Friday, March 16, 2007

Braggs Live Food Products Inc. Endorses Health Freedom Protection Act

Braggs Live Food Products Inc. Endorses Health Freedom Protection Act

Braggs Live Food Products Inc. of Santa Barbara, California joins the Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship and supports H. R. 4282, the Health Freedom Protection Act.

WASHINGTON (PRWEB) January 13, 2006

Braggs Live Food Products Inc. of Santa Barbara, California, announced today that it is urging all members of Congress to support H. R. 4282, the Health Freedom Protection Act. It has joined the Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship, a group of 97 companies that back the bill.

The bill would end FDA and FTC censorship of truthful nutrient-disease treatment information. FDA currently prohibits all claims that a food or a dietary ingredient treats a disease, regardless of the scientific support for the claim. The bill ends that practice and would allow science supported treatment claims to enter the market.

Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship Chairman Jonathan Emord said, "Braggs Live Food Products Inc. is sending Congress a clear message: America demands an alternative to dependency on costly drugs. They have joined us in this fight to allow Americans nationwide the right to receive truthful nutrient treatment information, information that can save lives, reduce pain and suffering, and extend longevity."

Patricia Bragg, daughter of the renowned Paul C. Bragg, N. D., Ph. D., runs Braggs Live Food Products Inc. and the movement that her father began decades ago. Dr. Bragg was a pioneer in the health food industry, having opened the first health food stores in the United States and having served as a life extension advisor to many leading figures in Hollywood (among numerous other contributions). Dr. Bragg and Patricia Bragg have been instrumental in promoting the benefits of dietary supplements and health food for several decades.

H. R. 4282 would end FDA censorship of the claim that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of sudden death heart attacks. An estimated 110,000 Americans would be saved from sudden death heart attacks each year if all Americans were to consume fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids) daily. The bill would end FDA censorship of the claim that chromium and vanadium treats Type II diabetes. Millions of Americans would receive aid in achieving normal blood sugar levels if they were to consume chromium and vanadium daily. The bill would end FDA censorship of the claim that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate treat osteoarthritis. The estimated twenty million Americans who suffer from osteoarthritis would receive relief of joint pain and stiffness if they were to consumer glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate daily. The bill would end FDA censorship of the claim that calcium reduces the risk of bone fractures. Tens of thousands of Americans would be less likely to suffer bone fractures each year if they consumed adequate amounts of calcium daily. The bill would end FDA censorship of the claim that saw palmetto treats benign enlarged prostates. Fifty percent of all men aged 50 and older have enlarged prostates and would receive relief from that condition if they consumed saw palmetto every day.

The bill ends censorship of scientifically supported claims while keeping in place existing federal statutory provisions against fraud. Introduced November 9, 2005, the bill is endorsed by fifteen members of Congress. It is pending before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. For more information, visit http://www. StopFDACensorship. org (http://www. StopFDACensorship. org).
