Study Shows EQ Cures Hangover Symptoms Significantly
In a study conducted by independent researchers, results show that EQ, FLAVORX's new effervescent energy tablet, reduces the symptoms associated with over-consumption of alcoholic beverages. With essential vitamins and memory-enhancing gingko biloba, EQ proves to be a safe and healthy solution that reduces hangover pain as well as provides a quick energy boost.
Bethesda, MD (PRWEB) January 17, 2006
In a recent study, researchers found that EQ, FLAVORx, Inc.'s new and innovative, unique effervescent energy tablet, not only offers a great boost of energy but also cures hangover symptoms significantly. A test group of 20 individuals aged 22-62 was assembled on New Years Eve 2006 to test the validity that EQ cures the majority of hangover symptoms. The blend of essential vitamins and energy components allows EQ to reduce alcohol toxicity and combat the harmful effects of indulgent alcohol consumption. According to FLAVORx President and CEO, Kenny Kramm, “We wanted to show consumers that EQ is not just your typical energy boost. Because it’s vitamin-packed and completely safe, it’s actually a great way to start leading a healthy and productive lifestyle.”
We have all felt the effects of the infamous and torturous morning after that all too crazy night out—the pounding headache, the nausea, the 10-fold decibel increase of the sounds around you… but what’s really happening to your body? You might not want to hear exactly what is going on in your body to cause these symptoms but it is best that you stay well informed. Research shows that the body’s reaction to large doses of alcohol conjures up such effects as: dehydration and loss of vitamins and minerals, low blood sugar, delayed digestion and increased gastric acid buildup, decrease in kidney re-absorption and a buildup of fatty acids and lactic acids in the liver. All in all, it’s not a good combination.
Alcohol consumption depletes and destroys B group vitamins in the body. These vitamins play an essential role in metabolism, water retention and energy, however the body cannot store most B vitamins, and therefore they must be replenished immediately if lost from the body. EQ contains a mix of B group vitamins that includes B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) and B12 (cyanocobalamin). Specifically, vitamins B5 and B6 promote metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to promote liver function and produce energy, which is especially vital to combat the effects of too much alcohol intake. Furthermore, as a whole, the B vitamin complex functions to assist in the formation of red blood cells and brain chemicals and production and maintenance of body cells, as well as elevate mental ability, brain processes and immune function.
One tablet in 8 ounces of water after a party, before going to bed and one more tablet in 8 ounces of water first thing when you wake up is the best way to cure hangover symptoms. The unique effervescence of EQ allows for uptake of essential vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream faster than pills because ingredients are in liquid form and absorbed by the body more rapidly. Additionally, respondents in the study felt that the effervescence of the tablet helped settle the stomach the morning after. Furthermore, EQ’s ginkgo biloba and caffeine allows the body to feel more refreshed by clearing a fuzzy head and increasing energy. One EQ user claimed, “Wow that was amazing how quickly that worked. All of the nasty symptoms I usually get from overindulging just went away!”
A test group of 10 male and female individuals of various ages were directed to use one EQ in 8 ounces of water when returning from their New Years Eve celebrations and then were directed to use one more EQ tablet in 8 ounces of water as soon as they got up the next morning when symptoms are usually the worst, while a similar group of 10 did not. Respondents who took EQ felt an immediate reduction in hangover symptoms, and experienced a much quicker recovery and faster road to feeling refreshed and back to normal than those in the control group. The control group reported nausea, headache, increased sensitivity to sound and light, dry mouth, dizziness and a general sluggishness. Although there is no fool-proof hangover cure for every person and every symptom, these studies show that EQ is effective at getting people of all ages back on their feet much more rapidly.
For more information and a free EQ sample, visit www. drinkeq. com or to buy online, please visit www. geteq. com.
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