(PRWEB) September 10, 2000
SYMCONS (Systems and Management Consultants) which has built up, over the last two decades, a sound reputation as facilitator and services provider in areas ranging from Projects Reports to Mergers and Acquisitions with a focus on Financial Services, has geared itself up for the challenges of the 21st Century by launching an interactive website symcons. com. The site will enable the firm to extend its proven strengths world-wide via the internet and to participate in newer vistas opened up by IT & e-commerce driven solutions; bio-technology and affordable health care; alternative sources of energy; travel, leisure and telecom sectors; and convergence.
www. symcons. com is positioned as a KNOWLEDGE site as well as a COMMUNICATIONS site : it offers powerful search capability of any topic on the internet and attractive features such as free web-based e-mail, downloading a variety of software from internationally respected sources and availability of 7 free Bulletin Boards for all of which SYMCONS has established tie-ups with reputed Search Engines and well-known names.
On the anvil are feature-packed medical and life insurance, credit card, travel, and retirement offers : also an attractive scheme of affiliation for like-minded professionals leading on to a worldwide offline SYMCONIAN network.
In terms of the firmÂs established expertise in Financial Consultancy, the site is devised to help convert ideas into business projects for symcons. com e-mail users, by filling in a Registration Form at the click of a button; so also to facilitate Transfer of Technology, a very exciting development in this era of liberalisation and globalisation. Intending Affiliates are invited to participate by providing info and expertise inputs, with the incentive of sharing the fee for successful ventures suggested. The thrust is on realising investment potential in IndiaÂs economy, to enable which the site offers one-day seminars to interested investors.
Symcons. com also encourages online interaction among visitors who have ideas, queries, problems/solutions relating to wide-ranging Growth Areas in the present age of implosion of knowledge. This can be done by Posting a Message.
Chief Executive