Pharmacy Stakeholder Groups Collaborate to Draft Pharmacy Principles for Health Care Reform
As the new administration embarks on one of its top priorities--reforming the nation's health care system--twelve pharmacy stakeholder groups have collaborated to establish the Pharmacy Principles of Health Care Reform, which will be announced during a media briefing on February 12, 2009 at the National Press Club.
Washington, DC (Vocus) February 6, 2009
As the new administration embarks on one of its top priorities -- reforming the nation's health care system -- twelve pharmacy stakeholder groups have collaborated to establish the Pharmacy Principles of Health Care Reform, which will be announced during a media briefing on February 12, 2009 at the National Press Club.
The stakeholders include: Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, American Pharmacists Association, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Food Marketing Institute, National Association of Chain Drug Stores, National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations, National Community Pharmacists Association, Rite Aid Corporation, and Walgreen Co.
Pharmacists have a critical role to play as the medication experts and most accessible member of patients' health care team. The Pharmacy Principles of Health Care Reform lay the ground work for what the profession can do to advance the health care system's delivery of services by:
improving the quality and safety of medication use, assuring patient access to needed medications and pharmacists services, promoting health information technology interoperability. WHAT: Media briefing on the Pharmacy Principles for Health Care Reform
WHEN: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 9:30 to 11:00 a. m. EDT
WHERE: *National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor (Zenger Room)
There is a call-in number for media who are unable to attend the live press conference: 1-800-277-3988. There is no pass code.
WHO: John Coster (moderator)
Senior Vice President of Government Affairs
National Community Pharmacists Association
Tom Menighan, RPh, MBA, FAPhA
Executive Vice President & CEO Designate
American Pharmacists Association
Bruce Roberts, RPh
Executive Vice President & CEO
National Community Pharmacists Association
Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE
President & CEO
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
*Please RSVP to Erin Wendel, ewendel (at) aphanet. org or 202.429.7558 by close of business on February 10, 2009 if you plan to attend in-person or dial-in. Upon RSVP, you will be provided a copy of the Pharmacy Principles for Health Care Reform. Extra copies will be available on site and on the stakeholders' Web sites.
Erin Wendel
American Pharmacists Association
202.429.7558, ewendel (at) aphanet. org
Carolyn Stables
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
703-683-8416, cstables (at) amcp. org
Rebecca Morgan
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
703-739-2330 ext. 1032 rmorgan (at) aacp. org
John K. McGlew
American College of Clinical Pharmacy
202-756-2227, jmcglew (at) accp. com
Linda Williams
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
703-739-1316 x115
LWilliams (at) ascp. com
Ellen Wilcox
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
301-664-8621, ewilcox (at) ashp. org
Kathleen Thomas
Food Marketing Institute
202-220-0616, kthomas (at) fmi. org
Chrissy Kopple
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
703-837-4266, CKopple (at) NACDS. org
Rebecca Snead
National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations
804-285-4431 ext 325
Rsnead (at) naspa. us
Valerie Briggs
National Community Pharmacists Association
703-838-2686 valerie. briggs (at) ncpanet. org