Leading Health Plan CEOs Offer Outlook for Reform, New Products and Coverage Trends in 2010
In exclusive interviews with HPW, top executives from CIGNA Corp., Geisinger Health System, CDPHP, Tufts Health Plan and Medica weigh in on reform, as well as give insight into their outlook for new products and market trends they expect in the year ahead.
Washington, DC (PRWEB) December 23, 2009
AIS's "Health Plan Week" (HPW) - Twelve Months ago, health plan CEOs told HPW that they were optimistic about health reform and were encouraged that it would be a top priority for the incoming administration. A year later, they are unanimous in saying reform efforts are headed in the wrong direction.
In exclusive interviews with HPW, top executives from CIGNA Corp., Geisinger Health System, CDPHP, Tufts Health Plan and Medica weigh in on reform, as well as give insight into their outlook for new products and market trends they expect in the year ahead. To read the interviews and the Dec. 21 issue of HPW, visit http://www. aishealth. com/pdf/hpw122109_ESPC11.pdf (http://www. aishealth. com/pdf/hpw122109_ESPC11.pdf).
"Health Plan Week" asks five industry leaders questions that include:
-- Which of your insurance products do you expect to fare best and worst in the
Next year?
-- Of the ideas discussed in the health reform debate, which do you consider the most critical for health insurers? Most troubling?
-- What major changes in benefit plan design do you think will take hold in the market in 2010?
-- As the individual market grows increasingly important to health plans, what will you do in the next year to streamline costs?
HPW subscribers receive a steady flow of valuable strategies and tested guidance on many issues, including: enrollment trends and market share, new product design, and much more. Take a look what else is covered in the Dec. 21 issue:
-- "Brokers Pair High-Deductibles with Creativity to Cut Rates" -- a look at emerging trends in the individual and small-group markets
-- "Savvy Employers Are Launching Their Own 'Reform' Tactics for 2010" -- uncovering strategies being used by large employers to control coverage costs
-- "Reimbursement Cuts Prompt Holiday Shopping for MA Plans" -- an overview of the Annual Enrollment Period for Medicare
To read these articles in their entirety as well as the exclusive HPW interviews with five leading health plans, go to http://www. aishealth. com/pdf/hpw122109_ESPC11.pdf (http://www. aishealth. com/pdf/hpw122109_ESPC11.pdf) today.
About "Health Plan Week" (HPW):
Published since 1991, HPW provides the health care industry with timely business, financial and regulatory news of the health insurance industry -- with the inside news, targeted data and expert analysis that will help you monitor all of the changes ahead under health reform and improve your organization's bottom line. Subscriptions include 45 weekly issues and quarterly spreadsheets (sent via e-mail) with key financial indicators for 50 leading health plans.