Saturday, May 9, 2009

Inova Health System Uses CRM Training to Ensure Success with CPM Solution

Inova Health System Uses CRM Training to Ensure Success with CPM Solution

To ensure success of its customer relationship management (CRM) system in an industry just beginning to adopt this strategy, Inova Health System turned to a tried and true tactic to ease fear and skepticism of the unknown: training. Inova has used CPM Marketing Group’s CRM system designed specifically for healthcare, for about three years. “There are two essential ingredients to CRM success,” said Erin Styles, CRM operations manager at Inova. “The first is a commitment from upper management, and second is the education of all appropriate staff to effectively implement CRM throughout the organization.”

(PRWEB) October 12, 2003

For Further Information Contact: 

Ginger Benz

CPM—Customer Potential Management Marketing Group, Inc. 

608-831-7880/800-332-2631 Ext. 237

Www. cpm. com 

Gbenz@cpm. com


Inova Health System Uses CRM Training to Ensure Success with CPM Solution

Middleton, Wisconsin (PRWEB) October 10, 2003—To ensure success of its customer relationship management (CRM) system in an industry just beginning to adopt this strategy, Inova Health System turned to a tried and true tactic to ease fear and skepticism of the unknown: training. Inova has used CPM Marketing Group’s CRM system designed specifically for healthcare, for about three years.

“There are two essential ingredients to CRM success,” said Erin Styles, CRM operations manager at Inova. “The first is a commitment from upper management, and second is the education of all appropriate staff to effectively implement CRM throughout the organization.”

She also noted “CRM fundamentally changes the way we build relationships with our customers and patients, so it’s not surprising that CRM met some resistance. For example, contacting fewer people to get better results is a hard concept to grasp at first. However, developing tools that simplify and spell out the concepts and steps of CRM removes some of the anxiety. Ultimately, the staff needs to be given ownership and accountability for CRM.”

At Inova, training for a wide range of staff—including marketing directors, strategic planning, account managers, web and call center personnel—focuses on learning about the CRM process, developing a CRM marketing strategy, running simple queries and reports with analytical software, and measuring return on investment (ROI).

Styles developed both a CRM User Guide and CRM Tools for Organization Implementation program. The User Guide is a hands-on resource with everything from case studies and HIPAA policy to CRM nuts and bolts explanations. The CRM Tools include the User Guide and also feature internal CRM news via email, Web seminars, guest speakers, and strategy training. “These tools have significantly aided the adoption of our CRM system,” Styles noted. “They have helped the staff gain knowledge and a comfort factor regarding our new methods of marketing.”

Inova has used its CRM system for planning and campaign management. For example, using CRM, Inova can identify services with the most market and financial potential. Following a 12-month obstetrics campaign, Inova achieved its goal of increased volume with 45 new patients and more than $2.6 million in generated charges. Inova used a control group to compare non-solicited market activity with the activity of those who received the campaign materials.

Inova chose CPM Marketing Group’s CRM solution after extensive research on CRM and healthcare models as a response to rising competition in its primary service area. “To be competitive, we needed to be able to meet individual health needs and to grow volume through measurable marketing efforts,” Styles said. “The ability to see the needs/risks of those individuals in our market and to gear our messages and programs to meet those needs is a hallmark of CRM as is the integration of all data to measure true ROI. This can only be done with CRM.”

About Inova Health System

Inova Health System is a not-for-profit health care system based in Northern Virginia that consists of hospitals and other health services including emergency and urgent care centers, home care, nursing homes, mental health and blood donor services, and wellness classes. Governed by a voluntary board of community members, Inova's mission is to provide quality care and improve the health of the diverse communities we serve.

Inova Health System began in 1956 in response to Northern Virginia's growing need for convenient, accessible health care. Known as the Fairfax Hospital Association, the not-for-profit health care system grew from one hospital to a network of hospitals and other health care services. In the late 1980s, the organization changed its name to Inova Health System.


About CPM Marketing Group, Inc.

CPM Marketing Group, Inc., headquartered in Middleton, WI, is a pioneer in the development of customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, including database development, intelligent healthcare marketing systems and predictive market segmentation. CPM’s integrated solutions allow healthcare organizations to maximize their customer relationships through market analysis, strategic planning and targeted personal communications. The foundation is an accessible, customer-centric database that includes comprehensive individual and household data. CPM’s suite of software tools provide easy and secure access to the data for individual snapshots of patients and health consumers on a “segment of one” basis. For more information, visit www. cpm. com, call 1-800-332-2631 Ext. 221, or contact us via email at marketing@cpm. com.