Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ten Reasons Whole Foods Will Win the Next Decade of Healthy Eating

Ten Reasons Whole Foods Will Win the Next Decade of Healthy Eating

The top nutrition breakthrough of the last decade was the demonstration that whole, unprocessed plant foods are the healthiest diet. Pioneering researchers and passionate consumers published at least 34 books between 2000 and 2009 proving the nutritional advantages of a whole foods eating plan. This practical nutrition information leads the way to new food choices that will define the next decade.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) January 5, 2010

Ph. D.s, physicians, dieticians, and other professionals wrote 23 of these 34 key books (http://perfectformuladiet. com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Selected-Whole-Foods-Books. doc), shredding tired nutrition myths (http://ezinearticles. com/?Shocking-Nutrition-Myths---7-That-Will-Kill-You&id=3386815) along the way. "The weight of evidence for a whole foods diet is overwhelming," observes Janice Stanger, Ph. D (http://perfectformuladiet. com/about-janice/)., author of The Perfect Formula Diet (http://perfectformuladiet. com/about-the-book/). "No other single change can address so many critical threats to our national well-being. This diet is the cornerstone to address the devastation of chronic illness and obesity, the soaring price of health care, and environmental issues all with one simple step."

Here are ten reasons that whole foods will outclass the competition over the next decade – or even sooner.

1. The rising cost of health care in the Unites States is not sustainable. Americans already work two months out of every year just to pay for health care. Some of these costs are obvious, such as insurance premiums, deductibles, and copays. Individual's taxes support Medicare, Medicaid, and other public health programs. But every purchase has a hidden health care component to pay for insurance for the supplier's workers and for the supplier's health-related taxes. Without a switch to a whole foods diet, keeping these costs from climbing even higher will be difficult and paying for health care will eat ever more of the GDP. Any health care reform legislation will not change this fact.
2. Celebrities and sports figures are defining the trend. Well-known stars and musicians, including Ellen DeGeneres, Alicia Silverstone, Alanis Morissette, and Moby share their plant-based dietary choices. Athletes on a whole foods diet have a performance edge without steroids. A sampling of athletes sticking to a diet based on whole foods includes Brendan Brazier, ultra marathon champion, Ruth Heidrich, triathlete with over 900 wins, Pat Neshek, Minnesota Twins pitcher, and Salim Stoudamire, Atlanta Hawk's shooting guard.
3. Knowledge about a whole foods diet is becoming mainstream. Several of the 34 key books have been or are currently bestsellers. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet all are brimming with information on nutrition stories due to high consumer interest.
4. Baby boomers seek health for themselves and their families. Aging boomers want to slow the passage of the years and stay vigorous well into old age. A whole foods diet makes a huge difference to health and the pace of aging.
5. Whole foods are more effective than exercise in losing weight and maintaining health. Only quitting smoking can rival a change in diet for making a difference through lifestyle. Calorie-restricted diets and their many variations simply don't work in the long run, as anyone who is overweight has discovered.
6. Excellent recipes and cookbooks (http://perfectformuladiet. com/resources/) with whole foods ingredients and healthy cooking techniques abound in bookstores and on the Internet. Health conscious eaters can choose among several hundred plant-based cookbooks and recipe sites too plentiful to count.
7. Whole foods are conveniently available in restaurants and stores. Just about any supermarket has dairy-free milk alternatives, whole grain pasta and bread, veggie burgers, a huge produce section, and many other health-friendly alternatives. Restaurants are catching on, with plant-based meals on the menu or readily available on request.
8. Awareness of factory farm problems continues to grow. Books focusing on raising animals for food, including Jonathan Safran Foer's bestseller Eating Animals, penetrate the national conscience and drive the search for alternatives.
9. The environmental cost of animal and processed foods is not sustainable. Producing these foods uses staggering amounts of water, energy, pesticides and herbicides, and land compared to the resources required for whole plant foods. Making green choices is important for consumers.
10. Whole foods are budget friendly. Potatoes, beans, and grains are among the lowest cost food choices and certainly deliver value in terms of nutrients per dollar spent. In-season produce that is on sale, or frozen fruits and vegetables, also help consumers stretch their food dollars. Refining whole foods costs money for both the factory and the advertising, and consumers pay for both when they buy processed foods.

The first decade of the 21st century was the time for groundbreaking research on nutrition and health. Scientists and physicians delved into thousands of studies and shared the results in books that converge on one conclusion: people are healthy and happy on a whole foods plant-based diet. The next decade will see these discoveries put into action.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Filmmaker/Therapist creates The Enigma Group to explore the Mysterious, the Paranormal, the Occult, and the Unexplained "no matter what the risk"

Filmmaker/Therapist creates The Enigma Group to explore the Mysterious, the Paranormal, the Occult, and the Unexplained "no matter what the risk".

Paris-based, independent American filmmaker, Zachary James Miller debuts two new websites (www. theenigmagroup and www. digitalmagick. com) that support his film and television projects and his other true passions in life: counseling, traveling and exploring the unexplained.

(PRWEB) October 4, 2001

Subject: Filmmaker Finances Movies Via Tours to Mysterious Locations

Date: October 3, 2001

From: Xpress Press(tm) News Service"

Contact: Zachary Miller - tel. (33) -1 - 44 85 09 35 - Paris, France

Email - zacharyjames@hotmail. com


Filmmaker/Therapist explores the Mysterious

Filmmaker/Therapist Solves Film Financing Conundrum By Offering Travelers Opportunity to Observe Filmmaking Process and Join Him on "The Filmmaker's Vacation" and on Paranormal Investigations with "The Enigma Group".

Paris, France -- October 3, 2001 -- /Xpress Press/ -- Paris-based,

Independent American filmmaker, Zachary James Miller today debuts two new websites that support two ways in which to finance his film and television projects while living out his other true passions in life: counseling, lecturing and exploring the unexplained.

Miller, psychotherapist and founder of the Center for High-Level

Wellness, has now created and launched The Enigma Group website

(www. theenigmagroup. com) and organization. This is done in coordination

With Enigma Group: the television series, a multi-part program that

Explores the strange, the unexplained and the bizarre. This combination of

Reality TV show and supernatural adventure documentary states the following in its opening. "This program sets out to explore and examine mysterious, unusual, and esoteric subject matter from around the world. The Enigma Group is not just a documentary film team but also a highly skilled research team devoted to exploring the unknown. Our purpose is to seek explanations to the unanswered questions that haunt us matter what the risk."

With the latter as the basis for the television series, Enigma: the

Organization will facilitate tours to mysterious locations where Miller and

His Enigma Group will investigate and videotape documentary footage. For

These tours Miller is allowing a limited number of paying guests to

Accompany him and in fact become part of the investigative team.

The tours/episodes will include the "Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau", "Real

Vampires", "Truly Haunted Houses", "Egyptian Mysteries", and others. Two "Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau" tours will take place. The next being October 27, to November 4, 2001 and finally a Dec. 21, 2001 to Jan 2, 2002 tour.

In addition to this Miller has revived his interest in counseling, this

Time through the Enigma Group website. He will, however, be specializing in

Working with people who have problems associated with paranormal phenomena, the occult, the unknown or the unexplained. Also, people who are currently experiencing consciousness change or "spiritual emergencies" associated with kundalini rising. Miller will act as a counselor, investigator or consultant. He will conduct phone and email counseling as well as on-site, in-person investigations and speaking engagements. He will endeavor to help individuals find solutions to a wide variety of "paranormal problems" including poltergeist phenomena, possession, haunting and a plethora of other supernatural related occurrences.

His unique background allows him to separate real phenomena from

Hallucinations of a psycho pathological nature. Miller's other website

(www. digitalmagick. com) and e-commerce endeavor is devoted to the

Independent digital filmmaking revolution. For several years Miller's

Independent production company, I. C.E. Productions (International

Communication Enterprise, Inc.) like so many others spent the majority of

Its time searching for film financing and sending out documentary proposals to television channels. This time-consuming process meant little time for actually shooting anything.

However, in the last few years technology has made digital filmmaking not

Only possible but also profitable and Miller has wholly embraced it. He has

Totally dedicated himself now to the digital revolution, learning

Everything about it, then teaching it and utilizing it for all of his

Projects. He is expanding his digital studio, which employs Apple Macintosh computers at its core. This new way of working makes independent filmmakers truly independent.

To help finance his films Miller has developed the concept of "the

Filmmaker's vacation". This is an opportunity again for a select number of

Individuals to watch the filmmaking process firsthand on location. Miller's

First use of this will be with his films "From Paris with Love" a romantic

Comedy to be shot in Paris in three weeks in February 2002 and "Chateau

Rouge" a gothic supernatural thriller to be filmed on location at two

Different Chateaus' outside of Paris also in three weeks in the April 2002.

His extensive multi-disciplined background has definitely prepared him for

Unique endeavors. The former Psychotherapist and Holistic Health Counselor has since earliest childhood been interested in all things unusual, paranormal, supernatural and unexplained. He began studying meditation, ritual magic, and Tae-Kwon-Do (Korean karate) at age 12.

Later other interests and fields of study included psychology,

Parapsychology, chaos magic, ninjitsu, kung fu, isolation tanks, quantum

Physics, parallel times, fasting consciousness expansion, astral

Projection, remote viewing, holistic health and nutrition, various forms of

Massage, energy work, tantric yoga, psycho pharmacology, brain machines, comparative religions and more. He has studied psychology and related subjects with many of the pioneers in their fields.

His teachers have included Dr. John Lilly, (isolation tank inventor &

Dolphin communication pioneer) Dr. Will Schultz (encounter group therapy

Inventor), Dr. Joan Halifax (anthropologist, study of Shamans), the late

Dr. Carl Rogers, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Dr. Timothy Leary, Dr. Richard

Alpert (Ram Dass), Swami Muktananda, Colin Wilson, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan (head of the Sufi Order), and others. In addition to creating his center he has worked at Akron Children's Hospital, Blick Clinic (for developmentally disabled), Mentor Critical Care, and St George Homes (for adolescent schizophrenics), among others.

