Author, Bodybuilder Paul Burke Says 'Burke’s Law' Gives The Tools to Solve Many Human Biological Aging Markers
There are diseases such as Syndrome X and others that all have the same culprits; Our Western refined food; our modern-day stressors, our lack of real exercise, and our poor lifestyle choices.
Marlboro, NJ (PRWEB) September 20, 2006
Weight Training and Nutrition Expert Paul Burke says that his new critically acclaimed book, "Burke’s Law," A New Fitness Paradigm for the Mature Male, has solutions for everything from so called, Syndrome X to Male Menopause (known as Andropause). To hear Burke speak about these not often spoken about problems, you would think that he had found "The Fountain of Youth."
Burke, who lives with Multiple Sclerosis, insists that it was getting his disease that made him dig deep into the books and into his medical intuition in order to understand just what a "dis-ease" is. "I had been eating and training for bodybuilding all of my life," the heavily muscled Burke begins, "but, it wasn’t until I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1995 that I had a real need to know all there was to know about the magnificent human body."
Burke, now approaching 51, with the body of a 35 year old bodybuilder and a face looking a decade younger than his chronological years, started drawing pictures of human hormonal communication, neurotransmitters and chemicals of the brain and every system known to man so that he could visulaize, in his own way, what happens in the body during exercise, stress, poor eating and all kinds of other motions and encounters. He began to think about what scientists and doctors didn’t know, as he looked at his MRI’s, that showed two ominous lesions just below his brain-stem at C-2 and C-4.
"I went back to school and got my Master’s degree and started my PhD," Burke says, "and as I began to understand my own MS, I realized that nearly every chronic disease was like a culmination of a person’s life story. Assuming you haven’t been poisoned by a chemical or a metal, then chances are, you can either contain something and live with it, or stop it dead in its tracks," Burke says confidently.
"I don’t eat the way I do and train with weights as hard as I do just because I want to look good," Burke says with a smile on his face, "I do it to keep my limbs moving also."
According to Neurologists and MS doctors, Burke should have lost the use of his arms and legs long ago, but his relentless pursuit of answers and his drive to train and the discipline to eat a certain way keeps him moving.
"I wrote 'Burke’s Law,' not just for the 'Mature Male' as the sub-title would have one believe," Burke says. "I also wrote it because of what I have learned about what can keep you healthy and what can make you sick. For instance, the idea that if you train as hard, heavy and as fast as you can, in the shortest amount of time--to failure (one of the premier tenants of 'Burke’s Law'); "this actually came to me as I was exploring ways that I could workout with MS and still have my Central Nervous System (and sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems) recover, so that I could work out again. If I worked out before those nervous systems recovered, then I got sicker. On the other hand, if I didn’t do any weight training; my legs got so weak it felt as if I would be in a wheel chair in a matter of days."
With these initial ideas in mind, Burke began to help others with diseases. "I have an insight into diseases that very few doctors have, especially those that I can track down as being a person’s HIS-STORY," Burke says with confidence. "You see," Burke continues, "there are only so many systems that can fail and they are pretty much all related to each other—so the idea is to hear a person’s life story; then watch them, ask them what they eat and what they do with their body.”
"I can usually," Burke says while looking at a group of children playing outside the window, "find out where the person began their path to 'DIS-EASE' in his or her life. Nine times out of ten, the right diet and the right exercise program will get them back to living a manageable life."
"With the empirical and experiential knowledge that I have gained, I have a real understanding of what goes on in a man’s body, and more importantly, why things may go wrong," he said.
"Let us," Burke says with a gleam in his eye, "take this newly coined problem bothering a lot of people in our country, "Syndrome X. This is another name for insulin resistance," Burke claims.
"The second half of my book is devoted to the hormonal communications of the body and what causes the aging process," Burke reports. "Almost anything that has to do with aging (and hormonal communication) can be controlled by the food that we eat."
