New book on the truth about chiropractic
Chiropractic the Greatest Hoax of the Century
(PRWEB) December 21, 2002
Chiropractic the Greatest Hoax of the Century
By Ludmil Adam Chotkowski, MD
Published by New England Novelty Books
ISBN # 0-9657855-1-3
197 pages
I am announcing the release of my new book titled "Chiropractic the Greatest Hoax of the Century?", with a question mark, which questions as false the theory on which chiropractic is based, namely that a "subluxation" of a spinal vertebra presses on a nerve interfering with the passage of energy down that nerve causing disease to organs supplied by that nerve, and that chiropractic "adjustments" can alleviate the pressure thereby treating or preventing such disease. The book clearly documents that there is no scientific evidence for the validity of this theory.
The reasons I decided to write this book, the only one of it's kind written from the scientific point of view of a medical doctor, are many.
First, during my long years of scientific medical education at Trinity College, Yale Medical School, Hartford Hospital, followed by a lifetime of attending the sick and the dying in Kensington.
I recognized the miraculous advances made by scientific allopathic medicine in preventing and treating disease, advances greater than ever before made in the history of mankind.
In comparison and in stark contrast, as the book states, chiropractic has produced none, and still holds to it's century-old, outmoded., unproven theory of spinal manipulative "adjustments" of a mythical "vertebral subluxations."
Second, the American Medical Association and organized medicine have been muted in any opposition to chiropractic by the ruling of judge Susan Getzendanner in Wilk vs AMA who decided that, on the basis that chiropractic was a licensed practice, the AMA was involved in a restriction of trade and in violation of anti-trust laws. As described in detail in the book, this decision, by and large, left only individual doctors life myself, from the boondocks of Kensington, to inform the public of our concerns.
Third, and the final straw, I saw an info-mercial on TV in which a chiropractor was twisting a newborn infant's neck saying, "as the twig is bent so grows the tree". He then went on to warn that all infants must have prompt neck adjustments regularly so as to prevent SID syndrome. This in my view was clearly a form of child abuse, - and a hoax.
The book has much documented corroboration in the form Consumer Reports, the opinions of 27 medical college deans and the 16 chiropractic college presidents, and people of science like Dr. C Everett Koop former Surgeon General, former editor of the Journal of the AMA Dr. George Lundberg, and many others.
In the book I describe my visit to New York Chiropractic College and several cases of chiropractic mismanagement, including the case of a young women lying paralyzed in the Hospital of Special Care who suffered a stroke from a chiropractic manipulation of her neck. The college visit was described in our Connecticut Medical Journal of the Conn. State Medical Society.--(Any book sales profits will be donated to the National Council Against Health Care Fraud.)
Author: Ludmil Adam Chotkowski, MD FACP is a native of Kensington, attended public schools as valedictorian of his class, a graduate of Trinity College, Yale Medical School, Hartford Hospital, Board Certified Internist and Fellow of the American College of Physicians., author of 5 books, the medical column "What's New in Medicine", 16 scientific articles, three appearing in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine and 2 in the Journal of the AMA, author of advances in medicine for the current edition of Encyclopedia Americana, former Health Director, School Physician, Medical Examiner, and private practitioner in the town of Berlin, former Chief of Medicine Rocky Hill Veterans Home and Hospital, and Medical Director Connecticut Valley Hospital, and now a retired physician.
For author interviews or review copies, please contact:
Ludmil Adam Chotkowski, MD
DrChot@aol. com
For orders contact the publisher at:
New England Novelty Books, 1143 Chamberlain Highway, Kensington, CT 06037. ISBN # 0-9657855-1-3, 197 pages, $14.95. To order call: 860-828-5016
The book is also available from: Amazon, B&N, Ingram, and Baker & Taylor