National Hip Recall Registry Launched
Depuy ASR Implant patients are urged to Register with the National Hip Recall Registry. With close to 100,000 Depuy hip replacement patients at risk and now subject to a recall of their Depuy ASR hip replacements, it was imperative that a voluntary and independent National Hip Recall Database be created of hip replacement patients, which would allow for communications and information concerning health-related issues and news detailing all hip warnings and recalls that may impact these hip implant patients.
Washington, DC (PRWEB) December 4, 2010
The National Hip Recall Registry is urging all Depuy ASR Hip replacment patients to register online. The over one million individuals who received a hip implant in the last five years are being urged to register with the National Hip Recall Registry. The Hip Recall Registry launch expedited as the National outcry grows concerning the lack of a central database to reach the 93,000 patients who received the Depuy ASR Hip implant and are at risk.
As there is no centralized database of Hip Implant patients, there is no way of providing them with information on warnings and recalls concerning their implant. A central registry with better communications is especially important, as while Depuy is indicating that only 12% of patients who have the Depuy ASR Implant will need replacement surgery, some health experts are estimating that 100% of the implants will fail in the next 15 years.
In addition to the current Depuy hip failures, in 2008, Hip implant manufacturer Stryker Corp. v recalled the Trident PSL and Hemispherical Acetabular Cups that were constructed at its plant in Cork, Ireland. The same year, Zimmer Inc., another manufacturer suspended sale and marketing of its Durom Cup. All three companies—Stryker, Zimmer and DePuy—now face lawsuits.
In contrast to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, who are initiating a privately funded, pilot program, called the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR), in 15 hospitals to track recipients' basic information and data to serve Hip Manufactures and Doctors, the National Hip Recall Registry was developed to serve the patients without bias of the surgeons or Hip manufactures.
Once patients enter their anonymous information concerning their hip implant, such as manufacture, model and outcome into the form available on http://www. hiprecallresgistry. com they will automatically be kept abreast of important issues that may arise concerning their hip implant and what options might be available to them.
The Objectives of the National Hip Recall Registry are:
Create a Database by Patient and Hip Manufacture. Provide automated means to notify Patients of warnings or recalls per the FDA and or Manufacture. Gather anonymous statistics of adverse effects resulting from a specific hip replacement device. Provide automated means to update hip patients on issues pertaining to a specific hip implant device.
Register Your Hip Replacement Now
In addition to registering patients who may be involved with the recent Depuy Hip Recall, the Hip Recall Registry is also serving as an information clearing house for all Hip replacement and implant products such as those manufactured by Stryker and Zimmer.
With over close to one million hip implants performed over the last five years the Hip Recall Registry hopes to be able to reach 80% of them in the next 12 months.
The National Hip Recall Registry can be found at http://www. HipRecallRegistry. com and was created to better communicate critical information regarding recall and warning both mandatory and voluntary. The Hip Recall Registry is not associated with any Hip Manufacture or Government Agency.