Americas Watchdog Expands Its Chinese Drywall Investigations in Florida, The Gulf, Texas and Asks: Where are the Feds?
Americas Watchdog and its Homeowners Consumer Center are dramatically increasing their toxic Chinese drywall investigations in Florida, Texas, the Gulf Coast, and all other US States, or regions. According to the group, "toxic Chinese drywall is in more homes in Florida, the entire Gulf Coast, Texas, and the rest of the nation, than we ever thought possible. To make matters worse the Obama Administration is doing little to nothing, in what will turn out to the worst environmental disaster in US history." Americas Watchdog has created a helpful web site for homeowners wishing to learn more about the symptoms of having toxic Chinese drywall in their home. The web site is called the Chinese Drywall Complaint Center: Http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter. Com.
Burke, VA (PRWEB) May 18, 2009
According to Americas Watchdog, "what if you had the worst fire in US history, and the fire department never showed up, after repeated calls to 911? What if our nation had the worst flood in US history, and FEMA never showed up? What if we had the absolute worst environmental disaster in US history, and the President and Congress acted like it was not happening?" The group says, "the answer is pretty simple: heads would roll. Yet, when it comes to toxic Chinese drywall in Florida, throughout the Gulf States, Texas, Virginia, and numerous other states, nothing has happened--with the exception of a very lame mention on the web site of the US Consumer Products Safety Commission." Americas Watchdog says, "is this the change we were supposed to get? We are talking about a minimum of 150,000 homes in Florida with toxic Chinese drywall, the entire Southeast is infested with this potentially lethal product, with more reports each day from other parts of the US." Americas Watchdog estimates between 350,000 to 500,000 US homes contain toxic Chinese drywall. Homeowners who suspect they have toxic Chinese drywall in their homes should contact Americas Watchdog Chinese Drywall Complaint Center at 866-714-6466, or contact them via their web site at Http://ChinesedrywallComplaintCenter. Com.
Question: So how serious is the toxic Chinese drywall issue?
Answer: Exposure to toxic Chinese drywall is potentially lethal. The gases emitted by toxic Chinese drywall are strong enough to corrode, or discolor copper, silver, lead and zinc. Homeowners or their families living in homes with toxic Chinese drywall frequently experience severe upper respiratory issues, nose bleeds, headaches, rashes, with the potential of cancer or other long term serious health affects.
Question: When was the toxic Chinese drywall product introduced to the US?
Answer: The toxic Chinese drywall was first introduced to the US in 2001. At its peak it was used in new home construction, or home repairs/remodeling between 2003 and 2007.
Question: What is the easiest way to tell if your new or remodeled home (built or remodeled between 2001 and 2008) has toxic Chinese drywall?
Answer: Go to Americas Watchdog's Chinese Drywall Complaint Center's web site and click the indicator page (Http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter. Com). If you, or your family members have the health symptoms, combined with black or charred electrical receptacle box copper ground wires, in all likelihood you have toxic Chinese drywall in your home (homes built or remodeled between 2003-2007 are the peak years). If a homeowner suspects they have Chinese drywall in their home, they should contact Americas Watchdog's Homeowners Consumer Center immediately at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via their web site at Http://HomeownersConsumerCenter. Com.
Question: What is needed as far as a Obama Administration and Federal Government as far as a response?
Answer: Literally up to a million US homeowners, and their families are at risk due to exposure to toxic Chinese drywall. This group includes young children, adults, and senior citizens. Americas Watchdog says, "we need an immediate massive federal response, that includes testing, that will tell us if a home is even safe to live in; we need to know the medical issues associated with exposure to toxic Chinese drywall; we need to know how to rebuild homes that have been exposed to toxic Chinese drywall; and we need this information now." According to the group, "we also need a new chairperson for the US Products Safety Commission, and we will need a massive federal program to assist affected US homeowners, rebuild their homes and restore their health and the health of their children." The group says, "there has been no recall of toxic Chinese drywall as of this date by the US Government, and we don't even know how to fix these 100,000's of affected US homes."
Question: What US states are most at risk for having toxic Chinese drywall?
Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Virginia, Georgia, Texas are all for sures, with huge concentrations. The US states Americas Watchdog is now focused on include Nevada, Washington, California, Arizona, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, New Mexico, Colorado and Oregon. According to Americas Watchdog, "since the major ports of entry for products coming from China are Long Beach and Oakland California, along with Seattle/Tacoma, we are confident of heavy concentrations of toxic Chinese drywall throughout the west."
Important Note: Americas Watchdog says "do not agree to a re-drywall of your home from a home builder, until we know for sure this will actually correct the problem. The US Federal Government and the EPA will have to set the clean up standards. The problem: They are nowhere to be found."
According to Americas Watchdog, "I was in New Orleans before, during, and after Hurricane Katrina. The federal response to toxic Chinese drywall thus far has been a pathetic joke. Toxic Chinese drywall will end up killing 1000's of innocent US citizens, and we need action now, not a blah, blah, blah mention, on the US Consumer Safety Commissions web site." The group wants to hear from every victim of toxic Chinese drywall in every state, so that they can coordinate a media blitz to finally get this critical issue on the radar screen of President Obama, the US Congress, and the national press.
For more information homeowners who may have homes with toxic Chinese drywall should contact Americas Watchdog at 866-714-6466, or contact them via their web site at Http://HomeownersConsumerCenter. Com.
Americas Watchdog and its Homeowners Consumer Center are all about homeowner protection and corporate responsibility.
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