Giving Employees Control Best Way to Control Healthcare Costs
While band-aid solutions by employers have kept healthcare costs in check, radical surgery is needed for U. S. healthcare plans to stave off anticipated inflationary increases. Instead of shifting costs, industry experts advocate shifting more healthcare information and choice into employees hands as the best defense against healthcareÂs financial woes. Reaping the payoffs of consumer-driven health plans, prescription drug programs and disease management efforts is the focus of ÂControlling Healthcare Costs in 2005, a 90-minute audio conference on February 23, 2005. An expert panel will detail how employers can combat this yearÂs anticipated 12 percent increase in healthcare costs by making their employees more accountable for their health and healthcare and refining employer prescription plans.
Wall Township, NJ (PRWEB) February 3, 2005
Sponsored by the Healthcare Intelligence Network (HIN), this conference is scheduled for 1:30 p. m. to 3:00 p. m. Eastern Time on February 23, 2005. To learn more, please visit http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? costs05rel (http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? costs05rel).
The audio conference was prompted by a Hewitt Associates survey of 500 major U. S. employers, who responded that they anticipate a 12 percent increase in healthcare costs in 2005 but can only afford a maximum 8 percent increase. Featured presenters include Bridget Eber, PharmD, Hewitt Associates Practice Leader in Pharmacy and Consumer-Driven Health Strategy; Terrance Killilea, PharmD, Assistant Vice President of Pharmacy Services at Regence Blue Shield of Idaho; and Mary Bryngelson, Regional Vice President of American Healthways, who will share their strategies for easing the financial impact of healthcare costs on employers. A recorded version of this audio conference will be available on CD-ROM in mid-March.
Directed at CEOs, medical directors, disease management directors, managers and coordinators, health plan executives, care management nurses, business development and strategic planning directors, this audio conference will highlight the following cost-controlling measures:
Prescription Plan Modifications: identifying cost drivers and cost control measures, packaging consumer-driven healthcare and pharmacy benefits and keeping patients satisfied in the process.
Consumer-Driven Healthcare: adopting consumer-driven solutions, integrating Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and engaging members.
Disease Management: classifying and preventing high-risk individuals, convincing patients to comply, structuring incentives and measuring ROI.
To learn more, please visit: http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? costs05rel (http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? costs05rel).
The audio conference will include a live question-and-answer period when participants can tap the presenters expertise and ensure that all aspects of the subject are addressed. For more information on the conference, please email info@hin. com, call toll-free (888) 446-3530 or visit: http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? costs05rel (http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? costs05rel).
About the Healthcare Intelligence Network---The Healthcare Intelligence Network provides the most comprehensive source of news and analysis for healthcare professionals. For more information, contact the Healthcare Intelligence Network, PO Box 1442, Wall Township, NJ 07719-1442, (888) 446-3530, fax (732) 292-3073, e-mail info@hin. com, or visit http://www. hin. com (http://www. hin. com).
Contact: Patricia Donovan
Phone: (732) 528-4468
Fax: (732) 292-3073
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