Molestation is Not a Death Sentence
Linda Wattley, Author of Molested Angel says "If you have been molested you must understand you are under the influence of mixed signals. These mixed signals are the reason you can’t seem to find peace within yourself. I have a growing philosophy that arose from my writing Daddy's Girl that gives us solid keys of transformation from victimization to individualization with a twist of hope." Join her as she discusses her book Molested Angel with the Velvet Voice of Size Diversity on the Size Matters, Too Radio Show the week of March 20, 2005. Tune in 24/7 online/ondemand at www. sizematterstoo. com
(PRWEB) March 18, 2005
Imagine awakening in a world unknown to you. In this world there’s one main voice familiar to you. It’s the voice of your mother. With this voice you are given the strength to allow the human development process to make you more conscious of this world. For those who don’t hear this familiar voice, the journey is more difficult.
In her writings, you will rediscover your primitive emotions and feelings that separate us from the rest of the animal kingdom. These feelings and emotions have been buried deep within our souls due to early experiences of pain. Sexuality and sensuality are the most primitive sensations existing in human beings. How these sensations are introduced and exercised determines our individuality and outlook on life. When you are a child, every touch is registered deep within your soul. This is why it is human nature to want, need and share touching. The lack of touching, immoral touching and random touching promises a life of desperation.
Because touching is such a powerful tool, this world uses the word love to justify touching one another to fulfill their physical needs. Wattley takes you to your soul and in that arrival; you rediscover a more real connection with humanity. You realize you do not suffer alone. The characters in this book derive from the reservoirs of her soul. If you have ever been touched, you too have a reservoir of characters screaming to express themselves. Memory spoken is not the only memory by which we function.
Wattley believes we are so naturally empowered with the ability to communicate with one another that we don’t allow ourselves to be selective in what we communicate. For instance, touching is a sacred opportunity to heal, nurture and uplift one another. However, we choose to touch for self-gratification not knowing this touch is unhealthy for the recipient. Because it is more of a taking than giving, it leaves the object of interest with less of their soul.
She believes that we daily operate on automatic pilot as we seek understanding of what it means to be alive and in this world. It’s amazing how we survive pain and unjust experiences here. Leona, one of the main characters in her book is a young girl who shares her inner search to find understanding of life and God. The people in her life are ordinary people with hidden pain and a need to be loved. Their past brought them to their present existence. The question of right or wrong does nothing to heal the soul. However, the search to know and prove there is much more to life than meet the eyes is our natural instinct to survive.
God, love, sex and pain are key elements that determine our state of mind. These key elements determine how we treat one another. Who would admit it was sex that assisted in their awakening to the reality of God? Or, who would admit it was pain that turned them away from God? Also, who would admit it was love that gave the okay to stand naked before another human being? It is this silence of our secret choices that she believes created the dilemma that life is unkind.
Though the characters in her book suffer early in life, they never give up on hope, love and freedom. Some kind of a way they find the right understanding to get to the next level of understanding. Their realities become your realities as you remember the natural processes that make us who and what we are today. Sometimes remembering is reassembling our inner soul that we may start again. Wattley believes life has a matrix. It started the day we were born. In that matrix you will find yourself again and life will have a new meaning.
Wattley believes life is not over because molestation occurs. As a woman of size, Wattley has always been considered a big girl. It was not until later in life she learned it is believed our physical ailments are a direct result of our psychological perceptions of ourselves. Where obesity is concerned, it is also believed you subconsciously feel a need to be protected from others and life and that is often achieved through building a comfort barrier by allowing your body size to become large.
Wattley personally did not entertain the thought she needed protection though she's a large woman. However considered it a possibility since she felt unprotected as a child after being molested. Wattley learned no matter what the reasons may be that made you the person you are today, there is still so much more that makes you who you are!
If you have been molested you must understand you have come under the influence of mixed signals Snydrome. Mixed signals are the reason you can’t seem to find peace. Wattley obtained a growing philosophy that arose from her writing Daddy's Girl that gives us solid keys of transforming from "victimization" to "individualization" with a twist of hope.
Wattley stresses--to "move on in life," you must first realize what you're "moving on from." It is easy to call it molestation but it is so much more than that. Join Linda Wattley as she shares her insights and experiences that led to the creation of “Daddy's Girl” in an intimate discussion with Veronica Cook-Euell, the Velvet Voice of Size Diversity, on "Size Matters, Too" www. sizematterstoo. com the week of March 20th. Remember, you are chosen to do great things!
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