Monday, August 30, 2004

Talking About Flatulence, Incontinence and Feminine Odor Problems can Reduce Stress

Talking About Flatulence, Incontinence and Feminine Odor Problems can Reduce Stress

Issues we talk about least -- like flatulence, incontinence and feminine hygiene -- are what we need to talk about most: Iowa company confronts this head on.

Cedar Rapids, IA (PRWEB) November 11, 2005

We all experience, whether real or in our minds, some degree of personal anxiety when it comes to our own bodies. Whether it be discomfort when feeling overweight while facing the mirror or the fear of being embarrassed by others noticing certain bodily odors (like from flatulence, incontinence or feminine issues), going unchecked, these types of personal concerns fester and dampen our lives. These types of "worries" consume the waking hours of so many individuals and chronically contribute to the overall stress of life.

With so many books, articles and authoritative figures today stressing the importance of communicating our upsets and feelings for personal well-being, it is interesting to ponder how we, as humans, find it extremely difficult to bring up even the most common and natural occurrences in life. Tests have shown that letting out those ill-harbored emotions kept securely buried within us can be very helpful in lowering stress levels and contributing to our overall health. But so many common issues, like excessive flatulence, incontinence or feminine hygiene odors, seem to be better left out of conversations; even with the closest of friends.

So what is one to do about these personal "embarrassing" problems? We're told to "let it out," but should we tell everyone at the next girl's night out gathering, do we face the podium and announce it at the next convention, send out an e-mail memo to all of your colleagues…? Maybe not, but a step in the right direction would certainly be to talk to a trusted soul -- your best friend, doctor, an expert or maybe a family member. One thing is certain: there's no need to face things alone, and talking about what we don't want to talk about is good for body and soul -- and reduces stress.

Surveys show that embarrassing topics of the body are of great concern to millions of people in all walks of life. Three very high on the list are: flatulence (the passing of gas), incontinence (lack of control with urinating or bowel movements) and feminine hygiene (menstrual and other feminine odor problems).

Typically, left to our own devices, we tend to amplify the actuality of the situation, making somewhat non-serious things much more upsetting than need be, adding to our stress levels. This personal torture is, needless to say, unnecessary and can be resolved by coming to know the facts about whatever it is that's getting the best of us. So, it's high time we brought out, at least, a few topics that may be hindering our overall health, happiness and well-being! Wouldn't you agree?

In a recent interview with Brian Conant, president of Flat-D Innovations, Inc., had this to say about these stressful topics: "There are products that have been designed for just about anything that ails us these days." Conant continues, "One might feel like they're all alone in their personal "dilemma," but this is never the case. And just like when we get into an obscure, new hobby, like kite flying, backgammon, scarf making… we find a whole new world encompassing thousands of people who are into the same thing; the same goes for uncomfortable subjects as well."

Flat-D Innovations, Inc., an FDA registered company, is a significant part of the very large worlds of flatulence, incontinence, feminine hygiene and feminine odor problems. They manufacture effective flatulance, incontinence and feminine hygiene products to over 30 countries world-wide. "Our products change peoples' lives," says Frank Morosky, VP of Flat-D. He continues, "When they [new customers] first come to us, many feel trapped by their condition, unable to live life freely. We show them safe, drug-free solutions that allow them to step back into life and to improve the quality of life -- without the fear, stress or anxiety!" Mr. Morosky offers an open communication line to anyone who would like to discuss their situation. And if Flat-D doesn't have exactly what you need with their everyday products, they'll customize the perfect solution as they have for many others.


Frank Morosky, VP

Flat-D Innovations, Inc.


Http://www. flat-d. com (http://www. flat-d. com)

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