Online Conversation Showcases Successes and Challenges of Development Professionals in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
United Nations Foundation and Devex Launch Campaign to promote open dialogue with a focus on innovations and challenges on-the-ground
WASHINGTON, D. C. (Vocus) June 5, 2010 –
The United Nations Foundation, in partnership with Devex, kicked off a new, online dialogue among development professionals about how organizations are making progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The site (http://mdg. devex. com) will catalyze conversations pointing to on-the-ground successes and challenges in the lead up to the September 2010 UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals.
“This year the world is turning increased attention towards the progress that is possible in achieving the MDGs,” said Timothy E. Wirth, President of the UN Foundation. “This online conversation provides development professionals and communicators a unique opportunity to show policy makers that the development community is making innovative strides toward achieving the MDGs. We encourage professionals to visit the site, join the conversation, and share their success stories. If we speak openly about both the opportunities and obstacles ahead, we can help our communities make progress in combating global poverty.”
“As the largest provider of business intelligence and recruitment services to the development community, we are pleased to offer our expertise and tools to host this vital global conversation,” said Raj Kumar, President of Devex. “The goal of this venture is to create long-lasting partnerships among firms and NGOs from around the world. The online discussions will provide invaluable feedback leading up to the 2010 September Summit at the United Nations.”
Over the coming months, the UN Foundation and Devex will host a global conversation on each of the eight MDGs, a set of international development goals that all UN members have agreed to accomplish by the year 2015. The goals include reducing extreme poverty, reducing child mortality rates, fighting disease epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, and developing a global partnership for development. To join the discussion and learn what development experts are saying about the achievement of the MDGs, visit http://mdg. devex. com.
About the United Nations Foundation
The United Nations Foundation, a public charity, was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. The UN Foundation builds and implements public/private partnerships to address the world’s most pressing problems, and works to broaden support for the UN through advocacy and public outreach. Through campaigns and partnerships, the organization connects people, ideas, and resources to help the UN solve global problems. The campaigns reduce child mortality, empower women and girls, create a new energy future, secure peace and human rights, and promote technology innovation to improve health outcomes. For more information, visit http://www. unfoundation. org.
About Devex
Devex is a social enterprise bringing efficiency to international development through recruiting and business information services. Our members find development projects, business and career advice, jobs – and professional connections – on devex. com. Founded in 2000, Devex serves a global community of 500,000 development professionals and one thousand donors, companies, and NGOs. With a mission to bring greater efficiency to international development, our global staff of 100 in four offices (Barcelona, Manila, Tokyo, and Washington, DC) works to provide innovative products and services to address the needs of each member of our development community. Development professionals or organizations working in the field of international development, humanitarian relief and global health, are invited to join us on http://www. devex. com.
Media Contact:
Amy DiElsi, United Nations Foundation, 202-492-3078 or adielsi(at)unfoundation(dot)org.
Jason McNaboe, Devex, 202-249-9222 or j(dot)mcnaboe(at)devex(dot)com.