Sunday, March 22, 2009

Allsup Salutes 18th Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act

Allsup Salutes 18th Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act

Greater access for people with disabilities means more who can keep working, reduces load on Social Security disability system.

Belleville, Ill. (Vocus) July 24, 2008

With the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26, 1990, a new era began in the lives of people with disabilities and their families. In 18 years, thousands of people have gained better access to methods that help them improve their own circumstances and take more control over their lives, according to Allsup, which represents people nationwide for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI).

"We know from nearly 25 years' experience of helping people with disabilities that they simply want to be able to move forward," said CEO Jim Allsup. "People want to get back to their lives and share them with family and friends, no matter how different things may be following a disabling event."

More than 51 million people with disabilities live in the United States, according to the U. S. Census Bureau. Allsup sees everyday the lasting repercussions of ADA because the law has worked on behalf of people with disabilities to improve access, remove barriers and ensure inclusion.

"Businesses and organizations that comply with ADA make it possible for more people to remain in the workforce," Mr. Allsup said. "Most of our customers struggle with the realization that they can no longer work because of their disability and file for SSDI at last. ADA allows individuals to stay working longer because their workplace supports their ability to do so. The residual benefit is it reduces the stress on programs such as the Social Security Administration's disability benefits program."

In 1990, when ADA was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush, there were nearly 4.3 million disabled workers and dependents receiving Social Security disability benefits, and 1 million SSDI applicants, according to the SSA. In comparison, there are more than 8.9 million disabled workers and dependents receiving federal disability benefits today, and 2.5 million people apply for SSDI each year.

For its part, ADA has provided a standard of improvement that guides communities nationwide in how to improve access for people with disabilities.

"ADA's impact has been to make possible a better life for thousands of Americans," Mr. Allsup said. "Allsup strongly believes that this is everyone's dream--to make a better life. That's why we do what we do each day."

About Allsup
Allsup, Belleville, Ill., is a leading nationwide provider of financial and healthcare related services to people with disabilities. Founded in 1984, Allsup has helped more than 100,000 people receive their entitled Social Security Disability Insurance and Medicare benefits. Allsup employs more than 500 professionals who deliver services directly to consumers and their families, or through their employers and long-term disability insurance carriers.

For more information, visit http://www. Allsup. com.

Allsup - http://www. Allsup. com

Rebecca Ray
(800) 854-1418, ext. 5065
R. ray @ allsupinc. com


Dan Allsup, ext. 5760
Djallsup @ allsupinc. com
