The Center for Mind-Body Medicine Congratulates and Supports PBS' New Show 'The New Medicine'
The Center for Mind-Body Medicine – the world’s leader in mind-body medicine education, certification and outreach – applauds PBS on their show, 'The New Medicine.' The production’s position that "even some of the most conservative health institutions are now prescribing meditation and self-hypnosis alongside high-tech modern medicine" is a ringing endorsement of the value and applicability of CMBM’s work.
Washington, DC (PRWEB) March 29, 2006
The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) congratulates PBS on their documentary, ‘The New Medicine.’ This program “explores a burgeoning movement taking place in hospitals and clinics across the country: integrating the best of high-tech medicine with a new attitude that recognizes it is essential to the healing process to treat the patient as a whole person, and not a cog in an assembly line.”
Supporting the American health-care system so patients are not treated like cogs is central to CMBM’s philosophies. The Center is at the leading edge of the movement that 'The New Medicine' discusses – to integrate scientifically based, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) into the American medical model.
The Center’s effective and very original approach is to train medical school teachers and doctors in mind-body medicine so that they may pass these strategies along. This approach gives these professionals fortunate to train at CMBM’s intensive, small-group programs, first-hand knowledge in mind-body medicine. These transformative experiences have shifted many of the thousands of graduates of these programs towards healthier and more integrative ways of being – as well as the lives of these professionals’ clients and students.
The director of CMBM, Dr. James Gordon, M. D., is America’s leading authority on integrating mind-body medicine into traditional health-care systems such as hospitals, clinics and medical schools. “In the last 35 years, we have begun to realize the shortcomings of biomedicine and realize that we are losing the wars on cancer, hypertension, arthritis, depression, and AIDS. In contrast, CMBM and ‘The New Medicine’ understands that each of us is a unique and whole person and insists that healing be a fully collaborative partnership in which teaching predominates over treatment, and it regards self-care – particularly through self-awareness, relaxation, meditation, nutrition and exercise – as the true primary care.”
In addition to offering nutritional training in their Food As Medicine™ program and cancer support in their CancerGuides™ programs, respectively, the Center for Mind-Body Medicine has used its holistic medical techniques all over the world to help war-ravaged and traumatized peoples in Israel, Gaza, Kosovo, and right here in America after 9/11 and Katrina. CMBM is a resource for practitioners and professionals looking for CAM material, training and guidance.
The Center for Mind-Body medicine has trained thousands of medical professionals around the world as well as helped to heal thousands more refugees and victims of war and terror using mind-body medicine. Through scientifically-based and proven techniques they broaden the traditional medical model and bring a new pattern of healing to the world. PBS is congratulated on how well it is documenting these successes.
For additional information on the Center for Mind-Body Medicine and its position on CAM in the American health-care system, please contact Dr. James Gordon, M. D., Director or visit http://www. CMBM. org (http://www. CMBM. org).
The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (http:/www. CMBM. org) is the world’s leader in mind-body medicine education, certification and outreach. It supports the American health-care and medical education system and backs outreach in many of the world’s terror and war ravaged locations.