Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD, Receives NCHL's 2010 Gail L. Warden Leadership Excellence Award
The National Center for Healthcare Leadership is pleased to announce that Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD, is the recipient of the 2010 Gail L. Warden Leadership Excellence Award, recognizing his invention of quality measurement tools that are the basis for evidence-based medicine, as well as mentoring hundreds of researchers who have become leaders in health policy, academia and government. Dr. Brook's work bridges two organizations. He is Vice President and Corporate Fellow, RAND Corporation and Director of RAND Health. Additionally, he is Professor of Medicine and Health Services and co-Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program, UCLA.
Chicago (PRWEB) July 6, 2010
The National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL), a leading authority on researching and implementing best practices to achieve leadership and organizational excellence in healthcare, has named Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD as the recipient of its 2010 Gail L Warden Leadership Excellence Award, for his invention of quality measurement tools and elevating the importance of measuring healthcare outcomes, making a significant and lasting contribution to the field.
Dr. Brook’s work bridges two institutions. He is Vice President and Corporate Fellow, RAND Corporation and Director of RAND Health. Additionally, he is Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, and Professor of Health Services, School of Public Health, and co-Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at the University of California, Los Angeles.
“Bob Brook – more than anybody else in the field – has created the quality measurement tools that are the foundation of evidence-based medicine,” NCHL President and CEO Marie E. Sinioris said. “At no other time has the need for healthcare leaders to provide affordable, quality healthcare been more pressing and more critical than today. And these tools have become the basis for the way we talk about, think about, and implement quality measurement in healthcare.
“As a result of Dr. Brook’s work, which includes creating patient-centered and clinically - oriented health services research that is used to determine the appropriateness of medical and surgical care, he helped to redirect the discussion about healthcare policy away from one of cost to one of ensuring value. While breathing life into evidence-based medicine, Dr. Brook is also lauded for mentoring and influencing hundreds of health services researchers who have gone on to become leaders in health policy, academia, and government.”
Dr. Brook will be honored on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at an award dinner at The Chicago Club, in Chicago, where he will be presented with an original glass sculpture by Czech-born artist Martin Rosol. The celebration brings together healthcare’s luminaries and notable leaders from academia, research, and the nation’s prominent health systems. It is held in conjunction with NCHL’s Invitational Symposium.
“This year’s symposium theme, Aligning Leadership and Culture in an Era of Transformation, will examine our primary research and shared knowledge from high-performing institutions to identify the competencies that leaders will need to align and inspire the culture change that is necessary to insure successful transformation to a high-quality, affordable healthcare system,” Sinioris said.
Dr. Brook is respected for his prolific and groundbreaking research, which spans nearly four decades, and for training some of the most influential physician leaders in the world. He received his BA in chemistry from the University of Arizona, and his MD and ScD degrees from Johns Hopkins University; he is also a board certified internist. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the American Association of Physicians and a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. He has been the recipient of numerous honors and awards in healthcare, including the IOM’s Gustav O. Lienhard Award for his commitment to quality care issues, the HRET Trust Award, the David E. Rogers Award of the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Baxter Foundation Prize, the Rosenthal Foundation Award of the American College of Physicians, the Distinguished Health Services Researcher Award of the Association of Health Services Research, and the Robert J. Glaser Award of the Society of General Internal Medicine.
The Gail L. Warden Leadership Excellence Award of the National Center for Healthcare Leadership is awarded annually to that individual who has made significant contributions to the health field, including the mentoring of future leaders toward the goal of transforming organizational performance and improving health and healthcare in the U. S. It is named for Gail L. Warden, founding chairman of the NCHL Board, Chairman Emeritus of Henry Ford Health System, and one of healthcare’s foremost leaders.
The National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL) is a not-for-profit organization that is an industry catalyst to assure the availability of accountable and transformational healthcare leadership for the 21st century. Its vision is to optimize the health of the public through leadership and organizational excellence. As the authoritative and objective source on healthcare leadership, NCHL conducts research on global best practices and tests new models for leadership excellence within its Leadership Excellence Networks (LENS). For more information please visit NCHL’s website at www. nchl. org.