The Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants Accuses China Of Being The Worlds Biggest Counterfeiter, Pirate, & Now Killer AKA-Toxic Chinese Drywall
The Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants is suggesting that when it comes to making a buck, China has no equal related to global pirating of someone else's product, or counterfeiting products that are not theirs. According to the group, "while the world marvels at how amazingly China has become a top global economy, we are asking at what price has this magic occurred, and who in the long term picks up the bar tab? What we are talking about is making a buck at any price, or regardless of the long term global cost (AKA-Toxic Chinese Drywall)." The Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants is suggesting,"if organized crime were an Olympic's type competition China would win all of the Gold Medals, with Russia clutching most of the silvers." For more information please contact the Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via its web site at Http://GP-CC. Com
Washington, DC (PRWEB) October 6, 2009
The Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants is one of the most quoted sources in the world on piracy & counterfeiting. For years the group has been has been warning corporations, pharmaceutical makers, and tobacco companies about China's domination of counterfeiting, or pirating their products. Now the group is warning," every major global trading partner with China to check everything purchased from China, or out sourced to China, before it comes back into the US, Canada, or Europe." The group is saying, "you may not get what you thought you were buying. Or even worse, the Chinese may steal your products concept, re-engineer it, and then call it their own. With one slight problem, they go cheap on the manufacturing to increase the profitability, so the product does not work, or its dangerous." According to the Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants, "this is also called the Black & Gray Markets. Two more categories China owns in the Criminal Olympic Category Gold Metals, for stealing someone else's product & then doing a really bad job of making the knock off." For more information please contact the Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via its web site at Http://GP-CC. Com
The Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants over the years has warned big drug makers, manufacturers, or cigarette makers that the Chinese were costing them billions, and tens of billions of dollars in annual profits. The group is saying, "and we have been warning that at some point the drugs, counterfeits, or crappy products would cost people their lives, or create a biblical type disaster for a nation, or the world." The group is now saying, that Chinese disaster moment has arrived, and its called toxic Chinese drywall, that was imported into the United States starting in 2001." The group is says, we estimate in the US State of Florida alone there are at least 150,000+ homes that contain this potentially lethal building product. Throw in the rest of the US Southeast & you end up with 300,000+ homes, that may have to be bulldozed." The Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants is saying, "thank you China, and very greedy US homebuilders, and building supply chains, or supply houses, and the slime ball middlemen that made this disaster possible." Doubt us? Visit this web site Http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter. Com
So the fearless new US President is all over this new US Crisis-right?
Wrong: According to the Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants, "the new US President Obama is an inexperienced, a conceded empty suit, who needs a teleprompter to convey his deep rooted convictions, and who has yet to mention toxic Chinese drywall one time, we presume out of fear, the loving feeling from China will stop coming his way, if he dares to mention the fact that China is not a country, it is a low end criminal enterprise, that is polluting the world with its low end/potentially lethal manufactured goods, its counterfeits, and its knock offs." The group is saying, "the Change Messiah, gets a limp wrist when dealing with the lunatic's in Iran, about them getting a nuclear bomb (thank you Russia-we hope you get the first one), or figuring out what to do about Afghanistan, so is it a surprise he has'nt noticed that 100,000's of US homeowners live in a really toxic home, because the Chinese really didn't care what was in the drywall, they were so happy to dump on the US?" Http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter. Com
But The US National Press Is All Over This-The Worst Environmental Disaster In US History-Right?
Wrong: Americas Watchdog's Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants is saying,"no, we think NBC, CBS, ABC, & CNN, are afraid of losing that loving feeling from China too. As a result they have said little to nothing. If NBC's Brian Williams, CBS's Katie Couric, ABC's Charlie Gibson, or CNN's Anderson Cooper went down to Fort Myers, or Cape Coral, Florida, they would get an ear full-starting with where have you been since January?" The group is suggesting, "if the US TV networks are afraid of doing this story, perhaps its time for Fox TV, or the BBC to come in an save the day." Think Hurricane Katrina was bad? Imported toxic Chinese drywall makes Hurricane Katrina look like a walk in the park." The groups President says, "I'd know, I was in New Orleans for Hurricane Katrina, and now I'm neck deep in this new Chinese manufactured hurricane called greed. Trust me, what the Chinese, and their greed has done to 100,000's of completely innocent US homeowners in the US Southeast, with the help of just as greedy US homebuilders is beyond comprehension. Add to the mix a inexperienced, gutless US President, and you have a biblical type disaster for US homeowners, caught in this inexcusable storm."
But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi & President Obama Are Trying To Save US Healthcare?
Wrong: The Chinese Drywall Complaint Center is suggesting, "if President Obama, & House Speaker Pelosi cared about US healthcare they would have gone to visit the 100,000's of at risk toxic Chinese drywall victims in Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia, Texas, & Alabama in early 2009."
The Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants is now saying, "you US & international corporations ignored the obvious with Chinese greed, ethics and integrity. How many other toxic Chinese drywall products, has China contributed to the US, or global economies? It really is time to find out." For more information please contact the Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via its web site at Http://GP-CC. Com
Special note to US toxic Chinese Drywall insiders from Americas Watchdog, "we want to know when US homebuilders, air conditioning companies, building supply house knew Chinese drywall was bad, toxic, garbage, or all of the above. Be a hero & call us, and do something patriotic for Americans in need. Our number is 866-714-6466."