He counts as interesting life experiences seeing his first and only "very

Impressive" UFO sighting in 1983 in Northern California and having his

First astral projection at age ten. Mr. Miller did his Masters work in

Psychology and holistic studies at Antioch College/ West, San Francisco, CA under the direction of Dr. Will Schultz but subsequently dropped out of the PH. D program. While greatly crediting his studies and his teachers he felt he had developed to a point where he wanted to renew his studies outside of academia.

In 1990 several months after his Mother died he moved to Paris with his

Girlfriend. For over a year after his move to Paris he had a series of

Unexplained shamanicÐlike experiences. These occurrences included changes that seemed like the classic Kundalini-rising type experiences he had dealt with before and that have been written about by various yogis. During this time he often felt as though he were experiencing more than one reality and found many answers in his dreams. He began to write and then was moved to develop his production company. He has continued to live in Paris for the last ten years. The couple now has a twenty-month old son who was born on Halloween!

Miller feels that whether people see him as a therapist, urban shaman,

Freelance wizard, paranormal investigator, magus or spiritual tour guide

Really doesn't matter. He states: "What matters is getting to the truth of

Any given situation or phenomena and finding real answers and personal

Solutions for those involved. I feel we're going through a time where more

And more people are experiencing things they can't explain and have no

Frame of reference for. The veil is lifting. If I can assist them to find

Answers through personal counseling or my film and TV work I'm happy either way."

For additional information contact:

Zachary James Miller, Dir., Digital Magick / The Enigma Group

25, rue des Apennins - Paris, 75017 France

Tel. - (33) 1-44-85-09-35 (in France)

Fax /Voice Mail - (33) 1-42-26-10-89 (in France)

Email - zacharyjames@hotmail. com,

Magus@digitalmagick. com,

Magus@theenigmagroup. com

Web site's - www. digitalmagick. com and www. theenigmagroup. com

Link to this story online:

Http://www. xpresspress. com/news/enigma_081301.html (http://www. xpresspress. com/news/enigma_081301.html)


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Are available at our searchable archives located online at:

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New DORMA eLearning Site Offers Continuing Education Credits for Architects, Others

New DORMA eLearning Site Offers Continuing Education Credits for Architects, Others

DORMA Architectural Hardware’s new “DORMA eLearning” site (http://www. DORMAe-learning. com) offers a convenient, online platform for learning about architectural hardware and obtaining continuing education credits through the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

Reamstown, PA (Vocus) April 18, 2010 –

DORMA Architectural Hardware’s new “DORMA eLearning” site (http://www. DORMAe-learning. com) offers a convenient, online platform for learning about architectural hardware and obtaining continuing education credits through the American Institute of Architects (AIA). DORMA is a registered provider with the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems, All courses meet health, safety, welfare and sustainable design requirements.

Successful completion of each 45- to 60-minute program will earn architects one LU toward maintaining their certification as a registered architect. Earned credits will be reported automatically to AIA’s CES records. Certificates of completion will be mailed to AIA members as well. Non-AIA members can receive certificates upon request for self reporting.

The classes provide essential information about architectural hardware to help the building team make informed decisions about product selection and performance. The programs are suitable for use by other members of the building team (including end-users) in addition to hardware sales representatives and distributors.

Two programs for AIA credit are available on the site now. DORMA plans to have eight credit programs available by year-end. In addition, a non-credit DORMA-specific class provides an overview of the company, its products and its services to familiarize the participant with the wealth of offerings available.

About DORMA Group North America
DORMA Group North America manufactures and markets a wide range of products for the architectural openings industry, with a particular focus on commercial and institutional openings. Part of The DORMA Group worldwide, DORMA Group North America comprises DORMA Architectural Hardware, DORMA Glas, Modernfold, DORMA Canada, DORMA Mexico, and DORMA Entrance Systems -- which markets products and services under the DORMA Automatics, Crane Revolving Door and Carolina Door Controls brands.

DORMA Group North America offerings include safety and security products, locks, door closers, exit devices, glass hardware and patch fittings, sliding and swinging automatic doors, revolving doors and operable partitions.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rotational Torque Movement Revolutionizes the World of Fitness

Rotational Torque Movement Revolutionizes the World of Fitness

Welcome the Orbital 360 Fitness machine, designed to change your life by using Rotational Torque movement to exercise your body in a way that has never been used before.

(PRWEB) August 10, 2005

The commercial fitness industry has shown to be one of the most lucrative industries with 2004 annual statistics of $23 billion in revenue, and has been screaming for innovation. In answer, Orbital Fitness has come up with an innovative and new revolutionary technology utilizing Rotational Torque Movement.

The business model for the commercial fitness marketing will be the franchise concept, shown to be extremely successful with history of the Curves franchise that has built over 9,000 locations in nine years. The Curves model is extremely lucrative. The following costs associated with each individual franchise are as follows:

Each location costs between $32,000-$40,000 to set up and the franchise owner is responsible for purchasing equipment, something Curves does through a third party for about $1,700 per location. The advertising royalty is 3 percent of the gross, which ranges from $100 to $400 per month for each location and the ongoing royalty fee is 5 percent of gross, which ranges from $200 to $800 per month for each location.

The Curves model has built tremendous success with an obsolete exercise line using a circuit type version of training which dates back to the late 1970s.

We feel very confident the unique properties of Orbital make it an ideal machine for the franchise genre. The uniqueness of designing the Orbital based upon our own human mechanics is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Orbital accomplishes strengthening, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness concurrently creating a time efficient and highly effective workout in 30 minutes or less. The versatility of The Orbital continues by its ability to provide for workouts focused upon balance, agility, coordination and sports-specific training. Additionally, the functional dynamics of the Orbital and its unique effect on the individual strengthen its innovative philosophy of human biomechanical synergy and give it its own stand-alone identity in the exercise equipment realm. These factors along with the soft, flowing and highly versatile motion capabilities of The Orbital make it an ideal exercise machine for the express workout. Each center can also become a retail outlet since the Orbital is a single unit that delivers a wide array of fitness and rehab possibilities for the home.

According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturer Report published in 2005, there are a number of growing trends in the Fitness Industry that are paving the way for The Orbital's success. As an example, from 1987-2004, high impact aerobic exercise has decreased in the number of participants by 60 percent. Additionally, other aerobic style classes including low impact and step classes have decreased in participation by 28 percent.

During that same period, participation in resistance or strength training by 130 percent and home exercise has increased by 139 percent. Additionally, other forms of cardiovascular exercise such as treadmill and elliptical trainer use have increased by 526 percent. Rounding out these trends is a 506 percent increase in softer exercise such as Pilate's.

Finally, the statistics show that the greatest population seeking exercise is the baby boomers and elderly, which represent 82 percent of the active exercise population. The participants of that population are from 39-88 years old, collectively.

These trends reflect the need of that population to engage in movement activities that provide both strengthening and endurance, but without the damaging effects of a higher impact in either category.

By design, the Orbital is the consummate soft strengthening and endurance-building unit. It provides both strength and cardiovascular benefits concurrently to the user, with the added benefit of ever-changing movement patterns, which limits the cumulative stress of traditional machines that repeat the same patterns, thus creating a continued stress on the same body surfaces. The aging population already suffers from arthritis and other debilitating musculoskeletal diseases and yet they need the movement and strengthening that exercise offers. The Orbital provides the exercise without the impact, which greatly contrasts existing equipment, which causes countless injuries, due to the impact and joint-stressing nature of single-planed linear equipment.

The Orbital also provides balance training and increased bone density, which is also essential to the health of the elderly. So many of these people lose balance which result in broken hips from falls and brittle bones that could easily be prevented with the proper balance conditioning and increased bone density that is provided by the Orbital's torque-based resistance.

With the innovation and revolutionary technology of the Orbital, the elderly and baby boomers are the great recipients and they stand to reap the greatest benefits as well.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Supreme Protein® Bar Leaps to #1 in Nationwide 7-Eleven Store Sales

Supreme Protein® Bar Leaps to #1 in Nationwide 7-Eleven Store Sales

There's a new leader in the rapidly growing protein/energy bar category at America's largest convenience store chain. Within weeks of its introduction, the Supreme Protein® bar surged to the #1 spot at 7-Eleven stores nationwide, beating out a number of highly popular and long-established bars. Industry insiders and consumers alike credit Supreme Protein® 's gourmet candy taste and superb nutritional profile for the bar's tremendous popularity.

Manasquan, NJ (PRWEB) August 1, 2007

The makers of the gourmet protein bar sensation Supreme Protein® knew they had a hit on their hands when they had difficulty keeping up with customer demand. So when they rolled out a nationwide multimedia ad campaign and ramped up production to full capacity, they were prepared for a deluge of orders from happy retailers.

And that's what they've got. Within days of being introduced in 7-Eleven stores throughout the US, Supreme Protein® has clearly established itself as the retailing giant's #1 seller in the all-important and rapidly growing protein/energy bar category. 7-Eleven store owners report that they are having difficulty ordering Supreme Protein® bars fast enough to keep up with demand.

Clearly, consumers are delighted with Supreme Protein® 's outrageously delectable four-layer combination of creamy nougat, crunchy peanuts, luscious caramel, and protein crisps. Meanwhile, industry insiders and consumers alike are suitably impressed by Supreme Protein® 's superb nutritional profile (http://www. supremeprotein. com/best-protein. html).

In addition to purely addictive flavor, Supreme Protein® delivers 30 big grams of the highest-quality proteins, including more premium whey isolate than any other product of its kind. Supreme Protein® also provides an excellent spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats (including flax seed oil). Adding to Supreme Protein® 's popularity is the fact that it comes in both a Carb Conscious (http://www. supremeprotein. com/protein-bar. html) version (for those with low-carb lifestyles) and a High Energy (http://www. supremeprotein. com/energy-bar. html) version (for those seeking a higher-carb burst of energy). The Carb Conscious version also comes in a smaller Snack Size (http://www. supremeprotein. com/protein-snack. html) for those with smaller appetites.