"For instance, 90% of all of the free-radicals that we will make in our lifetime will be made digesting food. Now, food is penetrated into cells with two chemicals; Cyclic AMP and Insulin. Without insulin and the correct amount of it, ones’ nutrients will not penetrate into the cells."
"This Syndrome X is a result of a person who has eaten too many refined foods, too often. Their cells have become 'insulin resistant.' When you are young; your cells are like a Jelly-fish—they are easily penetrable. As you age, or eat more refined food, more insulin comes out and the cells get harder, you begin to have visible signs of aging and internal signs of aging. At some point if the cells become so hard that they are non-penetrable, then you have a big problem on your hands and this is what they are calling Syndrome X. You are rapidly aging if this occurs; however, the right diet and the right exercise program gets you back to health. You may never be cured, but you will be able to have your life back."
"For the purposes of understanding this better, Let us take a quick look back into our history as a species. The human body stopped organically evolving about 40,000 years ago. Carbon testing and nearly every Paleonutritionologist and anthropologist confirms this. Now, at that time, our ancestors were eating maybe once a day, if they were lucky. The reason this is important to understand is that our pancreas evolved as a storage organ. In other words; when we eat carbohydrates, our pancreas secrets insulin to store macro and micro-nutrients in cells—and regulate blood glucose levels. When we eat protein, the pancreas secretes glucagon and through this process, both glucose is stored in the muscles and in the liver (in the form of glycogen) and amino acids (broken down protein molecules) are stored in all tissues, bones and hair. It is important to note that since the advent of plant and animal domestication, some 10,000 years ago, food was more readily available and people started eating twice and eventually three times a day (if they could). Remember, the pancreas stopped evolving in the 'Hunter-gatherer' stage of our evolution, when eating one meal a day was normal; and, a great amount of physical athleticism was necessary to hunt down game and to gather up roots, fruits, nuts and berries."
"Let us fast forward to the advent of the Grist Mill; which led to total pulverization of grains; then, fast-forward some more to modern day food processing (actually not food at all!). Now, add the enormous amount of sugar that a person eats in a day in this country and we find the pancreas caught in a vicious cycle of driving blood glucose down—then more refined food is taken in, more insulin is secreted, then you feel tired, so you reach for carbohydrates and the cycle picks up pace. The more this happens, the more insulin is pushed into your blood. The more insulin secreted, the harder the cells get. The harder the cells get, the more the hypothalamus reads the signal to send out more insulin. As years of this go on, and little exercise to curtail the problem, in an all out desperate way to hold blood-glucose down, the hypothalamus reads the feed-back-loop-message and tells the adrenal glands to hammer blood glucose into cells with cortisol. This begins to change sleeping patterns and before long, this person is diagnosed with Syndrome X; or, 'insulin resistance;' The cells can no longer accept the insulin, and the important nutrients that this storage hormone was designed to put into the cells. This person is aging and in trouble unless they change their ways quickly."
"There is still a prescription to remedy this, but it takes will-power and discipline, not drugs (Unless you need insulin)."
"Now, there is another way that we age and that is through a miscommunication of hormones through the androgenic pathways. Although doctors are making large profits selling Human Growth Hormone as as an anit-aging compound, the real problem isn’t with the amount of Growth Hormone a person is making; it usually has to do with a lack of communication between organs that is at the root of the problem."
"There is another bit of information that I discuss in my book related to aging in men that we can change and that is called andropause. Simply put; this is the male version of the female menopause. There are two primary ways to raise testosterone. One is weight lifting. Moderate to heavy weight training (especially done in the “Burke’s Law” fashion) can produce twice as much testosterone as a man is producing while not exercising." "And.., I think I should stop here otherwise I will go on and on for hours."
In order to find out where you can purchase the book, "Burke’s Law," A New Fitness Paradigm for the Mature Male(Trafford: 2006) go to www. Trafford. com www. Amazon. com www. Barne’s&Noble. com www. ironmanmagazine. com
You may e-mail Paul Burke at : www. Paulburkefitness. com
Paul says he will get back to everyone who e-mails him.