Never has there been a greater need to increase professional and public awareness of hypnosis as an adjunct to healthcare.
Internationally known hypnosis expert Ron Eslinger announces August and September speaking engagements and Seminars.
(PRWEB) August 5, 2005
Hypnosis is nothing new, but it is still grossly misunderstood as an adjunct therapy to the majority of health care providers. However, providers educated in hypnosis and the power of suggestion realize its real value and nature in the healing arts.
Michael R. ÂRon Eslinger, CRNA, MA, BCH, CI has made it his mission to encourage and promote excellence in the use of hypnosis and other complementary medicine by qualified individuals, advance scientific research, education and standards of practice in hypnosis and to advise others about the value, application and ethical use of complementary therapies. To this end Mr. Eslinger spends a great deal of his time speaking before professional medical associations, trade organizations and conducting research and seminars in his own Education Center at the Healthy Visions Wellness Center of Oak Ridge, TN, USA.
This August and September of 2005 promise to be a very busy time for Mr. Eslinger. On August 6th, he will be speaking to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Annual Conference at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. His topic there will be Wellness for Managers - Avoiding Burn Out. His portion of the program there has been approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists for 3 Continuing Education Credits. More information regarding this conference can be found at Mr. EslingerÂs website www. eslinger. net or at the AANA website - www. aana. com.
On August 10th  11th the National Guild of Hypnotists Annual Conference will feature Mr. Eslinger at it's National in Marlboro, MA August 10-11th at their 2005 annual conference. The topic of his seminar there will be HypnoAnesthesia for Pain Management, an alternative non-pharmacological method for pain management that has stepped to the forefront of the treatment of acute and chronic pain management. More information regarding this conference can be found at Mr. EslingerÂs website www. eslinger. net or at the National Guild of Hypnotists website - www. ngh. net
September 11th through the 17th Mr. Eslinger will be conducting Hypnosis Certification Training at the Education Center of the Healthy Visions Wellness Center in Oak Ridge, TN. This 100 hours of training not only provides certification through the National Guild of Hypnotists but is unique in that is the only course of its kind that targets health care workers yet is open to any one who wants to help people help themselves. Topics of the seminar will include, among others medical, dental, childbirth and children's hypnosis. More information regarding this seminar can be found at Mr. EslingerÂs website www. eslinger. net.
Michael R. ÂRon Eslinger, Captain, U. S. Navy, Retired is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Advanced Practice Nurse, Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. He has served as Chief Nurse Anesthetist, Assistant Department Head for Administration Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Portsmouth, VA. He is also Past President, Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists. He was Director, Patient Services and Senior Nurse Executive Naval Hospital Beaufort, Beaufort, SC. In June of 2004 he opened Healthy Visions Wellness Center, 800 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Suite A-208, Oak Ridge, TN
Captain Eslinger has been featured in publications such as Advance Newsmagazines' "Advance For Nurses". Mary Vieten, a Psychologist and former student says "Thank you for your kindness and attention in addition to a successful experience with HypnoBirthing." S. St. John, a Certified Hypnotist says "excellent job in relaying a lot of information. It was very fast paced and well organized. I recommend this to anyone who thinks they want to accept clients with pain."
For more information regarding hypnosis as an adjunct therapy, Ron Eslinger can be reached at The Healthy Visions Wellness Center, 800 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Suite A-208 in Oak Ridge, TN. Call 865-220-0777 or go online to http://www. eslinger. net (http://www. eslinger. net) for more information.