Tuesday, October 3, 2006

'Breaking the Failure Code' Workshops Come to Northern Colorado; Lania Desmond Helps Resolve Life, Health and Career Issues, Transforming Relationships and Lives

'Breaking the Failure Code' Workshops Come to Northern Colorado; Lania Desmond Helps Resolve Life, Health and Career Issues, Transforming Relationships and Lives

"Breaking the Failure Code," a workshop facilitated by Lania Desmond, will be presented twice in Fort Collins at Earth Star, 619 South College Avenue #1, on February 24-26 and March 10-12. Each workshop will meet on Friday from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m., Saturday from 10:00 to 5:30 p. m. and Sunday from noon to 5:30 p. m.

Fort Collins, CO (PRWEB) February 13, 2006 -–

"Breaking the Failure Code," a workshop facilitated by Lania Desmond, will be presented twice in Fort Collins at Earth Star, 619 South College Avenue #1, on February 24-26 and March 10-12. Each workshop will meet on Friday from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m., Saturday from 10:00 to 5:30 p. m. and Sunday from noon to 5:30 p. m.

Introductory talks will be held before each workshop, on Thursday, February 23 and Thursday, March 9 at 7:15 p. m. at Heart & Hand Chiropractic, in the Sunflower Market Shopping Center on the southwest corner of Drake and Lemay in Fort Collins. An introductory talk will also be held on Tuesday, March 7th at 6:30 p. m., and those interested can call for the location.

"After a brief sample session with Lania, my business exploded," notes local businesswoman Katherine Skaggs.

Desmond's SoulPoint – Breaking the Failure Code workshops present a proven process that frees people from limiting failure codes that may have been running their lives for years. It is not another self-help method or form of healing, nor is it a spiritual path or discipline.

SoulPoint Benefits

How would it feel to transform any aspect of your life from hardship to ease? Using specifically designed formulas, SoulPoint lays the foundation to successfully transform issues and challenges into highly desirable and productive outcomes, which can:

*Help resolve stubborn issues.

*Aid in developing healthy, vibrant relationships in all areas of life.

*Resolve issues around money and career.

*Release the cause of repetitive/unwanted behaviors.

*Revitalize health and restore proper bodily functioning.

*Provide guidance for families of gifted children, as well as assistance in conscious parenting.

The Process

SoulPoint illuminates failure codes, inflexible patterns that lead us to march through life with unerring consistency, facing the same challenges, and the same disappointing results. By seeing failure codes as rigid programs that guide our behavior, we can make the choice to break these patterns and adopt success codes in their place.

While most types of self-help or healing are designed to eliminate some problem or behavior, SoulPoint does the opposite; restructuring participants' frame of reference so they can perceive their lives from a totally fresh perspective. The fact that significant changes occur naturally and seemingly without effort underscores the beauty of SoulPoint.

SoulPoint is a subtle process, yet the results are measurable. Talk to anyone who has gone through the SoulPoint Initial Series, and you will hear comments about getting a new job, a new love, a family issue resolved; about positive, effortless redirections in their lives.

Lania’s greatest gift is her ability through imagery and subtle energy work to dissolve limiting beliefs and attitudes and replace them with expanded perceptions. By the end of the workshop, you feel as if you have the means to support you in successfully accomplishing your future endeavors. More than that, you see how you have now become the magnet that attracts the desired results you have been seeking and searching for.

About Lania Desmond

Lania Desmond was born with a gift: the ability to clearly, instantly know what’s missing in people’s lives that, once returned, brings them true happiness. After a long struggle to ultimately learn how to apply her gift to her own life, her son's near-fatal accident in Wyoming helped her understand how to use her abilities to help others.

SoulPoint crystallized into clear, concise steps to help people break and release the failure codes that may have been running their lives for years. Lania has dedicated her life to helping those with issues that have not yet found the answers they seek using common everyday language.

In her SoulPoint work, Lania leads clients to a deep place of understanding of a specific topic or issue. Her sense of humor, gentle guidance and frequent use of analogies to illustrate key points are very important elements in the process. The results often unfold over weeks and months, opening the floodgates to happiness and prosperity.

Lania has traveled worldwide sharing the wisdom of SoulPoint, which has resulted in interviews on radio and TV as well as numerous published articles. She has also been a guest speaker at many health and wellness expos and functions, talking on diverse subjects—from dysfunctional relationships to issues around fertility.

For more information on these local workshops or to register, contact Catherine Workman at (970) 490-1473, or visit www. soulpoint. com. Early registration is $255 until February 16 for the first workshop, and until February 27 for the second. Registration after these dates is $295. A limited number of private sessions are also available.

For questions about Lania's services, call (828) 236-1230 or send an email to lania @ soulpoint. com. Lania is available to speak to groups and at events on a wide variety of topics, including the ones mentioned on her web site, www. soulpoint. com. Individual sessions are available in person or by phone. For further details on speaking engagements, or if you are interested in sponsoring Lania for a group in your area, call (828) 236-1230 or send an email to info @ soulpoint. com.

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