Friday, April 30, 2010

Connor Vlakancic, U. S. Senator Candidate (I) Will Speak to Delta College Students and the Greater San Joaquin County Community on Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Connor Vlakancic, U. S. Senator Candidate (I) Will Speak to Delta College Students and the Greater San Joaquin County Community on Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

The Political Science Department at Delta College is hosting a presentation by Mr. Connor Vlakancic, U. S. Senator (I) candidate on October 24th, 2006 at 2:00pm. He will present his candidate credentials to the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors earlier in the day.

Stockton, CA (PRWEB) October 21, 2006

The Political Science Department at Delta College is hosting a student and community presentation by the Independent non-partisan candidate for U. S. Senator from California, Mr. Connor Vlakancic on October 24th, 2006 at 2:00pm. Additionally, Connor Vlakancic will present his candidate credentials to the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors at their regular 9:00am meeting in the Board Chambers located in the Courthouse on East Weber Avenue in the heart of Stockton. Delta College is located at: 5151 Pacific Avenue.

Looking forward to the opportunity to present his campaign platform to the greater San Joaquin County voters, he said: "I have visited Stockton several times, and greatly appreciate that the Political Science Department at Delta College is sponsoring my election campaign presentation. It will be a very appropriate audience to explain my California Constitutional Initiative to students that would provide an innovative financial means to pay for their California college education."

With considerable appreciation for the cosmopolitan community in San Joaquin County, he said: "I am second-generation Croatian-American, with a deep conviction that America excels because of its rich mixture of international heritage." He qualified this statement with: "National Heritage is not Nationalism! America is not a Melting Pot where individuals disappear nondescript. America is a Stew-Pot of rich chunky healthy ingredients, albeit that there are also some bones and fat and some other stuff that is hard to chew, let alone swallow." To this he added: "I will fully explain my comprehensive legislative solution to resolve the disparity between legal immigrants and illegal Border-Busters." Putting teeth into his legislative solution, he said: "I Have The Political Will To Reform Capital Hill and will be the real life action figure of Mr. Smith goes to Washington for all Californians." http://www. connorvlakancic. com/Page. html (http://www. connorvlakancic. com/Page. html)

Unveiling his home stretch campaign in the most highly visible way, candidate Vlakancic launched his campaign message in the skies over San Francisco during the recent Fleet Week 2006 when the Blue Angels were performing. The details of this campaign event is available on PRWEB at: http://www. prweb. com/releases/Feinstein/candidate/prweb452919.htm (http://www. prweb. com/releases/Feinstein/candidate/prweb452919.htm)

He articulated the observation; "Politics as Usual is Organized Crime. This is demonstrated in the entrenched malfeasance of the duopoly political environment in the U. S. Federal government. Everyday we see more accounts of corrupt politicians, from BOTH sides of Capital Hill, Representatives and Senators; and BOTH political parties." To which he added: As I would be the truly Independent non-partisan Senator, I will seek the Chairmanship position of the Senate Ethics Committee, committed to make its BITE worse than its BARK". With thirty years of Silicon Valley business development infighting experience: "Bring it on" he said of the challenge.

Any political science students or facility that are interested in advocating the goal to return the U. S. Federal Government into a high quality institution of enlightened leadership can contact the Connor Vlakancic for U. S. Senate campaign office to invite the candidate to visit their campus to address their student/community forum.

RETIREFEINSTEIN. COM END STATUS QUO coming to a sky near you!

Connor Vlakancic for U. S. Senate

55 N Third Street, MS#202

Campbell, CA 95008

Www. connorvlakancic. com

Elect @ connorvlakancic. com

Tel: 202-558-7077 - Fax: 408-364-9108
