Saturday, July 24, 2004

Atlanta Executive Coach Receives Assessment Tool Certification

Atlanta Executive Coach Receives Assessment Tool Certification

Beth Miller of Executive Velocity Inc., an Atlanta-based executive coaching firm, recently enhanced her client offering by receiving certification in the internationally recognized Hogan Assessments.

Atlanta, GA (Vocus) February 23, 2009

Determining an individual's personality assets is a critical part of a professional coaching (http://executive-velocity. com) engagement but one that not every coach is credentialed to offer clients. Beth Miller of Executive Velocity Inc., an Atlanta-based executive coaching (http://executive-velocity. com) firm, recently enhanced her client offering by receiving certification in the internationally recognized Hogan Assessments.

Miller is now certified for all three Hogan Assessments: Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI). As a certified practioner, Ms. Miller can deliver the Hogan Assessments to both businesses and individuals, as well as provide feedback to assessed individuals, which is typically the most complex portion of the assessment process. In fact, nationally, since 2006, only 43 of the 400 people who attended the Hogan Assessment certification have completed the feedback certification with a Hogan consultant.

The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) is the industry standard for measuring normal personality; with a 25-year history of successfully predicting employee performance and helping companies reduce turnover, absenteeism, shrinkage, and poor customer service. It was the first inventory of normal personality developed specifically for the business community. The Hogan Personality Inventory identifies the bright side of the personality - what we see when people are at their best.

The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) assesses eleven behavioral tendencies that impede work relationships, hinder productivity, or limit overall career potential. These career derailers, deeply ingrained in personality traits, affect an individual's leadership style and actions.

The Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) reveals a person's core values, goals and interests. This is invaluable information for determining the kinds of environments in which the person will perform best, and the kind of culture the person will create as a leader. Organizations can use this information to ensure that a new hire's values are consistent with those of the organization.

"I recommend the Hogan Assessments for my clients who are serious about understanding how inherent personality traits, as well as ingrained behaviors, can both propel them forward in their careers, as well as hold them back, if they are not aware of the effect on team members."

To learn more about the Hogan Assessments or to schedule a consultation contact Beth Armknecht Miller at beth. miller at executive-velocity dot com or

About Executive Velocity Inc.
Executive Velocity is a leadership development assessment (http://executive-velocity. com) and coaching firm (http://executive-velocity. com) committed to ensuring the success of top-level executives, business leaders and high potential employees of mid-size to emerging companies in the professional services, healthcare and technology sectors. EV leaders maintain certifications in such assessment tools as Myers-Briggs and Hogan Assessments. For more information, visit http://executive-velocity. com (http://executive-velocity. com).

Johnny Crosskey

Karin Koser

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