Friday, May 31, 2002

Blogpire Productions Blogs Announce Investment in the Planet's Future with Green Tags

Blogpire Productions Blogs Announce Investment in the Planet's Future with Green Tags

Blogpire Productions, a collection of 14 lifestyle blogs ranging from Really Natural (www. reallynatural. com) to Single Serve Coffee (www. singleservecoffee. com), announces that it will buy enough green tag renewable energy credits to offset the environmental impact from its hosting and computer operations for the coming year.

Arlington, MA (PRWEB) June 20, 2006

Blogpire Productions, a collection of 14 lifestyle blogs ranging from Really Natural (www. reallynatural. com) to Single Serve Coffee (www. singleservecoffee. com), announces that it will buy enough Green Tags, also called renewable energy credits, from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, to offset the environmental impact from its hosting and computer operations for the coming year.

The production of traditional electricity, which relies on the burning of fossil fuels, is cheaper than producing energy from renewable sources, but it doesn't take into account the long-term costs of air pollution and health problems, which result when carbon dioxide and other pollutants are emitted into the air.

Green tags are an investment in the production of renewable energy sources through wind and solar power. Using clean renewable energy reduces emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. By purchasing green tags, Blogpire Productions hopes to lessen our dependence on burning fossil fuels.

"Doing our part to reduce the environmental impact of our computer operations fits with our personal interests and helps us set the tone for how we are going to run our business." says Jay Brewer, founder of Blogpire Productions.

The Blogpire and the people who write for it care deeply about the environment. From the Really Natural blog (www. reallynatural. com), which covers organic foods and household items, to GPS Lodge (www. gpslodge. com), which explores the world with the help of global positioning systems, and Single Serve Coffee (www. singleservecoffee. com), which regularly reviews and supports organic and Fair Trade coffee, the Blogpire's group of bloggers are committed to the environment and reducing their impact on the environment.

"We are all interested in preserving our environment, so running our blogs on renewable energy was the right thing for us to do," says Brewer. "More renewable energy use means less fossil fuel use, less air pollution and a more sustainable future for us and our planet."

About Blogpire Productions:

Blogpire Productions (http://www. blogpire. com (http://www. blogpire. com)) is a set of weblogs that bring an influential audience to brand advertisers focused on product and category niches. Founded in 2004, Blogpire Productions continues to expand each month with new and interesting blogs for readers around the world. Many Blogpire Productions weblogs have been chosen as Yahoo! Pick of the Day, and have been featured in USA Today and FHM Magazine, and on other web sites.

Please visit http://www. blogpire. com/ (http://www. blogpire. com/) for a complete list of Blogpire Productions weblog titles.

About Bonneville Environmental Foundation

The Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF), a non-profit organization, was established in 1998 to restore watershed ecosystems and further the development and use of new renewable energy resources. Through revenues generated from the sale of green power products, BEF funds projects that restore damaged watersheds and support new renewable energy projects from solar, wind and biomass. BEF pioneered the sale of Green Tags in 2000 and has helped establish national standards for their certification and trading. More information is available at www. b-e-f. org.

©2004-2006 Blogpire Productions, Single Serve Coffee. com, Kitchen Contraptions. com, Just The Chips. com, TV Snob. com, What's All The Racquet. com, Shaving Stuff. com, Fast Food Fever!, GPS Lodge. com, ShirtSnob. com, The Cooking News. com, Liquor Snob. com, Really Natural. com, CheapFunWines. com and CriticalGamers. com are trademarks of Blogpire, Inc. and the respective publishers. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
