Look After Your Body -- the Natural, Healthy Way
Heather Caruso may be on to something. She's a practising homeopath and, over the course of her career, she has treated countless patients suffering from various gastro-intestinal disorders.
(PRWEB) October 31, 2008
Heather Caruso may be on to something. She's a practising homeopath and, over the course of her career, she has treated countless patients suffering from various gastro-intestinal disorders.
She's treated children and adults with irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn's disease, and diverticulitis, and ulcerative colitis. She has had patients suffering significant pain, discomfort and embarrassment, patients who have lost hope, patients who have come to her as a last resort in hope of leading a more normal, more comfortable life.
These are patients who have gone the drug-therapy route and found it wanting. These are patients who have come to understand that while drugs can temporarily ease the pain, or mask the discomfort, they do nothing to treat the underlying cause of the condition.
And so, Caruso has devoted herself and her career to finding a better way, a more natural way, to treat the root causes of her patients' gastro-intestinal ailments. And she has just released a comprehensive, definitive guidebook to give the public some insight into the natural treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders.
The publication is entitled Your Drug-Free Guide to Digestive Health -- and it's already earning rave reviews from experts in the health field.
"Anyone who cares about their health and the health of others will want to read this book," said Dr. Bryce Wilde, the author of The Antioxidant Prescription. "This book is a treasure chest of remedy solutions: herbal, homeopathic, supplemental and dietary.''
David Brule, co-ordinator of the Homeopathic Research Network of Canada, offers similar praise. He said "the book contains a treasure of reliable information delivered in a smart and easy-to-use format.''
Your Drug-Free Guide to Digestive Health is a resource that belongs in every home. It's not only for the adherents of homeopathic and natural treatments -- it's for everyone seeking to expand their knowledge of how to keep their body on the path of good health.
It's for everyone who wishes to look beyond the medicine cabinet, those of us who seek to find natural solutions to ailments that have been with us forever. Your Drug-Free Guide to Digestive Health comes very highly recommended.
Your Drug-Free Guide to Digestive Health
By Heather Caruso
ISBN: 9780981052601
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