Today's consumer is more nutrition-conscious than ever. So it comes as no surprise that, even when snacking, they want plenty of high-quality "body fuel" for their buck. And that's what they get in Supreme Protein® --a sweet taste sensation that has taken the whole concept of the protein bar into a new realm of combined flavor and function.

Retailers who want their own supply of the fastest-selling bar in the protein/energy bar category can contact Supreme Protein, Inc. at 732-528-3265 X102 or visit the manufacturer's website at supremeprotein. com (http://www. supremeprotein. com/).


Credit Crisis, Weak Economy Drag REIT Returns Down In Line With Broader Market In '08

Credit Crisis, Weak Economy Drag REIT Returns Down In Line With Broader Market In '08

The REIT market was down in line with the broader market in 2008 as all sectors of the economy were affected by the credit crisis and global economic struggles, according to the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT).

Washington, D. C. (Vocus) January 10, 2009

The REIT market was down in line with the broader market in 2008 as all sectors of the economy were affected by the credit crisis and global economic struggles, according to the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (http://reit. com) (NAREIT). Consider the following points:
The FTSE NAREIT All REIT Index was down 37.34 percent for the year, through Dec. 31, following a near 16 percent rebound in December. The FTSE NAREIT Equity REIT Index was down 37.73 percent for the year after gaining 16.39 percent in December. The broader market indexes also struggled in 2008. For the year, the NASDAQ Composite was down 40.54 percent, the Dow Jones Industrials was down 33.84 percent, the S&P 500 was down 37.00 percent, and the Russell 2000 was down 33.79 percent. For 2009, the REIT market continues to face the same challenges as other industries: the need to revitalize the frozen credit markets enabling companies to refinance debt coming due, and weathering the uncertain and challenging economy.

Broader market fundamentals had a strong impact on how insulated or how badly hit specific REIT sectors were in 2008.
On the positive side, Self Storage REITs were up 5.05 percent in 2008. The relatively small sector is comprised of four companies that operate with very low leverage, a factor investors favored in the current credit climate. While Home Financing REITs were down 20.02 percent for the year, the sector was up more than 14 percent in the fourth quarter, signaling that the worst expectations of the residential mortgage crisis may already have been discounted in the shares of these companies. Health Care REITs, down 11.98 percent for the year, fared better than most other sectors as investors sought the positive, long-term fundamentals of companies catering to the country's aging population. On the flip side, the slowdown in global manufacturing and decreased wholesale activity depressed the Industrial REIT sector (down 67.47 percent for the year). Regional Mall REITs (down 60.60 percent) were affected by investors responding to the fear of a consumer spending shutdown and increasing retail store closings. Lodging/Resort REITs (down 59.67 percent) faced the challenge of both vacationers and business customers curtailing travel plans due to the economy.

In spite of the fact that some REITs cut dividends in the second half of the year, both the All REIT and Equity REIT indexes posted their highest year-end dividend yields in nearly a decade.
The FTSE NAREIT All REIT Index dividend yield was 8.37 percent as of Dec. 31, 2008 (the highest since its 8.98 percent level of December 1999). The FTSE NAREIT Equity REIT Index dividend yield was 7.56 percent at the end of 2008 (the highest since its 8.70 percent level of December 1999).

The National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts® (http://reit. com) (NAREIT) is the representative voice for U. S. REITs and publicly traded real estate companies worldwide. Members are real estate investment trusts (REITs) and other businesses that own, operate and finance income-producing real estate, as well as those firms and individuals who advise, study and service those businesses. Visit our Web site at REIT. com.

NAREIT does not intend this press release to be a solicitation related to any particular company, nor does it intend to provide investment, legal or tax advice. Investors should consult with their own investment, legal or tax advisers regarding the appropriateness of investing in any of the securities or investment strategies discussed in this publication. Nothing herein should be construed to be an endorsement by NAREIT of any specific company or products or as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security or other financial instrument or to participate in any trading strategy. NAREIT expressly disclaims any liability for the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of data in this publication. Unless otherwise indicated, all data are derived from, and apply only to, publicly traded securities. Any investment returns or performance data (past, hypothetical, or otherwise) are not necessarily indicative of future returns or performance.

Contact: Ron Kuykendall or Matt Bechard
(202) 739-9400


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Beer Belly Blues Author, Brad King, to Join Host Justin A. Flunder on "The Change Agent" on the VoiceAmerica Talk Radio Network

Beer Belly Blues Author, Brad King, to Join Host Justin A. Flunder on "The Change Agent" on the VoiceAmerica Talk Radio Network

Brad J. King, one of the most influential health mentors of our time and leading authority on nutrition, obesity, longevity and men's health to appear on The Change Agent Show on VoiceAmerica's TVariety Channel.

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) October 8, 2009

Modavox, Inc. (OTCBB:MDVX - News), Internet broadcasting pioneer, producing and syndicating online audio and video, today announced that internationally best-selling author, Brad King, will join Justin A. Flunder, host of The Change Agent radio program on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel (http://www. modavox. com/voiceamerica (http://www. modavox. com/voiceamerica)) on Thursday, October 15, at 2 p. m. Eastern.

Brad King will discuss his new book, Beer Belly Blues, and what every man and women must know in their life when it comes to health and aging. After losing both of his parents to cancer within a six month period over fifteen years ago, Brad has since dedicated his life to encouraging people to take charge of their health--as Brad says, "It's not that you age… it is how you choose to age that matters."
Over the past decade, Brad has devoted his time to researching and developing leading-edge dietary supplements and exercise protocols designed to improve health, slow biological aging, boost athletic performance and aid in fat loss. He is a consultant to award-winning nutritional companies in Canada and the US and has formulated numerous gold medal winning nutritional formulas.

Brad is the lead performance nutritionist for Athlete's United, is a member of the scientific advisory board for the Certified Sports Nutrition Course by CHI and is a 2003 inductee into the prestigious Canadian Sports Nutrition Hall of Fame.

Brad has been highlighted in numerous national magazines, health publications and newspapers including Total Health, Oxygen, Canadian Health & Fitness, Canada's Healthy Living Guide, Common Ground, Health & Vitality. Brad has appeared as a leading health and fitness expert on national television programs throughout North America, including The Today Show, Canada AM, Balance TV, Cityline and Body and Health and has been featured on hundreds of radio talk shows.

"The Change Agent" airs live on at 11 AM Pacific / 1 PM Central / 2 PM Eastern on The VoiceAmerica Variety Channel. To access the show, log on at http://www. modavox. com/voiceamerica (http://www. modavox. com/voiceamerica). All shows will be available in Justin A. Flunder's Content Library on The VoiceAmerica VarietyChannel for on-demand and pod cast download, http://www. modavox. com/voiceamerica (http://www. modavox. com/voiceamerica).

The VoiceAmericaTM Network offers the latest conversations in a talk radio format, providing education, interaction, and advice on key issues live, on demand as well as through pod cast download. If interested in hosting a talk radio show on VoiceAmerica Network, contact Jeff Spenard, President of Internet Radio at 480-294-6417 or at jeff. spenard @ modavox. com.

Contact Executive Producer Mark Pace at 480-553-5745 for advertising / sponsorship information or other show details.

ABOUT Justin A. Flunder:
Justin A. Flunder is the founder of Change Agent Leadership™ (www. changeagentleadership. com), practical leadership author, and the CEO of the Flundonian Group (Flun-doan-ian), the Change Agent Company that specializes in the areas of personal and professional leadership and organizational change. Justin is a passionate "Change Agent" who builds Change Agent Power Systems (CAPS) where he teaches people how to connect with their inner leader creating positive results throughout the individual, team, and organization.

Justin's educational background consists of instructing as a Master teacher. He has delivered curriculum, workshops and seminars for professionals over the past ten years. Justin's extensive experience with developing educational programs, as a result of working with under performing individuals, has lead him to construct his own Systems for Change. "I observed myself, friends, colleagues, and organizations struggle with the inability to lead themselves which resulted in a lack of fulfillment and aided in a dysfunctional culture." After experiencing his own struggles with change and leading himself, Justin underwent his own leadership transformation using the process of his Change Agent Leadership™.

Justin's success with Personal Leadership has prompted him to create The Flundonian Institute of Leadership. Justin shares his knowledge and passion for teaching with individuals of all generations. He employs research-based knowledge combined with practical success strategies and shows every individual how to achieve The Three Pillars of Change Agent Leadership™: The Power of Truth, The Power of Intention, and The Power of Relationships.

About VoiceAmerica / Modavox:
(OTC. BB MDVX), Modavox is the leading producer and distributor of online talk radio content, streaming approximately 250 hours of live programs and scheduled replays weekly on its Modavox VoiceAmerica™ Network (http://www. voiceamerica. com (http://www. voiceamerica. com)). Modavox, Inc. (http://www. modavox. com (http://www. modavox. com)) is a pioneer in internet broadcasting, producing and syndicating online audio and video, and offering innovative, effective and comprehensive online tools for reaching targeted niche communities worldwide. Through its patented Modavox technology, Modavox delivers content straight to desktops and Internet-enabled devices. Modavox provides managed access for live and on-demand internet broadcasting and syndication, content management, online meetings, event management, enterprise communications and distance learning.

Forward-Looking Statements:
This release contains "forward-looking statements" for purposes of the Securities and Exchange Commission's "safe harbor" provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Rule 3b-6 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause Modavox's actual results to differ materially from those currently anticipated, including the risk factors identified in Modavox's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Standish Humane Society's Benefit Walk For Animals To Be Held Sunday September 20th

Standish Humane Society's Benefit Walk For Animals To Be Held Sunday September 20th

The 15th annual Folk & Fur Fest to aid spay/neuter program for needy pets.

