Important Lessons for Business and Personal Achievement
A new website by author, speaker and strategist, Rob Waite is an excellent resource for achieving professional and personal goals.
Pittsburgh, PA (PRWEB) January 4, 2005
An interesting and creative website has been launched to help people succeed in the business world as well as in their personal lives  ranging from tried and tested advice on how to lock down a six-figure job to straightforward and practical suggestions for embracing healthy lifestyle habits.
Rob Waite, a successful executive and author, developed the site to provide easily accessible reference sources on a broad range of business-driven topics. ÂI wanted to pull together some initiatives that I have been involved with in a way that they can serve as a central resource for credible and beneficial information for aspiring and seasoned business professionals alike, Waite explains.
Three of RobÂs successful works are the Âinformation anchors for www. robwaite. com including his most recent publication, ÂThe Lost Art of General Management. This 126-page book covers a span of critical business directives as well as sound suggestions on developing or refining important core skills. Tackling the subject of business presentations, for example, Waite writes, ÂIf a manager has a propensity to dig a hole for himself or herself in a presentation, PowerPoint can be an earthmover on steroids that will bury the presenter totally.Â
The site, which features a prominent stylized light bulb logo, has been organized to enable the visitor to easily navigate to the different subject areas and functions. Regular features like ÂIlluminating Ideas and ÂSee Watts New, along with special promotions, are incorporated to provide added value for the visitor.
ÂIÂve written a lot about the lack of creativity that exists in much of the business world today so I wanted to be sure that my website included some new approaches to interacting with the important Internet audience, Waite notes. ÂItÂs my hope this new site is a catalyst for additional opportunities and learning experiences for myself and for those I have the privilege of communicating and working with.Â
Also featured on the site is WaiteÂs highly-successful interactive CD, The Six Figure Job Search. This unique program leads the executive job searcher through the entire process  from planning their Âcampaign to negotiating the final offer. Walking With the Wise II is the second in a series that features an extraordinary lineup of inspirational mentors,
Successful business tycoons and best selling authors and rounds out the three key resources on the site. Waite, who is a contributing author, said that reading through this book Âis like a literary version of ÂThe Apprentice, only you will learn from 69 other highly successful individuals and notables in addition to Donald Trump.Â
The site also allows visitors to schedule Waite for a speaking engagement, purchase products and communicate suggestions and questions directly to Waite. Press releases and related materials are also posted on the site.
Rob Waite is a senior executive with 20 years of leadership experience in domestic and international business. His successful track record includes start-ups, turnarounds, multinational strategic partnerships and global business expansions with Fortune 500 companies. He is also a successful author, dynamic speaker and coach to other senior executives.
For more information or to schedule an interview with Rob, please go to www. robwaite. com or call 724-934-9625.
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