Wednesday, April 9, 2008

FuturePerfect™ Fitness Spa Embodies the Best Spa Trends for 2008

FuturePerfect™ Fitness Spa Embodies the Best Spa Trends for 2008

FuturePerfect, the Original FitSpa™, is ahead of the curve in bringing the latest trends spa trends to DFW.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) December 19, 2007

SpaFinder. com, the leading source for locating luxury spas, recently issued its 5th Annual Spa Trends Report titled "10 Spa Trends to Watch in 2008." Of the top ten spa trends two of the hottest for 2008 include "Wellness" and "Detoxification", both of which can be found at FuturePerfect™ fitness spa, located in Plano, Texas.

SpaFinder reported, "The wellness wave is being brought on by scientific breakthroughs, the realization that the medical industry has a sickness model (and is unlikely to embrace prevention anytime soon), and consumers' desires to be healthier, more vital, and youthful in appearance." SpaFinder went on to say, "Fitness, nutrition, education…are all becoming important aspects of 'spa.'" Nowhere is this better demonstrated than at FuturePerfect, a combined spa and fitness center created exclusively for women who want to lose weight, shape their bodies, and take lifelong control of their eating habits. At FuturePerfect, fitness trainers, registered dieticians and cutting-edge technologies from Europe and Asia help women achieve the body they want in a luxurious spa setting. At FuturePerfect, each new member begins her regimen with a confidential intake session with a registered dietician, fitness trainer and wellness consultant. Body measurements are recorded using a Tanita™ scale, Body Mass Index (BMI) scale, and full body photo documentation. Additionally, all women complete a Personal Profile to identify their wellness goals. Under the auspices of the medical director and the FuturePerfect staff, all members experience the weight loss and body shaping benefits of combining technology-assisted exercise with healthy eating habits.

SpaFinder went on to report that many spas, "are beginning to treat weight loss and detox less as punishments and more as celebrations. After all, if you can get the same results with high thread count sheets, lovely rooms, spa treatments and a nurturing environment, why not live a little while you're trying to improve your life?" FuturePerfect has imported the latest technology from Asia to help women achieve all the benefits of weight loss and detoxification with an absolute minimum of exertion. FuturePerfect's Slimdome, a Far Infrared (FIR) emissions technology, consists of a warming bed that resembles a tanning bed except that it uses gentle heat waves to melt away the pounds and rid the body of stored heavy metals and toxins.

FuturePerfect™- the original FitSpa™ features four main technologies:

Using harmless Far Infrared (FIR) emissions, the Slimdome burns up to 600 calories in a single session and helps you reach a highly beneficial detoxifying "Marathon Sweat™" with no physical effort. You just lay back, relax and let your body's natural response to the warming stimulation melt away calories and eliminate toxins.
Therapeutic effects include: weight loss, fat loss, improved skin tone, reduction of joint pain and inflammation, increase in blood circulation and metabolic rate that provides a natural boost to the immune system.

Everyone from Hollywood stars to professional athletes is discovering the benefits of high frequency vibration plates. FuturePerfect's medical-grade vibration plate, Vybe gives women a total body workout with a fraction of the effort of conventional exercise. By generating high frequency vibrations that stimulate reflexive muscle contractions, the Vybe helps you shape your body, burn fat, gain strength and improve agility. In addition, the high frequency vibrations increase bone mass which helps prevent osteoporosis.
Therapeutic effects include: targeted muscle group toning and strengthening, body shaping, improved bone density, increased circulation, release of endorphin, serotonin (pleasure) hormones, and improved range of motion.

Acoustic Wave Therapy™
Cellulite is a nagging problem for women, even those who work hard to keep fit. Cellulite is caused by a combination of fat cells that reside within the skin and the body's natural connective tissue which tends to tighten over time. This combination of fat cells pushing outward and connective tissue pulling inward results in the unsightly "orange peel" dimpled skin that women detest. Contrary to popular belief, dieting and exercise alone won't eliminate cellulite. Although technically not a medical condition, cellulite can and does negatively impact women's self image. At FuturePerfect, women achieve firmer, smoother skin in the areas where cellulite forms-the thighs, buttocks and abdomen by using Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT™) an acoustic wave medical device from Switzerland.

Therapeutic effects include: improved skin texture and elasticity, circumference reduction for targeted body areas and rapid improvement, with visible results apparent within three weeks.

MesoMassage™ is a new method of delivering the fat-burning benefits of mesotherapy through a combination of electrotherapy and ultrasound technologies. The electric and ultrasonic waveforms open pathways through the skin without needles, enabling the painless delivery of mesotherapy ingredients. It delivers naturally produced fat-burning agents to specific areas of the body which include the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. This non-invasive treatment eliminates the need for injections and delivers the same results as traditional mesotherapy which uses needles to inject the active ingredients.

Therapeutic effects include: targeted body shaping and extracorporeal lipolysis, reduction of stubborn fat deposits, cellulite reduction and gentle, massage-like therapy.

Since opening in June 2007, FuturePerfect has helped women improve their health and appearance. Becky, age 40 and mother of three said "The futureperfect program has been the most positive and rewarding experience I've had towards my health and fitness! I look and feel better than I have in years. The weekly treatments with the Slimdome and Vybe really really make me feel and look better than I have in years."

For more information on specials, programs and packages, please contact the FuturePerfect center at 972-378-5900 or visit the website at www. FuturePerfect. com. FuturePerfect is located at 4021 Preston Road, Suite 623 Plano, TX 75093. For media inquires, please contact Rob Huckels at 214-540-3807 or rhuckels(at)medsurgeadvances. com.

FuturePerfect™ is from MedSurge Advances®, a leader in helping physicians start medical spas and other aesthetic practices. Since 2002, MedSurge Advances has been a proven partner in the development of hundreds of physician-owned spas nationwide. For more information, visit www. medsurgeadvances. com.
