepstake opportunities, or perhaps those that offer regular, consistent cash rewards.
Over time select the set of companies that enable you to balance your personal time with time spent on paid surveys and focus groups, whilst maintaining a healthy cash flow.
Have Fun and Make Money!
You are providing a very valuable service that will shape products and services in the future. You should be proud of what you are doing whilst having some fun at the same time!
I hope you have found this paid online surveys guide informative and I wish you much SUCCESS!