Happy Impotence Day
Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. As millions of couples the world over celebrate on February 14, a large percentage of the population, both men and women, may be doing their utmost to forget that the day has also been named National Impotence Day.
(PRWEB) February 9, 2007
Valentine's Day is a day when there is a lot of talk about love and relationships so it's a good time to talk about sexual dysfunction - which could mean anything from an inability to maintain an erection, to lack of sexual desire. National Impotence Day is an annual health campaign that highlights impotence, a much stigmatized sexual problem that affects most men at some time during their lives. It's estimated that one in ten men in the UK over the age of 21 suffers from impotence, or erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, the majority of men with the condition choose not to seek professional help and advice because they are too embarrassed. "Sex is an important part of life and erectile dysfunction should be taken seriously," says James Kirby, spokesman from Firstmed, a leading online impotence clinic (http://www. firstmed. co. uk). "The hardest step is the first and that is to seek help."
Physical causes include a number of medical conditions such as:
High blood pressure Diabetes Prostate Cancer Lifestyle (eg, being overweight, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption)
Psychological causes include:
Depression Poor self-esteem Stress and fatigue.
This information has been brought to you by Firstmed, UK's leading online impotence clinic.
If you wish to discuss any of the above issues in more detail, do not hesitate to contact via e-mail or call +44 (0)870 199 5287