Hingham, MA (PRWEB) August 24, 2009

The Standish Humane Society announces its 15th annual Folk and Fur Fest on Sunday, September 20 from 10 AM to 2 PM at Wompatuck State Park on Union Street, in Hingham, Massachusetts. In celebration of the Society's fortieth anniversary, Standish presents "Four for Forty" and will honor four worthy people who have inspired us to persevere in our challenging work on animal humane issues. Among these honorees will be Vicki Croke, the host of NECN's "The Secret Life of Animals" and a noted author and journalist who has written about animals for two decades. Vicki will serve as the Walk's grand marshal. Pet businesses, animal rescue groups and animal lovers are coming out of the woods to make the day an exciting and festive event that will pack a punch with animals and the people who love them.

The pet festival kicks off with a 3-mile walk on a paved and handicapped-accessible route through the beautiful state forest. The walk registration begins at 10am and continues through the morning and afternoon. The first forty registrants will receive a special gift. A free T-shirt will be given for every registration donation of $50 or more. Donations over $250 will receive a specially inscribed garment. Other awards for the top three fundraisers include prizes and getaways.

The Folk & Fur Fest is purrfect for families, pet lovers, dogs and kids. Featured events include live music performances by Academy Avenue Singers, Bandana Reunion, and Jazz Flute & Guitar by Don & Lisa, animal rescue groups, pet or human massage, and, the always popular Dog Contests, where dogs can win prizes for: Largest Dog, Smallest Dog, Loudest Bark, Best Tail Wagger, Best Trick, Best Smoocher, Best Pound Dog, Best Costume, and Best Owner Look Alike. All dogs must be wearing a current rabies vaccination tag and have up to date vaccinations.

The Folk & Fur Festival is Standish Humane Society's main benefit; the donations received during the walk support an active Spay/Neuter program, and a No-Kill Cat Shelter. "It's critical that we raise funding for the spay/neuter program because we subsidize a tremendous amount of it for South Shore pet owners in financial need." said Marilyn Phillips, Secretary for Standish Humane Society. Last year the program subsidized nearly $38,000 in spay and neuter services for 879 animals.

Pet lovers who want to get involved can help by collecting donations in advance, make a contribution at the walk, organize a walk team with friends and their dogs, or by participating in the events during the festival. Standish Humane Society volunteers sell t-shirts, sweaters, hats, tote bags, blankets, and more to raise money for our programs. Delicious lunch menu options will be available, like home made chili, chowder, hot dogs, baked beans, potato chips, soda and water, and a variety of baked goods.

Best of all, if your heart and home is looking for a new pet, Standish Humane Society and other local and regional animal rescue groups will be on hand to discuss breed specific traits and pet adoption options. For more information on how you can become involved in the event or to request a registration form, call (781) 834 4663 or visit the website http://www. standishhumanesociety. com/html/events. html (http://www. standishhumanesociety. com/html/events. html). Donations can be mailed to: Standish Humane Society, P. O. Box 634, Duxbury, MA 02331.

The Folk & Fur Fest is sponsored by: Adams, Chase & Emerson Inc., Anderson Insulation, Building 19, Campbell Pet Company, Cape Cod Central Railroad, Captain John Boats, Complements Hair Specialists, East Bay Grille, Factory Paint & Decorating, Hanson Grain / Scituate Fitts Mill, The Healthy Animal, Hy-Line Cruises, Inland Professional Corporation, K-9 Corner, The Lamb & Lion, Milepost Restaurant, Old Derby Animal Clinic, Panera Bread, Petsmart, Rockland Federal Credit Union, Scituate Harbor Chiropractic, Shaws Supermarket, Hanover, Smart Destinations, South Shore Savings Bank, Stop & Shop, Pembroke, Storybook Cove, Tiny & Sons Glass, VCA Animal Hospitals (South Shore), Wee Stitches, Wild Birds Unlimited.

Standish Humane Society is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization of volunteers dedicated to the care and placement of lost, stray, and abandoned pets in southeastern Massachusetts.


Dog Scheduled to be Put to Sleep Gets New Leash on Life at age 15 Thanks to Local News Station

Dog Scheduled to be Put to Sleep Gets New Leash on Life at age 15 Thanks to Local News Station

When "Sasha", Trisha and Eric Lobefaro's 15 year old Terrier began to deteriorate, her loving owners felt the end was inevitable. After calling the vet to schedule an appointment to put her to sleep, they remembered a brief segment on KCAL Channel 9 in California a year earlier, about a breakthrough new product to relieve pain in dogs and cats. Thanks to Channel 9's awareness and concern for pet issues and to By Vets Only, a new natural pet product company, Sasha is loving life again.

Scottsdale, AZ (PRWEB) December 2, 2004

Several months ago Trisha and Eric Loberfaro were faced with a difficult choice. Their beloved 15 year old Terrier Sasha was falling down, crying and had severe discomfort laying down long enough to sleep. Her debilitating arthritis was taking its toll. They called their vet and scheduled an appointment to put Sasha to sleep. During the call, the vet stated Sasha may have arthritis.

It was then that Trisha remembered a story that ran last January, 2004 on KCAL Channel 9 in California. The story featured a new pain relief product for dogs and cats. Trisha remembered she wrote down the name of the product after seeing the news segment. Almost a year after seeing the KCAL Channel 9 segment, she found the info on Petaprin and contacted the company By Vets Only in Scottsdale, Arizona.

“After the first day on Petaprin, I noticed a difference in the way she was walking. After about a week she was running around like a puppy and is doing GREAT!” says Trisha. “I now tell all my friends and family about Petaprin. Thank you, it’s TRULY AMAZING” she wrote in a testimonial on November 22, 2004.

Trisha is not the only one. Dozens of other KCAL viewers, including Bonnie Tijerina of Riverside, CA watched the same segment and are now buy Petaprin religiously as it works quickly and effectively to relieve joint pain in their beloved pets. Bonnie Tijerina sent pictures of her 3 dogs to the makers of Petaprin and wrote a letter stating, “I’ve never endorsed any other product because they never worked…Petaprin does!!” [complete testimonial letters available upon request]

So why was KCAL’s timing of this story so important? Veterinarian of 30 years, Dr. Thom Myers, of Mesa Arizona explains that for pets and people, “during cold or damp weather, a physiological change occurs which alters the pressure within the joints”. He adds that “although our core body temperature remains fairly constant, the extremities [arms and legs] are very susceptible to changes in outside temperatures and humidity”. Again, Dr. Myers adds, “these changes cause a contraction or dilation of the joint space which can dramatically alter the pressure inside the joint, thus stimulating the inflammatory response” In an already compromised joint, the combination can be extremely painful and debilitating and can change the quality of life for people and pets.

The awesome results can be attributed to the herbs and natural food sources within Petaprin. Among many ingredients in Petaprin, the herb White Willow Bark has been proven to reduce inflammation while the Green Lipped Mussel has been studied extensively for its benefits in rebuilding cartilage and joint fluid and blocking certain enyme pathways [COX2 5-LOX and 12-LOX] which cause inflammation. The ingredients in Petaprin are also gastro-protective, meaning they do not erode the stomach lining like many aspirins and prescription remedies.

Veterinarian Dr. Thom Myers who tested Petaprin in his veterinary clinic experienced the same amazing result with his own 14 year old Bassett, “Polka”, he is now the spokesperson for the company.

These days By Vets Only, Inc, www. byvetsonly. com, continues to expand their pet product line with the help of vets, chemists, and professional formulators. Currently the anti-anxiety product PetaCalm containing all natural herbs is available for dogs that are stressed or anxious. PetMulti Senior Formula is available for dogs that lack essential nutrients, an important part of healing and reducing premature aging. The company plans to release 3 additional products by the end of 2004, they include a natural equine pain reliever in its final stage of testing, an herbal parasite product and PetaMint, a bad breath neutralizer for dogs, which is also currently in its final stages of testing. (Samples available to the press upon request).

“The customers appreciate the fact that I love making their pets healthier, and I appreciate the chance to do that for them.” says Swartz, co-founder of By Vets Only, Inc.

By Vets Only products are available online at www. byvetsonly. com Press information available at www. byvetsonly. com/pressroom. html (http://www. byvetsonly. com/pressroom. html )
To schedule an interview with Ms. Swartz please call Toll free 1-800-805-1846 or Email byvetsonly@msn. com

You may call either CA resident to conduct an interview:

To contact Trisha Loberfaro of Winnetka, CA directly please call 1-818-712-0008.

To contact Bonnie Tijerina of Riverside, CA directly please call 1-951-685-9273.

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By Vets Only, Inc has recently teamed up with Pets911, www., the largest and most reputable Animal Rescue Resource and Lost And Found Organization in the US. This partnership will provide one-of-a-kind affiliate donation program to 9,500 shelters and rescues throughout the country, whereas 25% of any By Vets Only order will be donated to participating rescues. This program launched Novemer 15th on the www. website. A product and company endorsement can be seen on the website as well.

[By Vets Only, IncÂ’s sister company By Doctors Only, Inc also has a human product Etaprin for joint pain relief in humans. Etaprin is endorsed by Hall of Fame Athlete Gale Sayers and is available at www. bydoctorsonly. com Interviews are also available with Mr. Sayers upon request.]

Monday, November 17, 2008

Economic Stimulus Package Has Tough Data Breach Requirements; Bodes Well for PeakData Services Growth

Economic Stimulus Package Has Tough Data Breach Requirements; Bodes Well for PeakData Services Growth

PeakData Services, Inc., a fast-growing IT provider dedicated to information security compliance and risk mitigation services, said today that provisions of the U. S. economic stimulus package known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) bode well for accelerating its already robust growth.

Boulder, Colo. (PRWEB) July 9, 2009

PeakData Services, Inc., a fast-growing IT provider dedicated to information security compliance and risk mitigation services, said today that provisions of the U. S. economic stimulus package known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) bode well for accelerating its already robust growth.

Affirmation of this view is provided in a new vendor profile of PeakData Services. Leading research firm IDC estimates the $788.7 billion spending in ARRA will stimulate approximately $101.2 billion of technology spending in the energy, healthcare and government sectors. Source: (IDC, SVP.38: PeakData Services for Privacy and Environmental Compliance, Doc # 219007, June 2009).

