Perfect the Art Of the Power Nap: Cymatic Audio Offers Helping Hand to Sleepless 'I-somniacs'
Safe drug-free improved rest with MP3 download.
UK (PRWEB) April 4, 2006
With the ever accelerating speed of modern life it can sometimes seem that the only thing outside of easy reach is rest. The pressures of the daytime can have devastating effects upon quality of life. The brain is like a gearbox, driven too hard it will burn out. This is the risk for the information driven 'I-somniac', lifes' constant stimulations can end up causing overload.
Those who get the most out of life are often the ones who take time out. Edison, Einstein and Churchill were all enthusiasts of the 'power nap'. In other words they were all able to 'change gear'. Modern research shows that the states of mind associated with short periods of sleep are crucial to learning, memory and creativity.
Cruelly, the individuals with the greatest need to 'change gear' are often the ones least able to do so at will. Their sleep is unsatisfying, their daytimes similar. An inability to switch off can be exhausting. The cost of exhaustion can be devastating. States of high alert cause stress hormones (adrenaline and it's lesser known cousin cortisol) to flood the bloodstream. Although useful in the short term for emergencies these chemicals rob the body of the vital resources it needs for proper function.
So how to break the vicious cycle of restlessness? Everybody can learn the 'tricks' of getting good quality rest, however frustrating attempts may seem.
The 'Rest Booster' MP3 file available now from (http://www. cymaticaudio. com/ (http://www. cymaticaudio. com/)) for $10 is a harmonious marriage of established scientific knowledge and up to the minute digital manipulation and delivery methods. It has been designed to safely and gently guide the user towards enhanced levels of relaxation with wide ranging and long lasting benefits.
Just as more alert states cause the release of chemicals so do more relaxed ones. The chemicals associated with relaxed states of mind are, as one would expect, much more beneficial to health. Over time it is possible to learn the techniques of 'changing gear' as naturally as breathing.
Using state of the art digital manipulation and delivery methods, the 'Rest Booster' http://www. cymaticaudio. com/download. htm (http://www. cymaticaudio. com/download. htm) MP3 file has been painstakingly designed over an extended period. Company Founder Andrew Johnson-Green: "Like millions I suffered from poor quality rest for years. With my training as a sound engineer I took it upon myself to design programs which may alleviate these problems."
Over a period of 20 minutes, using proven psychoacoustic principles, the user is guided into a state of deep relaxation and brought gently back. Not intended as a replacement for sleep, the 'rest booster' has consistently shown benefits to subsequent sleep time as well as to daytime performance. "I was amazed by the results I achieved for myself and realized that with today’s broadband and MP3 technologies it was possible to help a great number of people achieve better rest and so ultimately more productive lives".
Unlike many relaxation materials on the market cymatic audio products do not aim to influence the user through suggestion. There are no voices, which although well intentioned can often be off putting, nor are there sounds which intend to inspire calm through association. Rather than these the MP3 file is designed to resonate pleasing and soothing frequencies in a precise yet constantly shifting manner. See our our download page for a 30 second sample.
About Cymatic Audio
Cymatic Audio is an emergent UK company currently launching after a sustained period of product research and development. The company founder is an experienced sound engineer. Further product launches are planned for the coming months.