Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Love Lavender? Come to Your Senses

Love Lavender? Come to Your Senses

Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Guide Website launches in Vancouver, WA.

Vancouver, WA (PRWEB) August 11, 2006

Launched July 2006, the Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Guide website offers resources and aromatherapy advice for the essential oil enthusiast.

Developed by two friends who share a love for lavender, peppermint, rosemary, tea tree and an endless list of scents and natural remedies, Diana Howes and Valery Amador put pen to virtual paper to develop a website that speaks to those interested in nurturing with nature.

“The Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Guide website is a place for beginners (like myself), as well as seasoned professionals (like Diana), to learn about essential oils and the magical healing properties of aromatherapy),” shares Valery Amador, co-founder and technical coordinator.

“Aromatherapy and essential oils are nature's powerhouse. When used correctly, safely and responsibly, they have the ability to help you nurture and care for yourself, your family and your home,” comments Diana Howes, co-founder and master holistic-health and life-coach practitioner.

Valery shares, “I met Diana several years ago during a massage session and knew that I had found a kindred spirit when she used essential oils during the treatment. Without a true understanding of essential oil (other then the fact that I felt wonderful when around them), I was intrigued by the scents filling the room and asked Diana about them. She shared so many wonderful things as well as her own family history in working with aromatherapy and essential oils.”

For more information, visit http://www. aromatherapy-and-essential-oil-guide. com (http://www. aromatherapy-and-essential-oil-guide. com).