IDC noted that the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act security breach notification provisions, enacted as part of ARRA 2009, impose breach notification requirements on covered entities, business associates, vendors of personal health records, and related entities in the event of security breaches related to protected health information.

PeakData Services says that it sees both a toughening and some clarification in the regulatory environment. For example, data breach notification laws have become both more stringent and varied in recent years, with states such as California, Massachusetts and Nevada creating tough, new legislation.

"This hodge-podge of state-sponsored legislation has proven very difficult for individual businesses to manage," said Glenn Jacobsen, vice president and general manager of PeakData Services. "As such, proposed national legislation such as the Data Accountability and Trust Act that is working its way through congress could simplify things for organizations that deal with sensitive customer information. There is no getting around the fact, however, that legislation in general is putting a sharper focus on protecting data privacy."

According to IDC, in the European Union (EU), there is a growing but highly debated push for U. S.-style mandatory data breach notification regulations. On the environmental front, increasing consumer awareness about the effects of global warming is compelling local, state, and national governments to push for more aggressive environmental compliance and sustainability programs.

"Forward thinking organizations have made it a strategic priority to stay ahead of the regulatory curve," said Jacobsen. "They are implementing best practices with respect to protecting data from intrusion. At the same time, they are either re-purposing or disposing of storage assets in environmentally responsible ways. This IDC profile of PeakData Services brings the incremental regulatory pressures into sharp perspective for those that may not be as ahead of the curve as they need to be," added Jacobsen. The IDC profile is available at www. peakdataservices. com.

About PeakData Services
PeakData Services, Inc. develops and delivers consulting and professional services that incorporate industry-leading people, products, tools, and methodologies to help companies mitigate risk by showing them how to store, protect, and manage their business-critical information more efficiently and cost-effectively. PeakData Services works directly with clients or through leading IT services partners such as Hitachi Data Systems and Sun Microsystems. PeakData Services is headquartered in Boulder County, Colorado, U. S.A. For further information please visit: www. peakdataservices. com.


EnerMax Partners with Happy Hill Farm to Make a Difference

EnerMax Partners with Happy Hill Farm to Make a Difference

Local oil and natural gas company supports at-risk children.

Hurst, TX (PRWEB) November 28, 2006

Bret L. Boteler, president of EnerMax, Inc. (http://www. enermaxinc. com (http://www. enermaxinc. com)) announced today his plans to allocate a portion of the proceeds from oil and gas operations to the Happy Hill Farm Academy/Home. At the end of each quarter, EnerMax will donate five percent of the income from all producing wells in which it has ownership and development interest. These funds will have a direct impact on the lives of at-risk children through assistance with food, clothing, shelter and educational costs.

Happy Hill Farm was founded by Ed and Gloria Shipman in 1975. In a personal encounter with two teenage runaways, the Shipman's recognized the need for a safe haven for children in crisis. As a result they opened their doors to provide socially and academically disadvantaged adolescents with the opportunity to live, work, and study in a year-round, residential school/farm setting. Mr. Boteler, expounding on his motivation behind this heartfelt gesture explains "I believe that Mr. Shipman and the staff at the Happy Hill Farm are nothing short of amazing and I am honored that EnerMax can play a positive role in supporting their mission."

Mr. Ed Shipman, founder of the Happy Hill Farm organization, responded by stating "We're grateful for EnerMax's generous financial commitment. We wish them every success in their endeavors and hope they will make a lot of money for at-risk children."

Happy Hill Farm Academy/Home is totally dependent on the gifts from its friends in the private sector. It receives no State or Federal funds, nor any United Way monies. The Farm invests directly into the lives of at risk children by devoting over 90% of their annual budget to food, clothing, shelter, and education. Because of their strong fiscal responsibility and determination to make a positive influence in the lives of at-risk children, Happy Hill Farm has garnered the support of celebrities such as Dr. Phil and Troy Aikman.

About EnerMax Inc:

Bret L. Boteler, president, founded EnerMax Inc. (http://www. enermaxinc. com (http://www. enermaxinc. com)) in 2001 on the principles of integrity, honesty and hard work. EnerMax specializes in the exploration and development of proven hydrocarbon reserves long the Texas / Louisiana Gulf Coast.

About Happy Hill Farm:

Happy Hill Farm (http://happyhillfarm. org (http://happyhillfarm. org)) was founded in 1975 by Ed and Gloria Shipman. It is a 500-acre farm-campus, including a fully-accredited (K-12) private school, designed to accommodate more than 100 students. There is a health care center, athletic center, dining center, fine arts center, twelve housing units, staff housing, an 18,000 square foot agricultural center with a show ring, livestock pens, stables and riding trails, athletic fields, swimming pool, tennis courts, and administrative center.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Georgia's Peachtree Pest Control announces President's Cup Winner

Georgia's Peachtree Pest Control announces President's Cup Winner

Peachtree Pest Control snnounces that the Roswell, Georgia Team won the President's Cup Award for June

Norcross, GA (PRWEB) July 21, 2004

Peachtree Pest Control Co., Inc. (www. peachtreepestcontrol. com) Director of Operations, Dan Capron has announced that Peachtree Pest Control Company’s “Presidents Cup” was awarded to the Roswell Branch for June. The entire Roswell team contributed to the award by reaching their sales and service goals.

Peachtree Pest Control has been Protecting Health and Environment since 1976. Founded by Mr. Stephen M. Arnold, Peachtree has remained family owned and operated, with all of the customer care you would expect from a friend and neighbor.

From those humble beginnings, Peachtree Pest Control has constantly improved and expanded. We now have three offices in Metro Atlanta (Norcross, Roswell and Morrow) and two offices in coastal Georgia (Savannah and Brunswick). Over the years, we have expanded our base of services to include Pest Control, Termite Control, Mosquito Control, Lawn and Ornamental Service, and Bioremediation Service.

The Pest Control Store has been an integral part of our Georgia operation since 1985. Our team of experts, all Pest Control Operators, have provided "Professional Products and Professional Advice" to homeowners and do-it-yourself customers from our stores ever since. Now, through the power of the Internet, we can offer our products and advice outside the confines of a physical location.

For more information, visit our websites at www. peachtreepestcontrol. com and www. thepestcontrolstore. com

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1st Promotion. com, just announced the industries first search box plug-in. Which webmaster can add to their exsisting websites, so customer can search 100's of click bank products, without leaving their site.

(PRWEB) October 17, 2003

Press Release:

Contact: Your Name


Email: your@email. com

Phone: 555-555-5555

Http://www.1stpromotion. com/pro? webmaster=NICKNAME (http://www.1stpromotion. com/pro? webmaster=NICKNAME)

Most ClickBank Storefronts offer no more than 20% of Products for Affiliate Storefront Owners, Compared to Pro StorefrontÂ’s 100% Total Integrated System!

Wooler, Ontario (PRWEB)--1stPromotion. com is proud to announce that they now offer 100% search capability to ClickBank's Marketplace of over 11,400 ClickBank products with their new Pro Storefronts. The 1st Promotion Pro Storefront is the only ClickBank Storefront with the full selection of ClickBankÂ’s 11,400 products and services.

Now visitors can find even more of the products and deals they want quickly and easily, and affiliates can earn commissions on a much more extensive line of products.

Where most ClickBank Storefronts offer only 20% of Clickbank's products, Pro Storefront always offers 100% Marketplace search capability. The 1st Promotion system is a constantly evolving product that has integrated its membersÂ’ suggestions and needs. Their service and tools are constantly improving to make visitor shopping experiences and affiliate site ownership experiences more rewarding.

With the Internet expanding every minute of every day, 1st Promotion strives to continuously make shopping at their ClickBank Storefronts as enjoyable as possible. Their marketplace includes an extensive selection of shopping categories, such as Business-to-Business, Computer and Internet, Fun and Entertainment, Health and Fitness, Home and Family, Marketing and Advertising, Money and Employment, Society and Culture, and Sports and Recreation. Whatever shoppers need, they will find at 1st Promotion Pro Storefronts.

These new and improved storefronts are ready and waiting for shoppers, as well as new affiliates to market and run them. For those interested in owning their own profit-pulling Internet business, a Pro Storefront offers top commissions and more benefits than any other ClickBank Storefront.

1stPromotion has also just announced the industry's first search box plug-in which duplicates the abilities of the search located box on the Pro Storefront, and allows webmasters to very easily integrate this search capability right into their other existing web sites. This unleashes virtually undiscovered streams of revenue for many of 1stPromotion's members.

For more information about 1st Promotion Pro Storefronts, visit

Http://www.1stpromotion. com/pro/?webmaster=rtwright (http://www.1stpromotion. com/pro/?webmaster=rtwright). You may also contact Richard Wright

By phone at or email to rtwright@dodo. com. au


Derrick Barton, Chief Talent Officer of the Center for Talent Retention, Leads Pre-Conference Workshop at Human Capital Institute's National Summit

Derrick Barton, Chief Talent Officer of the Center for Talent Retention, Leads Pre-Conference Workshop at Human Capital Institute's National Summit

The Human Capital Institute (HCI), a global professional association and educator in talent management strategies, announced today that Derrick Barton, Chief Talent Officer of the Center for Talent Retention, will lead a pre-conference workshop at HCI's inaugural National Human Capital Summit. The Summit takes place in Chicago April 6-7, with pre-conference workshops on April 5.

Washington, D. C. (PRWEB) March 23, 2006

The Human Capital Institute (HCI), a global professional association and educator in talent management strategies (http://www. humancapitalinstitute. org/hci/track_communities_overview. guid), announced today that Derrick Barton (http://www. humancapitalinstitute. org/hci/conference_national_speakers. guid#derrickb%40keeppeople. com), Chief Talent Officer of the Center for Talent Retention, will lead a pre-conference workshop at HCI's inaugural National Human Capital Summit (http://www. humancapitalinstitute. org/hci/conference_national. guid). The Summit takes place in Chicago April 6-7, with pre-conference workshops on April 5.

The afternoon of April 5, Barton presents "Engaging and Retaining Your Key Talent," a session that teaches human capital professionals how to build proactive engagement and retention systems into the fabric of their organizations.

