Saturday, January 29, 2005

SAFE-BioPharma Webinar Featuring ARX's Digital Signature Solution and Adobe LiveCycle Combined Solution

SAFE-BioPharma Webinar Featuring ARX's Digital Signature Solution and Adobe LiveCycle Combined Solution

The webinar will illustrate how ARX's CoSign® digital signatures fully integrate with Adobe LiveCycle® ES, decreasing costs while increasing efficiency and quality of regulated documentation and processes.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) May 20, 2009

On May 21st at 2pm (EST) ARX, Inc., the provider of the CoSign digital signature (standard electronic signature) solution (http://www. arx. com/products/cosign-digital-signatures. php), and Adobe, the worldwide ECM solution provider, will be addressing the benefits provided by the combined Adobe LiveCycle ES and ARX CoSign digital signature solution in a SAFE-BioPharma sponsored webinar. To register for the event, please click here (http://info. arx. com/Webinar-Registration-SAFE-Adobe. html).

The integrated solution, which was co-designed by Adobe and ARX to dovetail their product capabilities, offers FDA-regulated organizations a comprehensive system specifically for the life sciences market (http://www. arx. com/industries/lifesciences. php). It provides increased speed and agility, enhanced operational efficiency, and the ability to collaborate and outsource with a secure and compliant environment.

The combined solution features include PDF document management, Roaming ID, centralized digital signatures with end-user key and certificate management, end-user signing required for trusted approval and verification-dependent workflows without the need for plug-ins, as well as SAFE-compliance. The deployment results in fully-automated and secure approval processes that create digitally signed electronic records for both internal operations and applications that extend to the external collaborative ecosystem including regulatory submissions.

Solution features include PDF document management, Roaming ID, centralized digital signatures with end-user key and certificate management, end-user signing required for trusted approval and verification-dependent workflows without the need for plug-ins, as well as SAFE-compliance. The deployment results in fully-automated and secure approval processes that create digitally signed electronic records for both internal operations and applications that extend to the external collaborative ecosystem including regulatory submissions.

Via the integration with Adobe LiveCycle ES, ARX continues its commitment to delivering CoSign as a packaged, turn-key digital signature solution that is easily extensible for supporting best-in-class 3rd party applications.

"Clients have the option of using the standard Certificate Authority (CA) in CoSign, or easily integrating with an in-house CA or leading 3rd party certification authority services," said Rodd Schlerf, Life Science Market Manager at ARX. Mr. Schlerf continued, "Likewise, with Adobe LiveCycle ES and the integrated offering of Roaming ID, and PDF, PDF/A document management, we have braided together the most widely-deployed digital signature system in the FDA-regulated market (ARX CoSign), the predominant document format in the FDA-regulated market (Adobe's PDF), and automation of approval processes and security throughout the lifecycle of an electronic record (Adobe LiveCycle ES)."

CoSign fully supports SAFE-certified deployments and provides the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for digital signature implementations with total installation time typically being 2-4 hours. CoSign manages this while supporting best-in-class complimentary technologies that meet the business needs of any organization.

To register for the event, please click here (http://info. arx. com/Webinar-Registration-SAFE-Adobe. html).

About CoSign Digital Signatures
CoSign makes it easy to digitally sign transactions, documents, and records by embedding the standard signature technology directly into mainstream business applications. CoSign produces a signature record for every signature it captures. This Portable Signature Format (CoSign PSF™) allows anyone to seamlessly verify and retain proof of identity, intent, and document integrity without costly, complicated, or proprietary software. CoSign keeps your business running smoothly by fully automating and quickly scaling processes at a low cost and with proper controls. Learn more at www. arx. com/products/cosign_moreinfo. php (http://www. arx. com/products/cosign_moreinfo. php).

About The Digital Signature Company - ARX
ARX (Algorithmic Research) is a global provider of cost-efficient digital signature solutions for industries such as life sciences, healthcare, government, and engineering. ARX engineers and scientists have more than 20 years of experience in security and standard digital signature application. ARX helps businesses secure, streamline, and scale their business processes and transactions with the proper controls required by legislation, regulation, and industry best practice. Visit us at www. arx. com.

CoSign is a registered trademark and CoSign PSF is a trademark of Algorithmic Research, Ltd. All other trade names and trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
