Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Author Claims to Have Broken Human Personality Code

Author Claims to Have Broken Human Personality Code

Name and color expert Baron Paul Greycastle proves in his new book "Name Colorology Key to Your Beauty, Personality, Romance and Success" that our names are the single most important factor in shaping our personality.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) January 29, 2004

Author Baron Paul

Greycastle brings forth a enormous amount of evidence in his new book "Name Colorology Key to Your Beauty, Personality, Romance & Success" that proves he truly has made one of the greatest discoveries of all time.

He shows with amazing facts, figures and photographs that our names and the colors that are attuned to our names are the single most determing factor that shape our personalities, talents, careers and color associations of our 7 energy centers spiritual, mental, vocal, physical, control, emotional & sexual.

Among some of the facts, figures and points of interest, he lists and answers in his book and personal interviews are:

Approximately 80% of the most famous and successful people in the following career fields are directly related to their color-coded names. Anthropologists, Archeologists, Architects, Artists, Athletes, Designers, Educators, Health Advocates, Inventors, Lawyers, Models, Musicians, Peacemakers, Scientists, Singers, Writers and many more.

What colors to wear based on your name to create and project the 7 image types: wholesome/youthful - mental/intellectual - vocal/harmonious - compassionate/truthful - power/corporate - emotional/romantic - sexual/glamorous.

What colors to decorate your home or business to stimulate the 7 mood environments based on your name: cheerful/creative - analytical/intellectual - harmony/organization - compassion/kindness - formal/power - relaxed/romantic - sexual/seductive.

What colors to use:

In your work space to increase productivity, reduce stress and increase sales.

Relax your children, increase their intellectual and genius abililties.

What color-coded name to name your baby to vastly increase their chances of being a dancer, doctor, lawyer, singer or any other career.

What colors to wear to stimulate your love one romantically or sexually.

How very important it is to pick a mate based on their name.

What our individual moral spiritual mission for the betterment of humanity is here on earth based on our names.

That Sir Isaac Newton was responsible for alinging the colors to the Diatonic Scale (the musical scale).

Mr. Greycastle actually may have made two of the greatest discoveries of all time. He also theorizes the possibility that we become hormonally addicted to our own endocrine gland hormones depending on which energy centers we operate off of and if his theories are proved correct could possibly lead to a new medical field called "endocrine psychology or endocrine psychiatry".

He also explains how to change negative habits into good habits and much more.

Mr. Greycastle has lectured at many colleges and medical institutions, written one best selling book and is the president of "National Color Day". He has been referred to as the "Color King", "Super Stylist" and the next "Super Guru". He has been featured on many talk shows and recieved rave reviews.

"This man has an amazing talent. The phones were hot!" (Al kline-host of the Kelly and Kline show, X-100 FM, San Francisco, Ca.)

"A wonderful quest-- He seems right on. I am very fascinated by this philosophy. I've got to read this book." (Ricky Rafner, host of the Ricky Rafner Show, KVON, Napa, Ca.)

Mr. Greycastle can be easily reach and can do a name/color reading on any current or past news worthy names related to any topic field.


Baron Paul Greycastle, Author

Www. namecolorology. com

2158 Vista Del Rio

Crockett, Ca. 94525

Phone: 510-787-2282 or 1-877-505-9100

Http://www. namecolorology. com (http://www. namecolorology. com)
Email - bpg@namecolorology. com

Name Colorology is a registered trademark

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