"Companies recruiting for growth can't risk losing their best talent to competitors. They must also remain focused on aligning and engaging employees," said Allan Schweyer, HCI's Executive Director. "This session provides an opportunity to learn how to implement systems that help engage and retain employees--from an expert in talent management."

Derrick Barton is co-founder and Chief Talent Officer of the Center for Talent Retention, a firm dedicated to building an organization's capabilities to deliver human capital results.

The Center for Talent Retention has become known as a leader in "taking action" to increase employee engagement and reduce turnover. By providing hands-on tools and resources that enable companies to take action and make a real impact on talent results, the Center for Talent Retention helps companies in every business segment attract, engage, and retain employees.

Barton has a wealth of experience "living" the day-to-day challenges to attract, develop, engage, and retain employees. His 17 years experience in staff, line, and corporate roles with QWEST Communications, U S WEST Information Technologies, James River Corporation, and the Center for Organizational Effectiveness have shaped a practical approach to delivering talent results.

Derrick Barton previously served on the Board of Directors for Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and is a former Chapter President of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Currently, he helps shape thinking around human capital as a member of the Human Capital Institute's National Advisory Board. Derrick Barton is known for delivering pragmatic, straightforward messages.


HCI's first annual Human Capital Summit Conference and Expo will take place Thursday April 6 through Friday April 7 in Chicago, with pre-conference workshops on Wednesday, April 5. A 2006 must-attend event, the Summit is for human capital professionals, line managers and executives who understand that talent will be the key driver for success in the knowledge economy. For the complete program listing, location and hotel information, registration details and more, please visit: www. humancapitalinstitute. org/hci/conference_national. guid (http://www. humancapitalinstitute. org/hci/conference_national. guid )


The Human Capital Institute is a think tank, educator, and global professional association dedicated to the advancement of talent management practices with individuals and organizations. HCI serves as a catalyst for innovative thinking in integrated talent strategy, acquisition, development, engagement, management, and measurement. Through research and collaboration, HCI programs collect original, creative ideas from a field of the brightest thought leaders in talent management. Those ideas are then transformed into measurable, real-world strategies that help its members attract and retain high-performing people, build a diverse, inclusive workplace, and leverage individual and team performance throughout the enterprise. HCI members represent a broad coalition of educators, talent managers and executives. For more information, please visit: www. humancapitalinstitute. org


Dedicated to building an organization's capabilities to deliver human capital results, the Center for Talent Retention is the leading expert on solutions required to "take action." Bringing together the best talent resources, they are known in the industry as one of the elite companies working across business segments to increase business performance through people. Center for Talent Retention works with companies trying to deliver world class results, as well as help the best companies stay on top by implementing cutting edge talent practices. Becton Dickinson, Xilinx, Ball Corporation, ADP, St. Luke's Episcopal Health System, NASA, John Deere, McDonalds, General Electric and others turn to Center for Talent Retention for solutions. The Company Mantra says it all... "Without Action, We Have Nothing" www. keeppeople. com

Press Contacts:

Center for Talent Retention

Cindy Mustful


Human Capital Institute

Andrea Miller


This press release was distributed through eMediawire by Human Resources Marketer (HR Marketer: www. HRmarketer. com) on behalf of the company listed above.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Oracle VP joins cBrain Technology

Oracle VP joins cBrain Technology

Former Oracle VP Peter Perregaard joins cBrain Technology as a partner and co-owner. Until April 2004 he was VP EMEA for Oracle Corp.

(PRWEB) November 24, 2004

"I have spent the past 6 months evaluating the market potential for the latest technology opportunities and related companies. In my opinion the most exciting change is to be found in connection with the emergence of service oriented architecture (SOA) with individual web services support for business processes. This paradigm will fundamentally change the software industry", says Peter Perregaard.

CBrain Technology has worked with SOA based process solutions for several years and has the potential to take a leadership position in this marketplace. I chose to join cBrain in order to help exploit this international potential which very few European software companies have done to this extent, he continues.

CBrain was founded in 2002 by Per Tejs Knudsen, the original founder of Maconomy. Maconomy is listed on the Copenhagen stock exchange. From the start cBrain has focused on optimizing business and knowledge processes using component based web solutions as the starting point – a practice that gets more and more popular within large corporations and organizations looking for efficient process optimization delivered in weeks rather than years.

CBrainÂ’s process apps challenges decades of IT thinking. Instead of supporting all kind of processes with standard solutions like ERP or CRM you optimize individual processes with individual web services fully integrated with the rest of the organization's infrastructure. The potential for process optimization is huge and I believe it is impossible for large corporations to ignore this development, Peter Perregaard concludes.

CBrain has implemented solutions for a number of large companies in Europe and the USA. Peter PerregaardÂ’s experience will benefit both clients and employees and help develop cBrain internationally.

Per Tejs Knudsen says: We spent the first 2 years establishing a sound component based technology platform, a healthy customer base and a sound and profitable business model. Peter Perregaard is a great step forward with respect to exploiting the market potential of cBrainÂ’s technology platform.

Peter Perregaard starts December 1st 2004 in the Copenhagen, Denmark office.

About cBrain:

CBrain delivers individual WEB solutions supporting business processes, communication and knowledge sharing.

Challenging 20 years of IT thinking where all types of processes had to be supported by a standard solution, cBrainÂ’s innovative SOA design methodology takes its starting point in the organizationÂ’s critical success factors by supporting the core business processes and roles with focused process applications. Enabling business development to spring from a continuous assessment of which processes will benefit the most from being optimized in contrast to traditional standard systems where you have to postpone the process optimization until the next upgrade version of the standard system is available, often only once a year.

Technically cBrainÂ’s solutions are based on XML and service oriented architecture (SOA) and the individual customer solutions are based on a library of XML components. The consequences of this development method are more flexible solutions, faster delivery resulting in less expensive projects.

CBrainÂ’s projects cover a number of solution areas in both private and public sector, e. g. Content Management (CMS), Document Management, Workflow Support, Portals, e-Business, e-Procurement and Membership Management.

Customers include Carlsberg, DRV, British Tourist Industry, Clear Channel, Emperion, Frederikshavn Municipality, Divas Uncorked, Railion, SEAS, SocialDemocrats og Sonofon Partner.

For further information contact Poul Hebsgaard at pjh@cbrain-technology. com or call 508-229-2774.


Nick Jonas Joins with Washington Nationals to Support Children with Diabetes

Nick Jonas Joins with Washington Nationals to Support Children with Diabetes

Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers has lent his star power to the Washington Nationals to raise awareness of diabetes and support the creation of a new Pediatric Diabetes Care Complex at Children's National Medical Center in the nation's capital.

Washington, DC (Vocus) July 10, 2009

Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers has lent his star power to the Washington Nationals to raise awareness of diabetes and support the creation of a new Pediatric Diabetes Care Complex at Children's National Medical Center in the nation's capital. In a new PSA aired at the Washington Nationals game July 5, 16-year-old Jonas, who has Type 1 diabetes, encouraged fans to "text to give" to support children with diabetes. For each person who texts the word "NATS" to 90999, a $5 donation to Children's National Medical Center is billed to the donor's phone bill. The PSA appears on the Children's National website at http://tinyurl. com/jonas-text.

Approximately 20 million Americans, including a growing number of children, have been diagnosed with diabetes. Children with diabetes, if it is not managed appropriately, are at risk of developing serious health complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, stroke, and loss of circulation resulting in amputation of limbs. There is no cure for diabetes; it is a 24-hour-a-day disease requiring intervention, monitoring, and balancing food choices to maintain a child's health.

The Washington Nationals Dream Foundation has committed $2 million toward the new Pediatric Diabetes Care Complex at Children's National, and all text donations will help reach the $5 million needed for the complex.

About Children's National Medical Center
Children's National Medical Center, located in Washington, D. C., is a proven leader in the development of innovative new treatments for childhood illness and injury. Children's has been serving the nation's children for nearly 140 years. Children's National is ranked among the best pediatric hospitals in America by US News & World Report and the Leapfrog Group. For more information, visit http://www. childrensnational. org/give.

Terms of Service
A one-time donation of $5 will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. Standard messaging rates and additional fees may apply. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. Service is available on most carriers. Donations are collected for the benefit of Children's National Medical Center by the Mobile Giving Foundation and subject to the terms found at http://www. hmgf. org/t. You can unsubscribe at any time by texting "STOP" to short code 90999 or text "HELP" to 90999 for help.

Mark Miller

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HometownQuotes. Com Expands West

HometownQuotes. Com Expands West

Online Insurance Company Adds Colorado, Texas, and Missouri as Newest Markets. HometownQuotes. Com, an online insurance quotes service, has begun servicing select markets west of the Mississippi including all of Colorado, Austin and Dallas, Texas, and Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri.

Pinebluff, NC (PRWEB) April 2, 2005

HometownQuotes. Com, an online insurance quotes service, has begun servicing select markets west of the Mississippi including all of Colorado, Austin and Dallas, Texas, and Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri. Previous markets include Nashville, Philadelphia, Louisville, and Knoxville, Tennessee.

“We have taken the approach that slow growth is best for our customers, our agents, and ourselves,” said Matt McWilliams, Vice-President of Customer Relations. “Our number one goal is to provide both insurance consumers and agents with an easier way to reach each other.”

Customers using HometownQuotes. Com are able to get quotes for a variety of products such as homeowners, auto, renters, life and health insurance by filling out one simple form. Up to five agents compete for each customers business. The questions asked on the forms are the same questions that are most often asked by insurance agents in providing accurate quotes for consumers.

The general concept of HometownQuotes. Com is not a new idea. Online quotes services have been around for over a decade. HometownQuotes. Com is unique in two aspects though. First, it was founded by insurance agents who know the insurance business and understand the questions that consumers have. These agents designed the site specifically with the consumer in mind.

