Free White Paper and Video to Help Moms Dealing with Colic and High Maintenance Children
Motivational speaker and specialty cookbook author Lisa A. Lundy makes available to the public and media outlets a free white paper and video to help moms dealing with colic and high maintenance children. The white paper and video can be downloaded from her website (no registration required): TheSuperAllergyCookbook. com.
Buffalo, New York (Vocus) July 4, 2009
Help is available to mothers dealing with babies who have colic and 'high maintenance' children in the form of a free downloadable white paper offered by motivational speaker, food expert and allergy cookbook author, Lisa A. Lundy, on her website: http://www. TheSuperAllergyCookbook. com (http://www. TheSuperAllergyCookbook. com). The white paper lists symptoms of food allergies in infants and toddlers and young children, provides suggestions for nursing moms dealing with infants who have colic, distinguishes signs of life-threatening food allergies and GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) and much more. Ms. Lundy's video can be viewed at http://www. youtube. com (http://www. youtube. com). As the mother of three food allergy children, Ms. Lundy knows firsthand how difficult it can be to have a baby who has colic or to have a child who is 'difficult' or high maintenance.
The Feingold® Association (http://www. Feingold. org (http://www. Feingold. org)), a 501(C)3 non-profit public charity, is one organization that Lisa Lundy recommends to parents who are willing to explore health and behavior issues. Founded in 1976, The Feingold® Association is dedicated to helping children and adults apply proven dietary techniques for better behavior, learning and health and to generating public awareness of the potential role of foods and synthetic additives in behavior, learning and health problems.
Ruling out celiac disease is another suggestion that Ms. Lundy routinely recommends to parents of children who are difficult, whine a lot, or who are aggressive. As one of the most undiagnosed diseases in the United States, celiac disease, which can affect both children and adults, occurs in about 1% of the population or about 3 million people. At the present time, 97% of Americans who have celiac disease do not yet know that they have it. The treatment for celiac disease is strict adherence to a gluten-free diet. Gluten is an amino acid sequence found in grains like wheat, rye, barley, some common oats, and other grains like spelt and kamut. While there are over 300 symptoms for celiac disease, many patients do not have any symptoms. It is a genetic autoimmune disorder that runs in families. Consumers can find out more about celiac disease from http://www. CSAceliacs. org (http://www. CSAceliacs. org)
Ms. Lundy also recommends "Is This Your Child?" a book by Dr. Doris Rapp, M. D., who is board certified in three medical specialties and who has been a physician for over 50 years. Dr. Rapp's book "Is This Your Child?" was a national best seller and is readily accessible to parents through libraries across the country. The book is a complete resource for parents with over 600 pages of information and advice for exploring issues related to children who are cranky, complaining, slow learners, hyperactive, aggressive, depressed or otherwise unwell. Dr. Rapp's website is available at http://www. DrRapp. com (http://www. DrRapp. com).
Her passion is to help people understand how food can impact their health, behavior, cognitive processing and ability to learn and to help get nearly 3 million Americans diagnosed with celiac disease. Ten years ago when Ms. Lundy first asked her pediatrician if her infant son might have celiac disease because of symptoms he was having, Ms. Lundy was practically laughed out of the office. "Ten years later, there is a much greater awareness about celiac disease, however with a
National diagnosis rate of only 3%, we have a long way to go" said Lundy. Her second child was eventually diagnosed with celiac disease.
Lundy's cookbook, The Super Allergy Girl™ Allergy & Celiac Cookbook (From A Mother Who Knows™), is a gluten-free, casein-free, dairy-free, egg-free, peanut and tree-nut free and other allergen-free resource for both the beginner and experienced baker. Her cookbook is designed for people with allergies, celiac disease, autism, gluten intolerance, and other health issues like ADD, ADHD, irritable bowel, Crohn's disease, depression and anxiety.
Order now to receive 10% off the list price of this exceptional book from http://www. TheSuperAllergyCookbook. com (http://www. TheSuperAllergyCookbook. com) using the promotional code HelpForMoms on the order. The 10% discount expires on July 31, 2009, and has a limit of one per customer.
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 405 pages
Soft Cover, Perfect Bound
ISBN#: 978-0-9797542-0-3
Price: $28.95
Contact: Ms. Lisa Lundy
Phone: (716) 835-6392
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