It's Hard to Feel Sexy When You are Constantly Tired and Look Like a Potato
Dr. C. W. Randolph, author of From Belly Fat to Belly Flat, says there is a way to get your sexual desire back. Hormones play a big part in sexual activity as we age.
Jacksonville Beach, FL (PRWEB) February 13, 2008
Valentine's Day is this week. Love, romance and possibly a little more rambunctious activity should be in store for most couples. But, unfortunately, too often women as young as their early 30's and men in their early 40's are finding they rarely have the energy for spontaneous, joyful sex, says Dr. C. W. Randolph, author of the best selling books, From Hormone Hell to Hormone Well and From Belly Fat to Belly Flat.
" Even worse, they report little sexual desire and tell me they'd rather have an extra hour sleep." says Randolph. If you can identify, you are not alone. According to the Masters and Johnson Institute, at least a third of American couples of all ages experience lack of sexual desire.
"I think the world would be a better place if more people, who are blessed to be in relationships with someone they care about and trust, would have sex more often," says Randolph. "This is not just my personal opinion. Scientific evidence is accumulating to support what many have suspected all along: good sex not only adds great enjoyment to our lives, but it also actually improves our health and may even contribute to our longevity." In his book Sexual Healing, Dr. Paul Pearsall writes "When we experience intimate, mutually caring sexual intimacy, we may experience a measurable change in neuron-chemicals and hormones that pour through the body and help promote health and healing."
"My guess is that you probably agree with the idea that "more sex is a good thing" but how to translate that idea into your everyday reality may seem daunting," says Dr. Randolph, "In writing our latest book, From Belly Fat to Belly Flat, with my wife, Genie James, we had the opportunity to talk to many women and men about their sex drive, or lack of. One woman told us "It is just plain hard to feel sexy and 'in the mood' when you are bone tired and, when you look in the mirror, you think you look like a potato."
People with low sex drives may be suffering from hypo-active sexual desire disorder, more commonly referred to in lay language as "low libido". It is important for you to understand that if you are a woman over 30 or a man over 40 and you have a low libido, your problems with arousal and desire could stem from an underlying hormonal imbalance that occurs with age. The medical term for this specific type of hormone imbalance is estrogen dominance. The good news is that estrogen dominance can be treated safely and naturally.
For many women and men, bio-identical progesterone cream is a fundamental first step in treating low, or hypo-active, sexual desire and response. Women using it typically report enhanced sexual function including increased vaginal lubrication and improved clitoral response. Men report improved feelings of desire and "readiness."
When writing, From Belly Fat to Belly Flat, Dr. Randolph and Ms. James were delighted at how quickly women and men on their 3-Step Belly Flat Program. who were starting to drop those extra pounds around their middle also reported a coincident surge of libido. "I feel better, I look better and I have energy left over at the end of the day so it is easier to get in the mood" and "I just feel sexier now that I can see my toes again" were typical of the many comments they heard, usually within the first few weeks.
With life expectancy extending well into the eighties, shouldn't sexual desire and pleasure be just as potent and enjoyable for the young-at-heart as it is for the young-in-years? With a little hormone help, now it can be.
For more information, go to www. hormonewell. com.