Secondly, the marketing strategy differs from the other sites as well. HometownQuotes. Com markets its services locally and not on a national scale. “We feel that this accomplishes two main objectives,” McWilliams said. “It targets consumers who want a local agent, rather than a faceless 800 number halfway across the country, and it allows us to control our growth, which helps us provide a better service to both our agents and our customers.”

The site has become known for its dedication to providing educational materials as well, to customers and agents alike. The agents run two blogs, one with money-saving insurance tips and another filled with insurance industry news for agents and industry executives.

The URLs for the main site and the blogs are provided below:

Http://www. hometownquotes. com (http://www. hometownquotes. com)
Http://www. hometownquotes. com/blog/ (http://www. hometownquotes. com/blog/) (Insurance Tips Blog)

Http://www. agents. hometownquotes. com/weblog/ (http://www. agents. hometownquotes. com/weblog/) (Insurance Industry Blog)

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Intertek Collaborates With BASF Corporation for Product Safety Testing and Certification

Intertek Collaborates With BASF Corporation for Product Safety Testing and Certification

BASF chooses Intertek's WHI Listed Mark to quicken time to market

Boxborough, MA (PRWEB) May 22, 2008

Intertek (LSE: ITRK), a global leader in testing, inspection and certification, announces that BASF, the world's leading chemical company, has chosen Intertek as its safety and certification affiliate for Styropor® expandable polystyrene (EPS) beads, which will now bear Intertek's proprietary Warnock Hersey (WHI) Mark for product safety certification. BASF's choice of Intertek's WHI Mark was a strategic decision for product differentiation and quickening the product's time to market.

"BASF has built a strong relationship with Intertek over the years. The global reputation the WHI Mark holds in the industry gives us a competitive advantage in the marketplace and lends strong credibility to our product's safety and performance," said Satish Kantebet, North America Business Manager, BASF. "We have faith and trust in Intertek and the WHI Mark, which makes it a natural fit to continue our relationship to the next level."

Intertek is recognized by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) as a testing and product certification agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) in the United States and by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) as a Testing Organization and Certification Body in Canada.

Intertek offers the WH Listed Mark as proof of compliance to the International Code Council (ICC) Building Codes and The National Building Code of Canada (NBCC).Through these recognitions, Intertek's WHI Mark reflects commitment to product safety to inspectors, builders and end users. The presence of Intertek's WHI Mark also demonstrates that BASF has implemented an approved quality control program and is subject to quarterly manufacturing plant audits to maintain product consistency.

"Being chosen as the preferred testing affiliate of the world's leading chemical company reinforces the reputation Intertek and our WHI Mark has built around the globe," said Rocco Moro, Director of Operations, Intertek. "Industry leaders choose Intertek as their partner because of the confidence they have in our expertise, industry leading turnaround times, and in our ability to increase their competitive advantage and speed their products time to market."

For further information, please contact
Nicole Kimmick, Field Marketing Manager
Telephone: 978-635-8550
Nicole. kimmick @ intertek. com

Kathy Dennis
BASF Corporation
Telephone: 973-245-6288
Kathy. dennis @ basf. com

About Intertek's testing and certification services
The Commercial & Electrical division of Intertek provides testing and certification services, including product safety testing and certification, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing, performance testing, and management systems certification. These services provide global market access to customers in industries such as building products and materials. Visit www. intertek-etlsemko. com for further information or to contact your local Intertek office.

About Intertek
Intertek is a leading international provider of quality and safety services to a wide range of global and local industries. Partnership with Intertek brings increased value to customers' products and processes, ultimately supporting their success in the global market place. Intertek has the experience, expertise, resources and global reach to support its customers through their network of more than 1000 laboratories and offices, 21,000 people in 110 countries around the world. For more information, visit www. intertek. com.

About BASF
BASF - The Chemical Company. We don't make a lot of the products you buy. We make a lot of the products you buy better. ®

BASF Corporation, headquartered in Florham Park, New Jersey, is the North American affiliate of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany. BASF has more than 15,000 employees in North America, and had sales of approximately $16.4 billion in 2007. For more information about BASF's North American operations, or to sign up to receive news releases by e-mail, visit www. basf. com/usa (http://www. basf. com/usa).

BASF is the world's leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from oil and gas to chemicals, plastics, performance products, agricultural products and fine chemicals. As a reliable partner, BASF helps its customers in virtually all industries to be more successful. With its high-value products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in finding answers to global challenges, such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. BASF has more than 95,000 employees and posted sales of almost €58 billion in 2007. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at www. basf. com.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kevin Guest House Announces Three New Members of its Board of Directors

Kevin Guest House Announces Three New Members of its Board of Directors

Kevin Guest House, the nation's first hospital hospitality house, in Buffalo New York, announced that Susan Garvey, Denise Hanlon, and Anne Janzcak have joined its Board of Directors. Other Directors include president, Kevin Thompson, vice-president, John Zimmerman, recording secretary, Frank DelSignore, and treasurer, Michael Bonitatibus. Returning board members for 2007 are Randy Bergman, Cynthia Firey, Elizabeth Lenegan, Michael Masters, Paul McAfee, Steven McGlone, Gregg Merlihan, Mave Milligan, Kenneth Alan Redding, Al Ryer, John Spitzmiller, and Janice Volk.

Buffalo, NY (PRWEB) February 28, 2007

Kevin Guest House, the nation's first hospital hospitality house, in Buffalo New York, announced three new members of its Board of Directors. Each new Director will hold a three-year term that began January 1, 2007.

The new Board Members are:

1. Susan Garvey, sister-in-law of Kevin Guest House's namesake, Kevin Garvey. Suzy makes her home in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she is very active in the Hospitality House of Charlotte. She serves on Charlotte's Board of Directors and volunteers countless hours of her time and talents to their mission. Suzy also is very active in the Junior Leagues of South Bend, Indiana, and Charlotte, North Carolina; the Guardian Ad Litem Foundation; the Human Service Council, the HIV/AIDS Council, Healthy Carolinians, Mecklenburg Council on Adolescent Pregnancy and the Charlotte Wine and Food Weekend. She also has the distinct honor of receiving the First Junior League Sustainer of the Year in 1997 and the Guardian Ad Litem 25 Year Appreciation Award in 2006.

2. Denise Hanlon, MS, RN, of Buffalo. Denise is currently Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at SUNYAB School of Nursing with 20 years teaching experience with a concentration on rehabilitation nursing. She also has experience in acute care and long term nursing and has been a private practice nurse consultant since 1985. Prior to her nursing career, Denise work as a legal secretary. Denise has served in a variety of capacities with the Buffalo Board of Education, Buffalo Public Schools, City Honors School, and the Frederick Olmstead School. She has donated her time to such worthy groups as the Lothlorien Therapeutic Riding Center, Heritage Centers, Commission on Academic Excellence, Success by 6 Parent Involvement Committee, and the Education Fund of Greater Buffalo Parent Advisory Council.

3. Anne Janczak, also of Buffalo. Anne currently serves as the Manager of the Sales Administration Group for M & T Investment Group. During her tenure at M & T, Anne has also served as Product Manager, Private Banking; Operations Marketing Compliance Manager; and Product Manager, Personal Trust. Anne is involved with Westminster Community School, Junior Achievement, and Special Olympics. 

Also, elected as officers for 2007 at Kevin Guest House's annual meeting were president, Kevin Thompson, University at Buffalo facilities planning and design department; vice-president, John Zimmerman, Rosin Foods; recording secretary, Frank DelSignore, Clough Harbour & Associates; and treasurer, Michael Bonitatibus, Millington-Lockwood Business Interiors. Returning board members for 2007 are Randy Bergman, Darrt Amusement; Cynthia Firey, Myles R. Firey & Co.; Elizabeth Lenegan, Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Michael Masters, BRD Construction; Paul McAfee, eXubrio Group LLC; Steven McGlone, Turner Construction; Gregg Merlihan, Office of Congressman Tom Reynolds; Mave Milligan, RealtyUSA; Kenneth Alan Redding, Ken Redding & Associates; Al Ryer, Realty USA; John Spitzmiller, Phillips Lytle; and Janice Volk of Cuba, NY.

Kevin Guest House, a beautifully restored Victorian built in the late 19th century, is located at 782 Ellicott Street in the heart of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus. Kevin Guest House provides comfort, support, and affordable accommodations for patients, outpatients and their loved ones traveling to Buffalo from their homes for medical treatment. Claudia and Cyril Garvey founded Kevin Guest House in memory of their son, Kevin, who died of leukemia in 1972. Celebrating 35 years of service, we have the distinct honor of being the very first hospital hospitality house in the nation.

For more information, contact Cathy Allen at (716) 882-1818 or visit Kevin Guest House's website at Kevin Guest House Website (http://www. kevinguesthouse. org).

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Black AIDS Day: A Wake-up Call for Black Women about the Down Low

Black AIDS Day: A Wake-up Call for Black Women about the Down Low

News alert for Black women on National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day plus FREE tip sheet on how to find out if your husband or boyfriend is on the down low.

New York, NY (PRWEB) February 6, 2006

As National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day approaches, (February 7) Black women need to become aware of 3 important facts:

 Black Women are the highest risk category for HIV/AIDS.

 Record numbers of Black women are contracting HIV/AIDS through heterosexual contact – mainly from husbands and boyfriends on the down low.

 Black women have been misinformed about how to tell if a man is on the down low -- which hampers their ability to protect themselves against heterosexually-contracted HIV/AIDS.

Husbands and Boyfriends a Source of Infection

Most Black women are surprised to learn that HIV/AIDS has spread far beyond the boundaries of the gay community. Black women now account for approximately 70% of all new AIDS cases. And their husbands and boyfriends are the reason why.

Ruth Houston, a New York-based infidelity expert and founder of InfidelityAdvice. com says, “Most Black women who are married or in committed relationships have been lulled into a false sense of security regarding HIV/AIDS. It has never occurred to them that their husband or boyfriend could be a potential source of HIV infection. However, CDC studies show that 67% of Black women with HIV contracted it, not from drug use, but from heterosexual sex.”

