Internet Programmer Runs For Open U. S. Senate seat in Vermont
A 48-year old internet programmer from Warren, Vermont is running for the open U. S. Senate in that state. Steve Moyer ran against the retiring Senator Jeffords in 2000 as an independent. He is now seeking the open seat with a campaign centered on promoting virtuous government and the demise of the Republicans.
(PRWEB) June 17, 2005
A 48-year old internet programmer from Warren, Vermont is running for the open U. S. Senate. Steve Moyer ran against the retiring Senator Jeffords in 2000 as an independent. He is now seeking the open seat with a campaign centered on promoting virtuous government and the demise of the Republicans.
"I am running against the Republican party and for the cause of virtue in society." said Moyer today. "America has lost it's virtue. Our government is like a juvenile delinquent who has been caught lying, cheating and stealing. Our response has been to give him a credit card, a bottle of vodka, and the keys to the family car. This government is drunk on power, irresponsible with money, and dangerous behind the wheel."
Moyer advocates that people divest the U. S. Government. "Sell U. S. bonds!" he said. "It's one thing this power-driven, money-loving government will understand. I'm asking all Americans who own U. S. government debt to divest themselves of it as soon as they can. The principles of ethical investment require that you invest in those organizations which are doing righteous deeds, respecting human rights and making the world a better place. Republicans have failed all of these tests."
Moyer wants an end to the "War on Terror" and for Congress to focus on its primary responsibilities: health care, the economy and a balanced budget.
"Republican rule has led America down the wrong path. Our foreign policy is creating more terrorists. The Republicans want us to believe that the road to paradise is paved with profits, even if those profits come from war and the deaths of thousands of innocent people. They want us to believe that going into debt while we give our jobs to foreigners is the way to paradise. Nothing could be further from the truth."
"Republicans govern through perceptions. We perceived weapons of mass destruction but there were none. We perceived that Islamic fundamentalists are our enemy, but that is false. We perceived that tax cuts would stimulate our economy but instead we have created the greatest debt crisis in history. Republicans want us to consume more oil when we should be consuming less."
"The Republican party has taken us in the wrong direction, the direction of greed, domination and war. They have practiced systematic deception and encouraged the worst attributes of human nature."
"Republicans are the party of the rich, the super-rich and poor fools."
"I am going to preach the Bible to Republicans. The Bible tells us to 'judge by the fruits.' What are the fruits of Republican rule? Greed, fear, hatred, war, debt and increased dependence on money and government. They call this 'freedom' but freedom lies in the opposite direction."
"I'm also asking Americans to reduce their consumption of products made in Japan and China because those two nations have been using the excess from the trade deficit to support this government. Send China and Japan a message: "Stop buying U. S. bonds."
"Money is the huge elephant in the living room. Politicians continually tell us that they will "fight for us" but what they mean is that they will "fight for money." Money is the problem. It is war by its nature. We need a better economic system. We need a peace economy."
"When I tell people "money is evil" they often respond with "No, it is neutral. It's what people do with it that is evil." But this is false. The sun, the moon and the stars are neutral because they belong to nature. Money is entirely a human creation, including all the government laws and regulations about how it works. It is right and necessary to judge all human creations. That's how we improve them."
"Money is an evil system for preserving the status of the few at the expense of the many. It is a system for exploitation, oppression and war. It is evil by its nature because it makes numbers more important than people, quantity more important than quality, power more important than principle. Money is the only game in town. It is the tyrant of our lives."
"The Republicans are the party of power. They practice the love of power rather than the power of love. I shall expose their sham Christianity. In order to defeat the Republicans we need to take out our Bibles. I ask every Christian who supports the Republican party to abandon it now and spare themselves the pain of judgment. If you support Republicans, you are supporting evil. Stop doing evil!"
"I ask every Christian who believes this 'War on Terror' is necessary to sit down, shut up and pray for guidance. If after praying you conclude that we need to make war, I will ask you to sit down and pray some more. War is always wrong. War is the sanction of failure. The Bible says we must confess our sins with our mouth. This Republican government has failed to admit a single sin."
"I know how to end terrorism. We need to take our government back to righteous principles, admit our own evils, and seek consensus with the rest of the world. We need to respect people and treat them the way we want to be treated. Give them the tools of democracy and the means to use them. We need to give everyone in the world clean water, healthy food and the opportunity to improve their lives. We need to stop supporting tyranny and the rule of money. When we stop loving money and start loving people we will find that terrorism magically disappears."
"I support an amendment to the Constitution which will institute an electronic democracy using the internet. It will empower the people to veto any law Congress passes within 30 days. It will allow initiatives and the ability to recall politicians who have lost the favor of the people. The solution to our broken democracy is more democracy. The Swiss already have this power. We need to set an example of how democracy can work for the benefit of all rather than the privilege of the few. We need to learn how to cooperate for consensus."
"I am proposing that the federal government participate in our health care system by providing some amount of health care to every American every year and to increase that amount every year. This is how we end war."
"We can start by providing a medical check-up to everyone who registers to vote. The failure of our government to provide universal health care is the product of the love of money and the hatred of blacks. It is racist and anyone who stands in the way of universal health care will face the following question from me: "Are you prejudiced against blacks?" Sometimes we need to play hard ball. Prejudice is a vice and everyone knows it. Let it go."
"We need to conserve energy. We are the problem and we are the solution. We have driven the nation to war for the sake of oil. We have a wasteful, self-indulgent, self-righteous consciousness which needs to change to a frugal, consensual global consciousness. Ask yourself: "What have I done for others today?" Conservation is a good place to start and there are dozens of suggestions on how you can do this on my web site."
Steve Moyer is the creator of the MetaMind, an open data search engine at http://metamind. us (http://metamind. us). He has created databases of web links to various topics, including peace, energy conservation, liberty, free speech and depleted uranium.
Go to http://stevemoyer. us (http://stevemoyer. us) for more information.
Mirrors: [ http://stevemoyer. org (http://stevemoyer. org) | http://earth-toy. com/stevemoyer (http://earth-toy. com/stevemoyer) | http://peaceroom. net/stevemoyer (http://peaceroom. net/stevemoyer)]
Full name: Steven Kent Moyer
Born: October 5, 1956
Birth location: Sellersville, Pennsylvania
Years living in Vermont: 12
Profession: Internet Programmer
Interests: Politics, Religion, Philosophy, metaphysics, space, nature.
Web site: http://stevemoyer. us (http://stevemoyer. us)
Political party: None
Religion: Undeclared
Phone: 802-583-2163
Address: RR 1, Box 60, Warren VT 05674
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