Dr. Asa Andrew Focuses on 'Matters of the Heart' this February
America's Health Coach(R) On a Mission to Empower Americans to Take Responsibility for Their Health During American Heart Month
Nashville, Tenn. (PRWEB) February 7, 2008
Celebrating American Heart Month this February, America's Health Coach® Dr. Asa Andrew, a board certified physician, author of Empowering Your Health and founder of The Center for Natural Medicine, is urging all to take control of their hearts' well being. With cardiovascular diseases being the #1 killer of Americans, Dr. Asa is offering essential tips to protect the sensitive ventricle.
While focusing on romantic matters of the heart this month, kick start your cardiac health with Dr. Asa's surefire advice:
Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet, a specialized meal plan designed by Dr. Asa to return the body to a healthy path. A four week diet, this regimen helps to reduce insulin, eliminate toxins and food allergies, regulate body composition, reduce body fat, increase energy and reset body chemistry and function. Eat the "Heart Super Foods," a collection of fruits and vegetables ranging from broccoli to ginger. Jump on a mini-trampoline for 5-20 minutes per day. Take the "Heart Wonder Pill", a powerful combination of Potassium, L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. Eat eggs every day! Despite the egg's controversial reputation, organic variations offer supreme nutrients needed to maintain proper heart function. Eat more fat! Omega 3s prevent irregular heart beats, reduce plaque build-up in the artery walls, and decrease the risk of blood clots. Fast 1 day per week to give your digestion a rest. Get Moving! Physical activity 20-30 minutes 5-6 days a week is essential to overall health, not just your heart.
There is one catch: One must take responsibility for their own health and dedicate themselves to doing what it takes to get well and live fully. Dr. Asa understands the ease of pill shopping, but strongly urges patients to examine how they nourish the body and make changes according to locating key nutritional deficiencies through extensive diagnostic testing. He is a physician, a Health Coach and a guru in empowering extraordinary health and is determined to convince the American public it is time to thrive.
Empowering Your Health ($22.99, ISBN:1401603726) is available wherever fine books are sold.
Dr. Asa Andrew is a board-certified physician who has founded The Center for Natural Medicine, a renowned wellness clinic located in Nashville, TN, designed to empower extraordinary health. Recognized as America's Health Coach, he speaks at live conferences and events around the world and is the host of "Dr. Asa -- ON CALL," a nationally syndicated radio talk show dedicated to transforming people's health, one caller at a time.
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