Spreading HIV/AIDS to Unsuspecting Mates

Many health care professionals attribute the rise in HIV/AIDS among Black women to Black men on the “down low" – gay or bisexual men who secretly have sex with other men while maintaining relationships with women. Recent CDC studies indicate that 90% of HIV positive bisexual Black men don’t even know that they are infected. These men are unknowingly spreading the virus to the unsuspecting women in their lives.

Houston, the author of Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs, says “Most down low brothers are so skilled at concealing their secret lifestyle, that their wives and girlfriends have no idea they’re cheating – much less – cheating with another man.”

Lies and Misinformation Abound

“The HIV/AIDS problem is compounded by the inability of Black women to accurately assess whether or not a man is on the down low.” Houston points out. “Terry McMillan’s recent divorce from her husband of 6 ½ years who finally admitted he was gay, shows how easily even savvy, street-smart Black women can be deceived by a man on the down low.”

Houston observes, “Many women have been mistakenly led to believe they can tell a ‘down low brother’ by outward appearance – the way he walks, talks, dresses, or acts. The result? Many innocent Black men have been falsely accused. Women have also been told that there are NO telltale signs. Because of all these lies and false information, Black women aren’t really sure how to tell if a man is on the down low.”

Signs of Same Sex Infidelity

Houston, who has spent 11 years studying and documenting signs of infidelity says, “The down low is basically another form of infidelity – same sex infidelity. Which means that most of the same signs of infidelity apply.” The signs are covered in detail in Houston’s book, Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs, which lists practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs women usually overlook. (Lifestyle Publications, $29.95) http://www. InfidelityAdvice. com (http://www. InfidelityAdvice. com)

“Part of the problem,” explains Houston, “is that most women aren’t even aware that their partner is cheating. Even if they suspect, it never occurs to them that the ‘Other Woman’ could actually be another man. In addition to the standard signs of infidelity (many of which are subtle and easily overlooked) there are certain signs which indicate that his partner is another man. In order to protect themselves against heterosexually-contracted HIV/AIDS, Black women need to know what these signs are. Knowing what to look for is the key.”

Tip Sheet Tells How to Detect the Down Low

Out of concern for the health of unsuspecting women who have no idea that their men are on the down low, Houston has compiled a 2-part tip sheet called the Down Low Dozen. Part I of the Down Low Dozen Tip Sheet outlines Houston’s discreet 3-step process for finding out if a man is on the down low. Part 2 of the Down Low Dozen Tip Sheet gives advice on how to confront him about his down low status, what to do, and where to get help. The Down Low Dozen Tip Sheet is FREE to any woman who e-mails downlowdozen@gmail. com (DownLowDozen at gmail. com) with “Down Low Dozen” in the subject line.

Knowledge is Power

Says Houston. “Every Black woman should know how to tell if her husband or boyfriend is on the down low. This knowledge will reduce her risk of becoming infected with heterosexually–contracted HIV/AIDS.”

“Every Black woman should know her own and her partner’s HIV status – her life could depend on it. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure. If your health has already been compromised, early treatment and careful monitoring can help keep the virus from developing into full-blown AIDS. “

“In keeping with the theme of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day --‘get educated, get tested, get treated and get involved,’ -- act on this information. The life you save may be your own.”

About Ruth Houston:

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the author of Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs, which covers practically every known sign of infidelity. Ruth has been quoted in the New York Times, Newsday, the New York Post, Cosmopolitan, the Houston Chronicle, MSN Lifestyle, iVillage, AOL BlackVoices, City Life, and numerous others. She has appeared on The Today Show, Good Day New York, 1010WINS, TalkAmerica, Telemundo, The Breakfast Club, BBC, CBC and over 200 TV and radio talk shows in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Caribbean, South America, Australia and New Zealand.

To interview Ruth Houston, or have her speak to your group, call 718 592-6039 or e-mail (InfidelityExpert at gmail. com).

For more information, about Ruth, her book, about infidelity or the down low, visit www. InfidelityAdvice. com.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Prominent Houston Maritime Lawyers Call for Greater Oversight of Companies Operating Offshore After Oil Rig Explosion

Prominent Houston Maritime Lawyers Call for Greater Oversight of Companies Operating Offshore After Oil Rig Explosion

LegalTube. com announces Houston Jones Act attorneys’ call to action after the recent explosion and fire on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig operated by Transocean. Ltd. off the Louisiana coast

Houston, TX (Vocus) April 26, 2010

LegalTube. com, the premier attorney video web site (http://www. legaltube. com), announces one of Houston’s premier maritime & Jones Act law firm’s call for overwhelming need for closer oversight of the companies operating oil rigs offshore by the federal government’s Mineral Management Service (MMS). Jeffery L. Raizner, a partner with the Houston law firm of Doyle Raizner specializing in maritime accidents such as the Deepwater Horizon’s explosion, stated “this tragic oil rig disaster is almost certainly the result of a management culture that gives safety plenty of lip service but not enough preparation and enforcement. Offshore oil drilling companies must approach safety with an eye toward the worst possible things that can happen at sea – fire, explosions, sinking.”

The maritime and Jones Act attorneys (http://www. legaltube. com/breaking-news-hot-list/maritime-lawyers-experts-on-offshore-injuries-navigation-and-shipping. aspx) at Doyle Raizner LLP believe that it is clear that there are too many operations and too many companies operating offshore to track for the limited inspection resources of the Mineral Management Service. As a result the oil exploration industry that operates oil rigs and oil drilling platforms is left to “regulate” itself, leading far too often to unnecessary death and injury of oil rig workers, as well as environmental damage, right off our coasts. There are well-documented instances of offshore injuries being concealed by offshore drilling companies even though they are required to be reported to government authorities. Without a clear understanding of the real risks and hazards being faced by the workers in our offshore industries, there is no real way for the risks to be properly addressed. Whether looking at a driller, roughneck, or floorhand, or even a supply boat crewmember, their health and safety is too important to be placed entirely in the hands of self-interested industries. There is no reason to believe that moving out of sight of land means industry will behave better.

LegalTube. com offers complete maritime legal resources, with a maritime lawsuit overview (http://www. legaltube. com/BREAKING-NEWS-HOT-LIST/MARITIME-LAW-OVERVIEW. aspx) and in-depth articles regarding at-sea accidents, Jones Act attorney videos, listings of maritime attorneys by state.

About LegalTube. com
LegalTube. com offers information and resources on all areas of the law, including video, a video directory of attorneys by city, state and areas of practice. With articles and an extensive video legal library explaining all areas of legal practice and breaking news on dangerous drug lawsuits, LegalTube. com can help visitors navigate complex legal issues and find the lawyer right for their situation. The attorney videos (http://www. legaltube. com) allow users to cross examine the attorneys before deciding which one to contact.

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BioVeda Health and Wellness Center of West Loop Introduces Smoking Cessation Program

BioVeda Health and Wellness Center of West Loop Introduces Smoking Cessation Program

BioVeda Health and Wellness Centers utilize a multidimensional approach to achieve body balance, decrease pain and inflammation and help with issues such as smoking cessation

Chicago, IL (Vocus) November 29, 2010

BioVeda Health and Wellness Centers, LLC is pleased to announce the introduction of a new smoking cessation program now available at BioVeda Health and Wellness Center of West Loop, IL. The center, headed by Dr. Michael Rosen, is successfully managing patient health through a holistic program which combines acupuncture, applied kinesiology and homeopathy to boost the immune system, promote natural detoxification and increase core level energy, often resulting in the alleviation of symptoms associated with such conditions as allergies, IBS, chronic fatigue, migraines, skin conditions, and general pain and inflammation.

This clinic utilizes meridian and energy stress assessment to measure the patient’s neurological reactions to specific environmental substances and to determine which substances are negatively impacting the patient. The substances that trigger a physiological stress spike, which is measured by the body’s impedance to each substance, are recorded and then presented back to the patient during low level light therapy. Light therapy conditions the autonomic nervous system to react normally to the otherwise harmless substances.

The system is designed to reduce physiological stress, not to be confused with anxiety, which not only weakens the immune system, but is also the trigger for food allergies, seasonal allergies, pet allergies, asthma, eczema, migraines, shingles, celiac and numerous other auto-immune related conditions. How these specific substances affect the stress levels placed on our immune system has a direct impact on the quality of our daily lives.

The smoking cessation program uses light therapy and homeopathic remedies to help a person quit, while reducing cravings, side effects, stress and irritability. It helps to remove harmful toxins known to build in the blood, tissue and cells through habitual use of tobacco products. It is faster than traditional methodologies, requiring 3 visits over a one week period, along with the use of an herbal remedy and homeopathic supplement.

“I’m very excited about the opportunity to introduce the health benefits of this therapy and to aid smokers in quitting this dangerous habit. I have many patients with chronic health challenges as well, and despite their healthy lifestyles, still suffer from stress. We look forward to seeing patients in our office to assess their candidacy for these therapies that offer hope,” states Dr. Rosen.
BioVeda Health and Wellness Centers are being established across the country through BioVeda Health and Wellness Centers, LLC., based in Boca Raton, FL. Each clinic is independently owned and operated by a licensed physician. BioVeda, which means “knowledge and wisdom of the body,” reflects the vision and commitment of the BioVeda Health and Wellness Center of West Loop to alternative health care methods that can help thousands of patients reduce their level of suffering from common and debilitating symptoms and increase their overall health and wellness. Patients receive a customized treatment plan which best fit their individual symptoms and conditions; however, many patients notice significant results after just a single therapeutic session. The cost for therapy is very affordable and results are long-lasting.

BioVeda Health and Wellness Center of Portsmouth is now open and located at 1000 West Washington Blvd., Chicago, IL 60607 877-477-4808 http://www. biovedaofwestloop. com

For more information, to make an appointment, or for the BioVeda Health and Wellness Center™ closest to you, call 1-877-647-7566 or visit http://www. biovedawellness. com.

BioVeda Health and Wellness Centers are committed to the advancement of therapies that are affordable and effective in the management of chronic conditions and common symptoms without the use of pharmaceutical agents.
