Saturday, April 3, 2004

New One-Of-A-Kind Esoteric / Metaphysical Convention Takes You to the "Other Side"

New One-Of-A-Kind Esoteric / Metaphysical Convention Takes You to the "Other Side"

The Esoteric/Metaphysical Convention, coordinated by the Higher Consciousness Society is being held on November 19th and 20th at the Venetian Hotel, Casanova meeting rooms 601 – 603. This event serves as the alternative to the “Unconventional Convention”, originally scheduled for November 18th through the 22nd at the Sands Expo, but later cancelled.

Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) November 18, 2004

The Esoteric/Metaphysical Convention, coordinated by the Higher Consciousness Society is being held on November 19th and 20th at the Venetian Hotel, Casanova meeting rooms 601 – 603. This event serves as the alternative to the “Unconventional Convention”, originally scheduled for November 18th through the 22nd at the Sands Expo, but later cancelled. “We were all very disappointed that the EWN convention failed to happen, but we decided to forge ahead anyway and create a similar event that would still have some of the same important elements found in the original.” said Darrell Johnson, HCS coordinator for the new convention. The new Esoteric/Metaphysical Convention will be a scaled-down version of the original, but will feature many of the same unusual and mystical topics that cover spirituality and paranormal activity such as the psychic phenomena, the laws of manifestation, meditation, deep trance communications, spirit interaction, clairvoyance, alternative health, ghosts, UFOs, Reiki, hypnosis, spiritual rites of passage, quantum healing, and Nostradamus and prophecy.

Headlining this event is acclaimed international speaker and author of the best selling book Confessions of a God Seeker: A Journey to Higher Consciousness, Ford Johnson. A Harvard Law School graduate, businessman, spiritual teacher and student, Johnson has appeared before audiences of thousands in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Africa speaking on a wide range of spiritual topic. Founder and President of the Higher Consciousness Society, he will speak on the topic: The New Spiritual Paradigm that has revolutionized religious and spiritual thought by demonstrating that each person is a spark of God and needs no intercessor to reach, experience and communicate with ALL THAT IS (GOD).

Also headlining this event are:

Steven Sadleir - Director of the Self Awareness Institute who will speak to all who are called to complete their awakening and to help awaken the consciousness of the planet. He will be conducting a free advanced meditation. Mr. Sadleir has trained thousands all over the world and is author of several books including: Looking for God, A SeekerÂ’s Guide to Religious and Spiritual Groups of the world and is co-author with Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer of Wake Up and Live the Light You Want to Live (Dec Â’04)

Mick and Sylvie Avery will conduct a Deep Trance Seminar on Spirit Interaction entitled 'Conversation with Spirit.' If you have questions you want to ask the spirit world, then this is the time. Spirit entity Gregory Haye, will speak through the body of international deep trance medium Mick Avery in this one-hour interactive seminar. He will answer questions about life, the universe, and what awaits us and our loved ones in the spirit world beyond physical death. This will be a unique experience to remember for the rest of your life.

Rebecca Jernigan - Radio Talk Show Host/Clairvoyant and author will discuss topics on: the Metaphysical, Alternative Health, the Paranormal, UFOs, Intuitive Investigations & Discoveries. Discovering her psychic ability when she was 4, Rebecca focused on her natural abilities to become a professional reader in 1988 and is certified as a Professional Psychic. She is also a Reiki Master Teacher in 5 disciplines of Reiki. She will conduct a unique workshop on Spirit Guides and demonstrate how to contact and communicate with them.

Charles Teague - The Missouri Mystery Mound Search for an Ancient Hall of Records. What first piqued his interest was the interview with an Indian shaman and mystic who was on a life quest to find and explore ancient sites in North America. His goal was to map these ancient sites and use this knowledge to protect them and also to achieve a higher level of spiritual awareness. Fascinated by this information, Teague began his search that has covered many years. Hear him as he describes the many fascinating findings that he uncovered.

Gary Hawkins - Ph. D., Doctor of Divinity, and professional ghost hunter – Have you ever wondered how a paranormal investigation is conducted? Have you wanted to conduct your own paranormal investigation? Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Have you ever wondered what you can do about the experience? Gary will explain how to find out just who or what is causing your haunting.

Robert Bartlett - Practical Alchemist: Alchemy is an ancient Art and Science, commonly known for turning lead into gold. The true allegorical meaning of this term is the perfection of the seeker in turning the lead of his unperfected self into the gold of the enlightened being. This is accomplished on many levels, including the physical.

Kewpie Sprott – Hear the fascinating discussion and depiction of Hypnosis behind bars. Learn about sessions conducted with murderers and other inmates in a woman’s prison. Amazing and wonderful things have happened in conjunction with their chosen spiritual connection from "the other side". It is almost magic. One of the objectives of her talk will be to tell how eager the light beings/helpers are to help.

Hermann Müller– Born in India, Mueller conducts seminar on Rites of Passage in which he teaches participants to listen to the message of soul that waits patiently for you to take notice. Participate in Quantum Healing of the past, present and future. Our parents gave us the Right of Passage into this life. Send them Love and Light healing.

Homey3 - Nostradamus: What is Prophecy all About? Did Nostradamus write about the World Trade Center attack on 9/11/01?…or the J. F.K. Jr. plane crash? Our Lady of Fatima…Why hasn’t the church revealed all information of the THIRD SECRET? Hopi Indian Prophecy…“Cobwebs and Teepee in the sky”? Bible Code…Is it real? Those and many other prophecies will be discuss in this most fascinating presentation by author “Homey 3” (Prophecy With a Divine Answer!!! A Message From God to the World of Mankind) and associate and well-known prophecy expert, Victor Baines.

Victor Baines – Victor Baines, is the author of three books, most notably, Remember The Future (The Prophecies of Nostradamus), published by Holographic Books. He also the Director of The Nostradamus Society of America, a web based historical society (founded in 1996) dedicated to preserving the works and memory of Michel Nostradamus. As a “media savvy” Nostradamus expert, Victor has appeared on radio, television news, cable documentaries, and in many newspaper and magazine articles including: The History Channel (International and domestic), The Discovery Channel, The Today Show (Sydney, Australia), Fox 40, Sacramento, Fox 13, LA, WGN Radio, Chicago, BBC World Service Radio, London, BBC Radio 4, London, KFBJ, Christchurch, NZ, USA TODAY, CBS Market Place, Gendi Weekly Magazine, Tokyo
