Saturday, April 18, 2009

Palm Beach Lifestyle Requires Beautiful, Healthy-Looking Feet

Palm Beach Lifestyle Requires Beautiful, Healthy-Looking Feet

Known around the world for its tropical climate, luxurious hotels, spas and country clubs, Palm Beach, Florida is home to the rich and famous - not to mention well-heeled. Taking care of those beautiful feet is nearby Boca Raton podiatrist, Bret Ribotsky, who recommends Xenna's NonyX Nail Gel and CalleX Dry Heel Ointment to keep feet looking attractive.

Princeton, NJ (PRWEB) March 7, 2005

Known around the world for its tropical climate, luxurious hotels, spas and country clubs, Palm Beach, Florida is home to the rich and famous - not to mention well-heeled. Women wearing sandals and high heels costing $500 and up are a common sight, so having attractive, healthy-looking feet is viewed as a necessity. No doubt this is where the expression "well-heeled" originated!

Taking care of those beautiful feet is nearby Boca Raton podiatrist, Bret Ribotsky, who is Past President of the American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopedics and Medicine, Board Certified both by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, and by the American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics and Primary Podiatric Medicine. "Doctor Bret" is a specialist in foot problems, and says rough, dry skin, cracked heels and discolored toenails are a common problem, particularly in older individuals. However, he adds, "Even though older individuals are more likely to have foot problems, dry, cracked heels or discolored toenails can be an issue at any age."

In addition to making sure that stylish shoes fit properly, to keep feet looking attractive Dr. Ribotsky recommends NonyX® Nail Gel from Xenna Corporation for yellow, discolored toenails, which he says he uses to clean nails "from the outside in." NonyX Gel does this by exfoliating the dark, yellow or thick granular material called keratin debris, which can build up under nails over time, making them unattractive. Patented NonyX Gel softens, breaks down and then clears out unattractive keratin debris using natural ethanoic acid. NonyX Gel is also safe for diabetic use. Dr. Ribotsky says "Using NonyX is like brushing your teeth; it's a cleanser for toenails."

A recent clinical study confirmed NonyX Nail Gel significantly improves toenail color and clarity by exfoliating yellowing keratin debris from under the nail. To view a recent TV news release on NonyX Gel featuring Dr. Bret, go to http://easylink. playstream. com/networknewssource/nonyx/nonyx. wvx (http://easylink. playstream. com/networknewssource/nonyx/nonyx. wvx)

Rough, dry skin and cracked heels are also a "no-no" for those wearing stylish open-toed pumps, slingbacks, flip-flops and sandals in Palm Beach. These glamorous shoes leave delicate skin exposed to the state's ample sunshine and sand, which contributes to the problem of dry, flaking, or cracked heels. For soft, supple heels and feet Dr. Ribotsky often recommends the natural enzymes found in CalleX® Dry Heel Ointment.

Newly patented CalleX has been shown in consumer studies to significantly reduce thickened areas, dry, flaking skin and cracking on soles and heels within 15 to 30 days. Diabetic-friendly, acid-free CalleX moisturizes dry, rough or flaky skin, and exfoliates and thins thickened areas, while leaving normal skin completely unaffected.

Because of the individual nature of foot problems, Dr. Ribotsky recommends checking with your podiatrist regarding questions about any foot problem, including concerns related to appearance. Questions for "Doctor Bret" can be directed to him online at his website, www. doctorbret. com: questions@doctorbret. com mailto:questions@doctorbret. com.

NonyX Nail Gel can be purchased in the footcare section of Walgreens, Rite Aid, Longs, Drug Emporium and most Medicine Shoppe drugstores. It is also available from podiatric physicians, independent pharmacies and online at www. drugstore. com and www. xenna. com. CalleX Dry Heel Ointment is now available in the footcare section at Longs Drugs, from podiatric physicians and online at www. drugstore. com and www. xenna. com.

Xenna Corporation is a privately-held company which develops and distributes natural personal care products for skin, hair and nails.
