SciAnswers. com Grows and Adds a Technical and Healthcare Professionals Job Board.
SciAnswers. com, a recently launched science related Q&A and social networking site, grows and adds new offerings, including answer customization options and a job board for technical and healthcare professionals.
Raleigh, NC (PRWEB) February 18, 2010
SciAnswers. com (http://scianswers. com/), launched just over three months ago in November 2009 as a science related questions and answers (Q&A) and social networking site, grows in membership and offerings. The site has received hundreds of various science and health related questions and answers posted by registered members and by anonymous or guest users. Many registered members have also created blogs using a blogging component that is available within the social media environment of the site. These blogs vary tremendously in content, ranging from discussions of pregnancy issues, weight loss (http://socialmedia. scianswers. com/weightlossbeforeafter/2009/12/12/weight-loss-before-after-how-to-get-your-own-after/) methods, panic disorders and stress, to the training of pets and the science of gardening.
There are three distinct avenues of scientific questioning occurring routinely at SciAnswers. com. First are simple science, math and healthcare questions from students and other members of the general public. SciAnswers. com continues to answer these “more simple” questions promptly and at no charge, and encourages other registered members to also provide answers and commentary. A second class of inquiries are more complex and require more in-depth answers. For this type of questioning, SciAnswers. com charges a small fee in return for a well researched answer from one of our Ph. D. level moderators. Customization options for the level of detail that is to be provided as a response to a question are presented whenever a user submits a question via the SciAnswers. com homepage. It is believed that students and home schooling teachers will be able to utilize SciAnswers. com to resolve science and math issues beyond their expertise. Two examples of types of questions and responses are provided via these links: (1) protein anchoring to a cell membrane (http://www. scianswers. com/topic. php? id=638) and (2) ongoing changes in the universe (http://www. scianswers. com/topic. php? id=554).
A few of our guests have requested highly in-depth responses to medical or scientific inquiries that require lengthy responses. For these inquiries, SciAnswers. com charges a slightly higher fee for a response that will include a comprehensive report with appropriate literature citations and references. Extremely complex reports, including those for FDA submission by the pharmaceutical industry, will continue to be managed through the parent company SciScout LLC.
Exciting News! SciAnswers. com has added a new Job Board feature. This Technical and Healthcare Professionals Job Board (http://jobs. scianswers. com/) allows job seekers, ranging typically from college graduates, to physicians and nursing professionals, to consultants, to seasoned medical and scientific management professionals to post their credentials and specify clearly the types of positions and salaries they seek. There is never any charge to SciAnswers. com guests who post their resumes. While this Job Board will also pull in technical and healthcare related jobs from Indeed. com, there will be high-level positions listed on SciAnswers. com that may not appear elsewhere.