2010 Predictions: The Year 2012 is Already Here
New Connexion Journal declares 2010 the year of conscious awareness. If you’ve been waiting for 2012, you’ll be happy to know it arrives two years early. Find out what’s coming in 2010 based on astrology, numerology and tarot.
Portland, Ore. (PRWEB) January 10, 2010
2010 is the year of conscious awareness, according to New Connexion, an alternative health and wellness journal based in the Pacific Northwest. The publication’s annual prediction issue reveals what’s coming in 2010 based on astrology, numerology and tarot predictions.
“Astrologers have been privately talking about 2010 at astrology conferences for several years, and now it’s time to bring our secrets into the world,” says astrologer Mark Dodich in the January/February issue of New Connexion. “If you have been impatiently waiting for 2012, then you will be happy to know that it is arriving two years early.”
The phrase “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” does not apply in 2010, according to Dodich. Be willing to release old beliefs and behaviors, and trust that everything is connected. The planetary energies of 2012 look calm compared to this coming summer. Do intense transformation work now in 2010 so that you are prepared to peacefully meditate on creating a new reality by 2012.
Based on numerology, the number for the universal year 2010 is 3 (2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 3). The universal 3 year places emphasis on creativity, entertainment, communications, extravagance, carelessness and overdoing.
“On the personal level, 3 emphasizes the full range of human feelings and emotions, from the highest of cosmic connection to the lowest levels of fear, abuse and despair,” says numerologist Lynn Buess.
Tarot reader Shon Clark laid out a simple three-card tarot spread, asking “What will 2010 bring us and how can we make the best of the year to come?” The deck answered with cards for the Ace of Disks, the Lovers and the Hermit, foretelling that the coming year is full of quick and profound changes.
“We will have incredible opportunities for growth because our inner and outer selves are coming into alignment with one another,” says Clark. “We must focus our attention inward and listen to our deep truth, taking time to process these changes. This is the key to our success.”
Read the full 2010 predictions article at www. newconnexionjournal. com.
New Connexion, the largest conscious living publication in the Pacific Northwest, covers alternative health, sustainable living and wellness in its bimonthly journal and TV talk show. Visit www. newconnexionjournal. com. Contact editor Vicky Thompson at 503-697-8916 or vicky(at)newconnexionjournal(dot)com.
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