Busting Out of High Cholesterol!
A lifetime (6.5 decades) of high cholesterol failed to yield to any of a wide variety of natural supplementation and dietary factors. Although standard medical practice involving a "statin" cholesterol-lowering drug was effective, there was always a concern about side effects caused by pharmaceutical drugs. Thus it was a delightful surprise to learn that, in this instance, the consideration that genes might be he culprit here was NOT valid, and that the long-term diagnosis of "High Cholesterol" has yielded to a natural supplementation program which involved alkalinizing one's diet. The latter approach to health has been well-documented, over and over, to create an environment within human cells that does not permit the continued existence of, or the development of, disease. Thus the information contained in this release can lead others to consider the same information which can also be of benefit, including the potential either to improve one's health status or possibly even to reverse disease.
(PRWEB) November 4, 2004
Manhattan Beach, California. Cholesterol, not June, is busting out all over!
Yes, high cholesterol, in my lifetime, has always been attributed to genes (in my mind). All efforts at natural supplementation never brought down total cholesterol into the normal range. The best reading, with natural supplementation, was in the 220s (below 200 is considered normal).
The total cholesterol high was 304, and most often it was in the 260-270 range. Once, with natural supplementation that included those items listed below minus the greens, it was possible to lower the finding to 199 (1 point under suggested "normal" range). But this was a solitary finding, and it was never possible to lower the total cholesterol further down into the normal range.
One study showed that if high cholesterol is a solitary finding, then by age 70 it becomes less concerning. Having passed the half-way mark in the decade leading to that age, it seemed that some comfort might be achieved from such a report.
So, it always seemed, the high cholesterol was in the gene pool, and that was that. Not so!
Most recently, I have been privileged to consume Plasma Activated Water (PAW) for which I received permission to publish the following: "A Case Report on the Effects of Consumption, Cessation of Consumption, and Reintroduction of Plasma Activated Water (PAW)" found here: http://www. prweb. com/releases/2004/6/prwebxml127499.php (http://www. prweb. com/releases/2004/6/prwebxml127499.php)
Thinking that the fairest test of all would be to consume ONLY PAW and see if that affected the cholesterol, when an opportunity arose to discontinue ALL supplementation for over one month, it was possible to have a "clean reading" with a fasting lipid profile blood draw.
Result? The cholesterol shot way back up to 267!
So PAW alone does not do it. Back to the drawing board.
Following the one-month-plus hiatus drinking only PAW with no natural supplementation whatsoever, I engaged in an active walking exercise program (nearly daily) and reintroduced the following supplement regimen under the supervision of our family naturopathic ("environmental physician") doctor:
Red Yeast, Omega-3, Fiber, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Supreme Greens, Coral Calcium, Multivitamins, Boluoke (an ÂOral Fibrinolytic Agent or fibrin decreasing supplement).
Result? Weight loss (15 pounds so far).
For the first time in my life (65+ years) the cholesterol dropped down well into the normal range! Yes Normal! Down to 189! 10 points lower than it had ever been! A first! Why?
Gene Theory: Out the window.
What is new in the supplementation? The Supreme Greens with MSM by Dr. Alex Guerrero, Health Solutions (http://www. hsnow. com/abc4all (http://www. hsnow. com/abc4all)).
All of the supplements -- other than the greens -- I had taken prior to this turning point hallmarked by a steeper drop into the so-called "normal" cholesterol range. This time I had introduced something new -- the greens -- and had worked up to two of the three recommended servings a day. These greens are the equivalent of eating 20 times as much vegetables! That's a 20:1 ratio, so with three servings a day, it would be the equivalent of consuming a great deal of vegetable content, causing the body to "alkalinize."
So even without the recommended daily allotment of three servings of the greens, it was possible to lower the cholesterol further into the normal range with this newly introduced natural food supplement.
Good-bye statin drugs!
Yes, a physician (not holistic) had recommended Pravachol, one of the statin cholesterol-lowering medications, some years ago that did get my cholesterol reading down, but I was always concerned about side effects from pharmaceuticals. Here only through NATURAL supplementation (the equivalent of eating vegetables), it was possible to get rid of that lifetime diagnosis (sentence?) of "High Cholesterol" as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
To boot, the "good" cholesterol has increased, and the "bad cholesterol" has decreased (30%!). The latter is now 1 point above the normal range.
PLAN: Continue to exercise. Continue the above natural supplementation regimen, changing it only by adding a third serving of Dr. Guererro's Supreme Greens each day.
Read all about it! Alkalinize Your Way to Health! Just go to http://www. hsnow. com/abc4all (http://www. hsnow. com/abc4all) and click on "LIBRARY."
Next cholesterol reading: January 2005.
But it is not necessary to wait till 01/05 to draw a safe conclusion: What may seem to be a recalcitrant issue in one's health does not have to mean a life sentence! Yes, even when it may be viewed that a problem or concern is chronic, resistant to change, it ainÂt necessarily so. There is always hope.
MORAL: Keep your options open, keep trying, and if you do not succeed, try and try again. Persistence can be a virtue! Even if it takes 6-1/2 decades!
Good-bye High Cholesterol!
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