Abuse and Neglect Among the Elderly
Almost one in every three nursing homes in the U. S. has been cited for an abuse or violation. There is an agency in the Lakeland area that is here to make a difference. This agency is called Intellnet Investigative Services, Inc. and they have a division called The Elder Guard Program. These investigators go into the nursing homes upon the families request and do a full investigation up to 6 times a year.
(PRWEB) November 16, 2004
In the world today we have an increasing elderly population. The elderly population is just in its beginning stages, the population is going to continue to grow well into the year 2030. Some of the Elderly enjoy a meaningful and exciting life.
According to the Federal Interagency Forum on Ageing-Related Statistics that in the Year 2000, there were in excess of 35 million people age 65 Years or older. That accounts for over 13 percent of our population. That number is expected to double to over 70 million by the year 2030. In 1997, there were over 250 people per 1000 elderly in nursing homes across the U. S.
According to CNN on July, 30 2001 Almost one in every three nursing homes in the U. S has been cited for an abuse or violation. There was a report prepared for the representative of California, Henry Waxman. This report found that over a two year period, (January 1, 1999 to January 1, 2001), that all violations had at least the potential to harm nursing home residents.
There were over 3,800 abuses that had not been found until an actual complaint was filed.
There are many organizations now that protect the elderly after the abuse has been reported. These agencies are responsible for investigating claims of nursing home abuse and or neglect after the fact. These agencies have the potential to bring strict guidelines for these nursing homes to follow,
There is an agency in the Lakeland area that is here to make a difference. This agency is called Intellnet Investigative Services, Inc. and they have a division called The Elder Guard Program. These investigators go into the nursing homes per the families request and do a full investigation up to 6 times a year. They investigate the welfare, well-being, physical health, hygiene, background of the staff, and nursing facility background. This service will then have a better ability to recognize the warning signs of Elder Abuse and/or Neglect. This kind of attention to detail will not only create a safer environment for our loved one but a happier one too.
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