Author Linda Eve Diamond Receives Two Awards from the International Listening Association
Author Linda Eve Diamond, of Dania, Florida, was honored with two awards by the International Listening Association (ILA) at the organization's recent convention in Portland, Maine: The President's Award and the Listening in the Business Sector Award.
Cupertino, CA, (PRWEB) April 7, 2008
At a recent convention of the International Listening Association (ILA), the organization awarded both The President's Award and the Listening in the Business Sector Award to author and former Executive Board member, Linda Eve Diamond.
The President's Award was presented by outgoing president, Dr. Margarete Imhof of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Diamond received the award for her creative and successful efforts to bring knowledge and understanding of listening to a larger audience and fulfillment of her role as newsletter editor with "uncommon distinction and professionalism." Imhof reiterated her support and appreciation of Diamond's latest book, Rule #1: Stop Talking! A Guide to Listening (Listeners Press, 2007), a fun, general-interest self-help book about listening. She referred to the book as "an excellent example of how academic knowledge can be re-packaged for the general interest without being thinned out or oversimplified."
Diamond received the Listening in the Business Sector Award for her numerous efforts to further listening awareness. Three of her business books stress the importance of listening as essential for motivation and team building and her latest book, Rule #1: Stop Talking, is devoted entirely to listening. The association also expressed appreciation for Diamond's creation of a strong online presence dedicated to listening at Listeners Unite (http://www. listenersunite. com/targetpage. html). The website offers an extensive collection of listening quotes, thoughts on the importance of listening for peace, and a blog, "Have You Heard?"
Although the award was specific to listening in business, presenter Jerry Catt-Oliason, communication professor from Boise State University, wove in the contribution Diamond makes with her poetry. He feels strongly about the importance of poetic discourse and discussed her poetry and her collection, The Human Experience, with high regard.
The International Listening Association (ILA) is a professional organization with members representing 15 countries and 49 US states. Since its formation in 1979, ILA has promoted the study, development and teaching of effective listening in all settings. Members are dedicated to learning more about the impact that listening has on all human activity, and the diverse membership includes educators, business people from a wide variety of industries, health care practitioners, human resources professionals, training and development specialists, mediators, musicians, audiologists, artists, and more--anyone who is interested in listening. For more on the ILA, visit Listen. org (http://www. targeturl. com/targetpage. html).
For more about Linda Eve Diamond and her latest book, Rule #1: Stop Talking! visit LindaEveDiamond. com (http://LindaEveDiamond. com/targetpage. html)
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