Sunday, February 3, 2008

New Textbook with Blog Offers Insight on How Benefits are Designed, Financed & Delivered

New Textbook with Blog Offers Insight on How Benefits are Designed, Financed & Delivered

The book is titled "Benefits and Beyond--A Comprehensive and Strategic Approach to Retirement, Health Care and More." and is now available. (The Blog Provides Current & Timely Updates on the Ever-Changing Benefits Landscape)

Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) October 18, 2009

A new and comprehensive benefits textbook titled "Benefits and Beyond--A Comprehensive and Strategic Approach to Retirement, Health Care and More." is now available.

Thomas E. Murphy, Executive Professor at Miami University's Farmer School of Business has authored the textbook which offers a unique examination to how benefits are designed, financed, and delivered in the U. S. and globally. Published by Sage Publications, Inc. (Thousand Oaks, CA. 2010), the book includes chapters on health care, health care reform, retirement and pension plans, social security reform, global benefits, labor economics, benefit legal compliance including ERISA rules, retirement planning, equity benefits such as stock options and restricted stock, benefit plan administration, and benefit metrics.

Benefits and Beyond is a unique blend of theoretical and practical expositions of benefits and includes many illustrative vignettes that help develop analytical skills. It explores the link between life cycle events and benefits sponsored by employers and government as well as those mandated by state or federal legislation. Benefit finance and the relationship of benefits to human resources management are also explained in the book.

The book is supported by Murphy's blog (www. managementandbeyond. com/blog (http://www. managementandbeyond. com/blog)) that is updated weekly to keep benefit issues current and timely. The blog is organized by book chapters and includes a special feature section called "Critical Updates on Health Care Reform." New approaches to retirement plans, changes in benefits facilitated by the Stimulus legislation, such as COBRA subsidies for the unemployed and new rules on pension funding are also included.

Currently Murphy is Executive Professor, Farmer School of Business, Miami University (Ohio) where he teaches Benefits, Human Resources Management, Global Management Competencies, Employment Law, and Human Capital Metrics. Murphy has served on the faculty of the College of Law, University of Cincinnati, The International University of Monaco and was recently guest lecturer at Vienna (Austria) University of Economics and Business, Cranfield University (U. K.), Genoa University (Italy) as well as several universities in the Middle East. He is a former Fulbright Scholar (Amman, Jordan), and senior officer of The Kroger Co. For more information on the book and Professor Murphy visit: www. managementandbeyond. com.
