Autism Concerns Lead Parents to Seek More Information
A free web portal, Health Site Guide (http://www. healthsiteguide. com) provides pre-searched links to information on Autism, as well as today’s latest medical news on the disorder.
Great Neck, N. Y., (PRWEB) June 20, 2006
An increasing number of children are being diagnosed with Autism, a developmental disorder usually found within the first three years of one’s life. Whether the numbers of autistic children are increasing, or people are just becoming more aware of the disorder, it is not certain. Because the causes of Autism are not known, and symptoms may be difficult to recognize or interpret, it is clear that concerned parents should seek knowledge. Now they can find the information they need fast at http://www. healthsiteguide. com (http://www. healthsiteguide. com), a healthcare information portal featuring pre-searched links to healthcare news and concerns.
At Health Site Guide, visitors can access a drop-down menu of “Health Concerns” and simply click on Autism. This will take them to a page listing three healthcare information web sites, all of which have been pre-searched to bring them to the Autism page. By simply clicking one or all of these sites, visitors can read about Autism in great detail.
Should visitors want to access additional information on Autism, they click on the “Healthcare Information Fast,” graphic (also on the home page), and get a list of eight different websites with direct links to medical encyclopedias. Health Site Guide also offers pre-searched links to videos, animations, prescription drug info, and more. With a free membership (Health Site Guide never requires personal information), members can post in forums and receive updated streaming medical news, tailored to their specific health concerns. In short, Health Site Guide is a health information portal where the “searching” has already been done for you.
“The search is over for Internet visitors who use keywords and search engines to access medical information. Our professional staff has done the searching for them, allowing them to access healthcare information faster and easier via the pre-searched links we provide,” says Bob Lipp, president of Health Site Guide, Inc. “We understand that many people who use the web for healthcare information often have a certain degree of anxiety and concern as they seek answers to a situation affecting themselves or a loved one. We hope to get them the information they seek faster by providing direct links to the many healthcare sites included in our portal.”
About Health Site Guide
Www. healthsiteguide. com is owned by Health Site Guide Inc. The site is a portal with pre-searched links that makes it fast and easy to access a broad range of healthcare information and special features, available on today’s healthcare websites. Health Site Guide is not affiliated with any other company.
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