Sunday, April 29, 2007

Royalty Comes to Richmond, Va: Nationally Recognized The Queen of Health® Lectures Throughout the State

Royalty Comes to Richmond, Va: Nationally Recognized The Queen of Health® Lectures Throughout the State

Guest of TV and Radio, National Health Educator to provide health lectures throughout Virginia. Come and see what's in the food we eat; see what some food companies and some government agencies don't want you to know. There is a direct correlation between nutrition and disease.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) August 2, 2006

Dubbed the “Erin Brokovich of Nutrition” by the press and media because of her aggressive stance on our toxic food environment, Tami Hulcher, Health Educator and President of Ola Loa, Inc. will be the featured speaker at CJW Medical Center, Chippenham Campus, located at 7101 Jahnke Road, Richmond, on Tuesday, August 8th 7pm. The Queen of Health® will also be in Colonial Heights at the Optimist Center at Meridian on Saturday, August 5th 10am and 3pm; and will be traveling to Fredericksburg at Courtland High School on Thursday, August 10th at 7pm. Ms. Hulcher’s mother and sister are Richmond residents.

“Tami’s popular “Got Health?” lecture has been featured in many schools, hospitals, church and women’s groups, businesses and private organizations. She has been a guest speaker for the American Heart Association, Boeing, Pepperdine, University of Southern CA, The Women’s Conference on Epilepsy, the American Cancer Society, to name a few. We invited Tami to educate our community because she has received high marks from participants and sponsors, and because she truly cares about our children and our society,” says Darlene Knowles, Chesterfield business owner and local wellness coordinator. Colonial Heights resident and registered nurse, Nancy Halbert adds, “I attended one of Tami’s lectures in Richmond and was so impressed at how she could articulate the nutrition facts from fiction, and educate many health care professionals.” “Tami works with many health care professionals and their patient bases, including a specialist at UCLA who treats AUTISM,” Halbert says.

Having been featured on several television and radio shows, this soon-to-be author is also a radio show co-host and contributing health writer for magazines. Ms. Hulcher knows all too well the struggles of getting our families to eat right…she is a mother of three children! “Our children are our most precious resource, and we should all stand united over their nutritional concerns and overall health. Obesity is now an epidemic, and according to Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale Preventative Medicine and Research Center, if the current rate of our health declines, some of us adults may outlive our children! We are also seeing many degenerative diseases on the rise in adolescents, like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. I teach parents and children to read labels and avoid our very toxic food environment. I help parents understand that disease prevention is the key to long life. What you and your family eat today will affect your health and longevity in the future,” says Ms. Hulcher. Children ages 12 and over are encouraged to attend.

These events are open to the public, however seating is limited, RSVPs are required. For more information, please contact 310 471-6970. RSVPs ONLY to 804 330-4053.

All press and/or media are encouraged to contact Ms. Hulcher directly at 310 471-6970. She will be available for television and radio appearances while in Richmond.

Jpeg photos and bio available upon request.
