Filmmaker/Therapist creates The Enigma Group to explore the Mysterious, the Paranormal, the Occult, and the Unexplained "no matter what the risk".
Paris-based, independent American filmmaker, Zachary James Miller debuts two new websites (www. theenigmagroup and www. digitalmagick. com) that support his film and television projects and his other true passions in life: counseling, traveling and exploring the unexplained.
(PRWEB) October 4, 2001
Subject: Filmmaker Finances Movies Via Tours to Mysterious Locations
Date: October 3, 2001
From: Xpress Press(tm) News Service"
Contact: Zachary Miller - tel. (33) -1 - 44 85 09 35 - Paris, France
Email - zacharyjames@hotmail. com
Filmmaker/Therapist explores the Mysterious
Filmmaker/Therapist Solves Film Financing Conundrum By Offering Travelers Opportunity to Observe Filmmaking Process and Join Him on "The Filmmaker's Vacation" and on Paranormal Investigations with "The Enigma Group".
Paris, France -- October 3, 2001 -- /Xpress Press/ -- Paris-based,
Independent American filmmaker, Zachary James Miller today debuts two new websites that support two ways in which to finance his film and television projects while living out his other true passions in life: counseling, lecturing and exploring the unexplained.
Miller, psychotherapist and founder of the Center for High-Level
Wellness, has now created and launched The Enigma Group website
(www. theenigmagroup. com) and organization. This is done in coordination
With Enigma Group: the television series, a multi-part program that
Explores the strange, the unexplained and the bizarre. This combination of
Reality TV show and supernatural adventure documentary states the following in its opening. "This program sets out to explore and examine mysterious, unusual, and esoteric subject matter from around the world. The Enigma Group is not just a documentary film team but also a highly skilled research team devoted to exploring the unknown. Our purpose is to seek explanations to the unanswered questions that haunt us matter what the risk."
With the latter as the basis for the television series, Enigma: the
Organization will facilitate tours to mysterious locations where Miller and
His Enigma Group will investigate and videotape documentary footage. For
These tours Miller is allowing a limited number of paying guests to
Accompany him and in fact become part of the investigative team.
The tours/episodes will include the "Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau", "Real
Vampires", "Truly Haunted Houses", "Egyptian Mysteries", and others. Two "Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau" tours will take place. The next being October 27, to November 4, 2001 and finally a Dec. 21, 2001 to Jan 2, 2002 tour.
In addition to this Miller has revived his interest in counseling, this
Time through the Enigma Group website. He will, however, be specializing in
Working with people who have problems associated with paranormal phenomena, the occult, the unknown or the unexplained. Also, people who are currently experiencing consciousness change or "spiritual emergencies" associated with kundalini rising. Miller will act as a counselor, investigator or consultant. He will conduct phone and email counseling as well as on-site, in-person investigations and speaking engagements. He will endeavor to help individuals find solutions to a wide variety of "paranormal problems" including poltergeist phenomena, possession, haunting and a plethora of other supernatural related occurrences.
His unique background allows him to separate real phenomena from
Hallucinations of a psycho pathological nature. Miller's other website
(www. digitalmagick. com) and e-commerce endeavor is devoted to the
Independent digital filmmaking revolution. For several years Miller's
Independent production company, I. C.E. Productions (International
Communication Enterprise, Inc.) like so many others spent the majority of
Its time searching for film financing and sending out documentary proposals to television channels. This time-consuming process meant little time for actually shooting anything.
However, in the last few years technology has made digital filmmaking not
Only possible but also profitable and Miller has wholly embraced it. He has
Totally dedicated himself now to the digital revolution, learning
Everything about it, then teaching it and utilizing it for all of his
Projects. He is expanding his digital studio, which employs Apple Macintosh computers at its core. This new way of working makes independent filmmakers truly independent.
To help finance his films Miller has developed the concept of "the
Filmmaker's vacation". This is an opportunity again for a select number of
Individuals to watch the filmmaking process firsthand on location. Miller's
First use of this will be with his films "From Paris with Love" a romantic
Comedy to be shot in Paris in three weeks in February 2002 and "Chateau
Rouge" a gothic supernatural thriller to be filmed on location at two
Different Chateaus' outside of Paris also in three weeks in the April 2002.
His extensive multi-disciplined background has definitely prepared him for
Unique endeavors. The former Psychotherapist and Holistic Health Counselor has since earliest childhood been interested in all things unusual, paranormal, supernatural and unexplained. He began studying meditation, ritual magic, and Tae-Kwon-Do (Korean karate) at age 12.
Later other interests and fields of study included psychology,
Parapsychology, chaos magic, ninjitsu, kung fu, isolation tanks, quantum
Physics, parallel times, fasting consciousness expansion, astral
Projection, remote viewing, holistic health and nutrition, various forms of
Massage, energy work, tantric yoga, psycho pharmacology, brain machines, comparative religions and more. He has studied psychology and related subjects with many of the pioneers in their fields.
His teachers have included Dr. John Lilly, (isolation tank inventor &
Dolphin communication pioneer) Dr. Will Schultz (encounter group therapy
Inventor), Dr. Joan Halifax (anthropologist, study of Shamans), the late
Dr. Carl Rogers, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Dr. Timothy Leary, Dr. Richard
Alpert (Ram Dass), Swami Muktananda, Colin Wilson, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan (head of the Sufi Order), and others. In addition to creating his center he has worked at Akron Children's Hospital, Blick Clinic (for developmentally disabled), Mentor Critical Care, and St George Homes (for adolescent schizophrenics), among others.
He counts as interesting life experiences seeing his first and only "very
Impressive" UFO sighting in 1983 in Northern California and having his
First astral projection at age ten. Mr. Miller did his Masters work in
Psychology and holistic studies at Antioch College/ West, San Francisco, CA under the direction of Dr. Will Schultz but subsequently dropped out of the PH. D program. While greatly crediting his studies and his teachers he felt he had developed to a point where he wanted to renew his studies outside of academia.
In 1990 several months after his Mother died he moved to Paris with his
Girlfriend. For over a year after his move to Paris he had a series of
Unexplained shamanicÃlike experiences. These occurrences included changes that seemed like the classic Kundalini-rising type experiences he had dealt with before and that have been written about by various yogis. During this time he often felt as though he were experiencing more than one reality and found many answers in his dreams. He began to write and then was moved to develop his production company. He has continued to live in Paris for the last ten years. The couple now has a twenty-month old son who was born on Halloween!
Miller feels that whether people see him as a therapist, urban shaman,
Freelance wizard, paranormal investigator, magus or spiritual tour guide
Really doesn't matter. He states: "What matters is getting to the truth of
Any given situation or phenomena and finding real answers and personal
Solutions for those involved. I feel we're going through a time where more
And more people are experiencing things they can't explain and have no
Frame of reference for. The veil is lifting. If I can assist them to find
Answers through personal counseling or my film and TV work I'm happy either way."
For additional information contact:
Zachary James Miller, Dir., Digital Magick / The Enigma Group
25, rue des Apennins - Paris, 75017 France
Tel. - (33) 1-44-85-09-35 (in France)
Fax /Voice Mail - (33) 1-42-26-10-89 (in France)
Email - zacharyjames@hotmail. com,
Magus@digitalmagick. com,
Magus@theenigmagroup. com
Web site's - www. digitalmagick. com and www. theenigmagroup. com
Link to this story online:
Http://www. xpresspress. com/news/enigma_081301.html (http://www. xpresspress. com/news/enigma_081301.html)
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