Thursday, October 27, 2005

Franklin University Appoints Community Technical Regional Manager-Wisconsin

Franklin University Appoints Community Technical Regional Manager-Wisconsin

Franklin University is pleased to announce the appointment of Anthony Schreiter as Community Technical Regional Manager-Wisconsin of its Community College Alliance (CCA). Schreiter brings considerable higher education, recruitment, admissions and management experience to his position with Franklin.

Ohio and WI (Vocus) December 10, 2010

Franklin University, one of the leading educators of working adults, is pleased to announce the appointment of Anthony Schreiter as Community Technical Regional Manager-Wisconsin of its Community College Alliance (CCA). Schreiter brings considerable higher education, recruitment, admissions and management experience to his position with Franklin.

In his role, Schreiter will have responsibility for relationship-building and engagement of the following Franklin CCA member schools:
 Madison Area Technical College  Fox Valley Technical College  Northeast Wisconsin Technical College  Lakeshore Technical College  Southwest Technical College  Western Technical College  Northcentral Technical College  Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College  Nicolet Area Technical College

Prior to coming to Franklin, Schreiter worked in a variety of sales and marketing positions with Sprint Nextel Corporation. In addition to his experience in marketing, recruitment, and customer service, Schreiter’s own education path will provide him with an enhanced ability to carry out the responsibilities of his new role. Having earned his bachelor of science in business administration from Franklin University after earning an associate’s degree in supervisory management from Lakeshore Technical College in Wisconsin, Schreiter himself has benefitted from the opportunities available through the CCA program.

More than 260 community colleges across the U. S. have formed an educational alliance with Franklin University through the Community College Alliance. The CCA was established to provide students the opportunity to earn their bachelor’s degrees online while remaining in their communities. Majors are offered in 27 high-demand fields: Accounting; Allied Healthcare Management; Applied Management; Applied Psychology; Business Administration; Business Economics; Business Forensics; Computer Science; eMarketing; Financial Management; Financial Planning; Forensic Accounting; Healthcare Information Systems Management; Healthcare Management; Human Resources Management; Information Technology; Interactive Media Design; Interdisciplinary Studies; Management; Management Information Sciences; Marketing; Operations & Supply Chain Management; Organizational Communication; Public Relations; Public Safety Management; Safety, Security & Emergency Management; and Web Development. Franklin University also offers its innovative MBA and Master of Science programs in Accounting, Marketing & Communication, and Instructional Design and Performance Technology online.

About Franklin University
Founded in 1902, Franklin University is one of the leading and most experienced educators of adult students. Annually, more than 11,000 students attend Franklin, both at its Main Campus in downtown Columbus, Ohio, three Central Ohio locations, and at its newest location in Indianapolis, in addition to online. Franklin offers 27 undergraduate majors as well as five graduate programs and graduates more than 1,500 students annually. The University’s MBA Program is offered internationally through agreements with institutions in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Further information regarding Franklin University can be found at http://www. franklin. edu.
