Sunday, December 3, 2006

Umbria to Showcase Blogosphere Analytics at 2006 DEMOGala

Umbria to Showcase Blogosphere Analytics at 2006 DEMOGala

Umbria to be showcase blogosphere analytics at prestigious technology forum.

Boulder, CO (PRWEB) September 11, 2006 –-

Umbria, Inc., a market intelligence company that specializes in blog research (http://www. umbrialistens. com/about) and other online media for market insight, today announced that it has been selected as a finalist in the upcoming Colorado Software and Internet Association (CSIA) (http://www. csiaonline. com/index. htm) DEMOGala event showcasing the best technology companies in the state.

CSIA recently announced the companies that have been selected to present their technologies during CSIA's DEMOgala Technology Showcase, September 21, 2006 from 4:00pm-9:00pm at the Grand Hyatt in Denver. DEMOGala will feature exciting, interactive demonstrations and exhibits by 45 of the state’s most innovative technology companies.

Umbria will be showcasing its blogosphere analytics (http://www. umbrialistens. com/services) capabilities for attendees. Umbria is unique in its ability to assess both what is being said, and who is doing the speaking in the online world. Umbria’s patent-pending technology enables the company to classify posts and estimate gender and age of the speaker, as well as rapidly identify and eliminate bogus spam posts.

“Growing our company in Boulder has provided us the rare opportunity to attract some of the best talent in the industry and academia,” said Janet Eden-Harris, Umbria CEO. “The environment provides fertile ground given its mix of entrepreneurial skills, funding capital, academic excellence and attractive outdoor lifestyles.”

Companies chosen for DEMOgala Technology Showcase represent many sectors of technology including aerospace/satellite, biotechnology, data storage, information technology, GPS, software, forensics, RFID, medical/healthcare, and nanotechnology. The DEMOgala event will be the largest event during Colorado Tech Week, a statewide celebration showcasing the state’s technology economy, coordinated by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade.

About Umbria, Inc.

Umbria is a marketing intelligence company that analyzes the unaided opinions (http://www. umbrialistens. com/home), perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of the online world (comprised of blogs, message boards, Usenet, product review sites, etc.) and distills it into actionable insights about companies, brands, products, people and issues.

Umbria analyzes voices of the online community by using proprietary Natural Language Processing and machine learning algorithms to dissect the who, what and why of online opinion, offering in-depth insights for some of the world’s leading brands, including Verizon, IBM, Microsoft, Wild Oats and many others. For more information on Umbria, please visit http://www. umbrialistens. com (http://www. umbrialistens. com).
